Realizing that some polls about hot topics have already left the top page, and that newcomers to the discussion seldom dig through the back pages in order to find out what's been discussed before, I've decided to compile a list of the Civ 4 List related polls.
I've abandoned keeping a running talley of votes, as it's a great deal of work that is immediatley outdated, and if you really were interested in the results you would visit the poll and read the comments.
Now... the polls:
Stacked vs. Single Unit Combat: The Battle Continues
Should units be stacked into "armies" that fight and operate as a single unit, or does moving them one at a time provide a boost to strategic considerations?
Resources: How to Handle
Is a system with stores and limits on resources a better simulation and more fun, or tedious micromangement?
From Civ 3 to Civ 4
More of the same, or a bold new direction for Civ 4?
Squares, Hexes, Octagons...
Pick your poison, the traditional Civ Map, traditional War Games map, or something else entirely.
Eras in Civ 4?
Is the new era system a great addition, or a stifling hindrance?
Espionage & Assymetrical Warfare
Does Bond get his own unit?
To 2000 AD or Beyond?
Civ, From the Ancients to the Stars; or Civ, The Whole of Human History.
{The List} United Nations
A resolution for change... do you Veto?
{The List} What Should Happen to Civ Traits?
Should Civ 4 have homogenous Civs or even more differences?
Terrain Improvements
"Give me Workers, or Give me Death" vs "Micromagement Gives me Death."
Nomads and Chiefdoms
Should Civ 4 let us wander the great wide open?
Civ 4 ideas - straights and canals
Do you want straigts? Or canals?
Civ 4 idea: Armies instead of units
Once again, armies or single units?
Health in Civ 4?
Should we have sick Civs?
Emphasis on Age
Which historical era, if any, should get a boost in Civ 4?
Civ 4 resistance
Do you want partisans from Civ 2? Resistors from Civ 3? Or something new for Civ 4?
Fire and Movement
How should firepower and movement rates affect combat in Civ 4?
Stacking Limits Y/N
Assuming we have stacks, what sorts of stack limits should there be?
Improved Poll: When should Civilization IV end?
What is a good time for the game to end?
Future Techs in Civ 4
Which future era techs would you like in Civ 4?
What ARE wonders, anyway?
Well? What are they?
Pollution Managers:
Would you like Pollution Managment added to city screen?
Tech Transmission
Here is some food for thought from Civfanatics.
-Respectfully Compiled by Fosse
I expect her to do my dishes in the evening when she's having some spare time so that at least she can return a bit of the investment.