Created by:
- Published: June 30, 2001, 17:53
Have you ever wondered why the number of minerals a base could produce seemed to rise as the game went on or was greater the more bases you had? There is a good reason for this, but it is not explained in either the Datalinks or the manuals. Ned, Blake and Fitz have discovered that each time you 'build' (not acquire) a Tree Farm, a Hybrid Forest, a Centauri Preserve or a Temple of the Planet, the number of minerals you can produce before eco-damage begins at all increases by one. The effect is not limited to the base in which you build the facility. It applies for every base in your faction... -
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The Column: #20 -- MGE: Why NOT Bother?
Created by:
- Published: December 18, 1998, 21:03
The Column: #20 -- MGE: Why NOT Bother?
By Reismark I December 19th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. The CivII world recently received an enormous boost with the release of MGE. It has been accompanied by both positive and negative feedback. This column published some negative feedback last week; this week, it's time for the positives. ...
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The Column: #19 -- MGE: Why Bother?
Created by:
- Published: December 11, 1998, 20:59
The Column: #19 -- MGE: Why Bother?
By Dracon December 12th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. When I first heard about CivII: MGE, I thought, why bother? I mean, we're talking about a game that came out in '96, and in the gaming world, that's ancient history. MGE is basically Civ2 with multiplayer, big deal! What they should've done is made it an expansion pack. It's using old gaming technology in today's gaming world. I mean, why get MGE, when you can wait a little longer, and get the latest in civilization gaming, SMAC and CTP. Both come with multiplayer, and up-to-date gaming technology. ...
Created by:
The Column: #18 -- All I Want For Christmas Is Gaming Goodness
Created by:
- Published: December 4, 1998, 20:49
The Column: #18 -- All I Want For Christmas Is Gaming Goodness
By Daniel Quick December 5th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. It's what, 7am Christmas morning and you've already raided your stockings, presents, fridge (opps, how'd that get in there?
) and you're already entrenched in your most favourite new toy (forgive this grammar, I'm Canadian eh?). That's right, a computer game! You're all so excited, knowing all the hype the game had received in the months gone by has been well worth your time... the equivlent of the must-have action figure for a 10-year-old. You begin to remember to that cool, autumn day when you far from vaguely hinted to your relatives of a particular game you have been eyeballing forever. And now, it's finally here! You enthusiastically scream "YES!!" at the top of your lungs, which interrupts your neighbours' slumber and they begin to wonder whether the world's newest millionaire is finally moving far, far way... but I digress. ...
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The Column: #17 -- Unconventional Reality
Created by:
- Published: November 27, 1998, 20:45
The Column: #17 -- Unconventional Reality
By Markos Giannopoulos November 28th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. INTRO The last 5-6 months, since we started hearing about CTP, Activision's version of civ, the most discussed new features were the unconventional units, like the Park Ranger and the Lawyer. Many players found these units to be silly or at least unreal. I will try to answer to these "accusations" for some of the units. ...
Created by:
The Column: #16 -- The Art Of Being Late
Created by:
- Published: November 20, 1998, 20:40
The Column: #16 -- The Art Of Being Late
By Markos Giannopoulos November 21th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. INTRO Waiting for a flight that I never took due to it's excessive delay, I was thinking about the delays of the three games that we're waiting(civ2:mge, smac and ctp) and how we were informed of them. At the end, I found logical reasons for all of the delays, except of my flight's
Created by:
The Column: #15 -- The Debate
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: November 13, 1998, 20:34
The Column: #15 -- The Debate
By Andrew Hoekzema November 14th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. CivII is now more than 2 1/2 years old, CiC is about 1 1/2 years old, and FW is 1 year old. Many people have argued that the two add-on packs are a waste of money, but I would disagree. Personally, I find scenarios the most interesting aspect of Civilization 2. Both of these add-ons provided very useful tools for scenario designers. The CivII designers created a semi language in order to vastly expand the capabilities of scenario designs, expanded the amount of units and techs available as well as providing plenty of good graphics and handy editors for scenario designers to use. But I can see why people think that FW and CiC were just wastes. ...
Created by:
The Column: #14 -- Worth The Wait
Created by:
- Published: November 6, 1998, 20:30
The Column: #14 -- Worth The Wait
By Sean November 7th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. I have heard recently (more than once actually (the source doesn't come to mind at the moment)) that MGE can't be a good game because in software history, games that have been delayed multiple times usually die hard and fast. It may seem this way to many, I mean, even I have been not as enthusiastic about the game day after day. ...
Created by:
The Column: #13 -- Apolyton CS: The Future
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: October 30, 1998, 20:25
The Column: #13 -- Apolyton CS: The Future
By Jaspreet Shaheed October 31th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. It is almost difficult to mentally calculate how many months civII has been out. If you can work out the answer you will be surprised!!! Of course Apolyton CS did not start the moment that CivII came out. I'm sure some of us/ many of us? can remember the Ultimate CivII Site-and that odd forum (boy, are we glad to be rid of that). It does seem a long time ago. ...
Created by:
The Column: #12 -- Two Sides Of One Coin
Created by:
- Published: October 23, 1998, 19:23
The Column: #12 -- Two Sides Of One Coin
By Markos Giannopoulos October 24th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just Dan and me. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. INTRO I've been hearing a lot the last months that civ2 is dying. And I say, so what? The question should not be if CivII is dying, but if Civ-games are dying. And the answer for me is no. I guess that's the reason why other people complain about the volume of civ related games that are coming out. ...
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Latest Articles
by reismarkBy Reismark I December 19th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want
. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. The CivII world recently received an enormous boost with the release of MGE. It has been accompanied by both positive and negative feedback. This column published some negative feedback last week; this week, it's time for the positives. ...
Channel: Column
December 18, 2012, 21:03 -
by draconBy Dracon December 12th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want
. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. When I first heard about CivII: MGE, I thought, why bother? I mean, we're talking about a game that came out in '96, and in the gaming world, that's ancient history. MGE is basically Civ2 with multiplayer, big deal! What they should've done is made it an expansion pack. It's using old gaming technology in today's gaming world. I mean, why get MGE, when you can wait a little longer, and get the latest in civilization gaming, SMAC and CTP. Both come with multiplayer, and up-to-date gaming technology. ...
Channel: Column
December 18, 2012, 20:59 -
by DanQBy Daniel Quick December 5th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want
. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. It's what, 7am Christmas morning and you've already raided your stockings, presents, fridge (opps, how'd that get in there?
) and you're already entrenched in your most favourite new toy (forgive this grammar, I'm Canadian eh?). That's right, a computer game! You're all so excited, knowing all the hype the game had received in the months gone by has been well worth your time... the equivlent of the must-have action figure for a 10-year-old. You begin to remember to that cool, autumn day when you far from vaguely hinted to your relatives of a particular game you have been eyeballing forever. And now, it's finally here! You enthusiastically scream "YES!!" at the top of your lungs, which interrupts your neighbours' slumber and they begin to wonder whether the world's newest millionaire is finally moving far, far way... but I digress. ...
Channel: Column
December 18, 2012, 20:49 -
by MarkGBy Markos Giannopoulos November 28th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want
. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. INTRO The last 5-6 months, since we started hearing about CTP, Activision's version of civ, the most discussed new features were the unconventional units, like the Park Ranger and the Lawyer. Many players found these units to be silly or at least unreal. I will try to answer to these "accusations" for some of the units. ...
Channel: Column
December 18, 2012, 20:45 -
by MarkGBy Markos Giannopoulos November 21th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want
. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. INTRO Waiting for a flight that I never took due to it's excessive delay, I was thinking about the delays of the three games that we're waiting(civ2:mge, smac and ctp) and how we were informed of them. At the end, I found logical reasons for all of the delays, except of my flight's
Channel: Column
December 18, 2012, 20:40 -
By Andrew Hoekzema November 14th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want
. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. CivII is now more than 2 1/2 years old, CiC is about 1 1/2 years old, and FW is 1 year old. Many people have argued that the two add-on packs are a waste of money, but I would disagree. Personally, I find scenarios the most interesting aspect of Civilization 2. Both of these add-ons provided very useful tools for scenario designers. The CivII designers created a semi language in order to vastly expand the capabilities of scenario designs, expanded the amount of units and techs available as well as providing plenty of good graphics and handy editors for scenario designers to use. But I can see why people think that FW and CiC were just wastes. ...
Channel: Column
December 18, 2012, 20:34 -