The Column: #11 -- Community Spirit
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- Published: October 16, 1998, 19:20
The Column: #11 -- Community Spirit
By Daniel Quick October 17th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just Dan and me. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. Are you an average Joe/Jane? Regardless of your answer, the general trend when one of these decides for themselves where they would like to live and raise a family can be generalized as so: a modest-sized house in the countryside and a white picket fence... ok maybe not the later, a little too retro I suppose. But this picture paints a thousand shades of one theme: peaceful. In this community & spirit go hand-in-hand. This is the way it has been for generations. Now compare that with today's newest frontier: the Internet. When someone sets up home (or shop) on the Web, you are seeking an expansive, reliable likely speedy location with plently of visibility and promotion. Just like you can't buddy-up with your new neighbours overnight, don't expect to be an instant hit with your carbon-based cybernated lifeforms (this is not to say that the Internet is crawling with surfers who are not humanoid --- that is if you don't count politicans, Michael Bolton and anyone chanting "where do you want to go today?". ...
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The Column: #10 -- Kiss My Copyright
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- Published: October 9, 1998, 19:17
The Column: #10 -- Kiss My Copyright
By Daniel Quick October 10th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just Dan and me. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. How's that old saying go... "The road of life is paved with doctors and lawyers". Do you agree? What about "The less the world has of lawyers, 'that' much happier we will all be?" I admit I've cracked a few lawyer jokes in my time but I don't mean anything by them. After all, human nature is to, in one form or another, beat on those who we feel and believe have it made it better in life then us. But take a moment to look at how they got to where they are in the first place! What I'm trying to say is that they spend a lot of years in school (likely raking up huge student loan debts) and write numerous exams to become licensed! But that's only the half of it. True this is a good thing, but after that a lawyer's success depends largely on their knowledge, maturity and people skills. On the Internet one could say we have a shortage of lawyers (no, I did not just fall off of a turnip truck). Everything is free domain and perhaps SOME regulation could do us some good. ...
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The Column: #09 -- Civ2 ModPack Hosting
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Stewart Spink
- Published: October 2, 1998, 19:14
The Column: #09 -- Civ2 ModPack Hosting
By Stewart Spink October 3, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just Dan and me. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. ...
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The Column: #08 -- Are Civ2 Sites Maturing? A Second Opinion From Cam Hills.
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Martin Gühmann
- Published: September 26, 1998, 19:04
The Column: #08 -- Are Civ2 Sites Maturing? A Second Opinion From Cam Hills.
A second opinion from Cam Hills.
The question of maturity, it is assumed, means getting more complex and worthwhile (rather than simply getting old!) Given this, assessing the maturity of sites brings about a series of ‘marketing-esqué’ questions such as:
- What ‘need’ is being ‘satisfied’ by the various Civ2 sites? That is, what are ‘surfers’ looking for in a Civ2 site and how does the range perform?
- What new things can be added to enhance the attraction and value of sites?
- Do these sites each offer something different? What are they each trying to achieve?
... -
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The Column: #08 -- Are Civ2 Sites Maturing?
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- Published: September 25, 1998, 19:00
The Column: #08 -- Are Civ2 Sites Maturing?
By Markos Giannopoulos September 26, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just Dan and me. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. PREVIOUS ARTICLES #6 FUTURE OF MODPACKS Kwang ponders what the future will hold for modpacks --- and whether it's a good or bad thing #7 FAN APPRECIATION DAY This week Dan congratulates the gaming community for embracing fan-created websites. COLUMN ARCHIVE INTRO I am a visitor of civ2 sites for about 2.5 years, so I can say that I've seen a lot of them
The 99% of civ2 sites, were and are personal sites, created and maintained by one person, located in the personal web space of the creator. Some things though are starting to change. ...
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The Column: #07 -- Fan Appreciation Day
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- Published: September 18, 1998, 18:57
The Column: #07 -- Fan Appreciation Day
By Daniel Quick September 19, 1998 Note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just Dan and me. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. ...
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The Column: #06 -- Future Of ModPacks
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- Published: September 11, 1998, 18:50
The Column: #06 -- Future Of ModPacks
By Kent Wang September 12, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just Dan and me. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. ...
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The Column: #05 -- Our First Month
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- Published: September 4, 1998, 18:37
The Column: #05 -- Our First Month
By Markos Giannopoulos September 5, 1998 Note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just Dan and me. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. INTRO It's one month since Apolyton CS started and it's a good time to make a round up(ok, this was easier to write than a comparison of the upcoming civs, which I first thought of writing
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The Column: #04 -- The Future Of "Our Little World
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- Published: August 28, 1998, 18:44
The Column: #04 -- The Future Of "Our Little World
By Reismark I August 29, 1998 Note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just Dan and me. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. This truly is a time of chaos in the CivII world. Quality CivII sites are starting to become scarce, the companies behind our great game are not only squabbling, but are being eaten up by others, and worse of all, very little is being done to stop it. Here I will talk about what needs to be done to save "our little world" and give it a bright and glorious future as we head into the third millennium. In order to save it, we all must unionize, and deal with our own internal problems. Once that is done, we can stand together to make a difference in the corporate world. Here are the ways we can unionize: ...
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The Column: #03 -- Will There Ever Be A Civ3?
Created by:
Frank Johnson
- Published: August 21, 1998, 18:17
The Column: #03 -- Will There Ever Be A Civ3?
By Frank JohnsonAugust 22, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where Markos and Dan write whatever we want. Well, not just Dan and me. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. With Activision's "Civilization: Call to Power", Sid Meier's "Alpha Centauri", and Microprose's "Civilization: Test of Time" all coming out on the heels of the much delayed "Multi-player Gold Edition" will Civ2 fans ever have the one true sequel they were waiting for? Their Civ 3? ...
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by reismarkBy Reismark I December 19th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want
. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. The CivII world recently received an enormous boost with the release of MGE. It has been accompanied by both positive and negative feedback. This column published some negative feedback last week; this week, it's time for the positives. ...
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December 18, 2012, 21:03 -
by draconBy Dracon December 12th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want
. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. When I first heard about CivII: MGE, I thought, why bother? I mean, we're talking about a game that came out in '96, and in the gaming world, that's ancient history. MGE is basically Civ2 with multiplayer, big deal! What they should've done is made it an expansion pack. It's using old gaming technology in today's gaming world. I mean, why get MGE, when you can wait a little longer, and get the latest in civilization gaming, SMAC and CTP. Both come with multiplayer, and up-to-date gaming technology. ...
Channel: Column
December 18, 2012, 20:59 -
by DanQBy Daniel Quick December 5th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want
. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. It's what, 7am Christmas morning and you've already raided your stockings, presents, fridge (opps, how'd that get in there?
) and you're already entrenched in your most favourite new toy (forgive this grammar, I'm Canadian eh?). That's right, a computer game! You're all so excited, knowing all the hype the game had received in the months gone by has been well worth your time... the equivlent of the must-have action figure for a 10-year-old. You begin to remember to that cool, autumn day when you far from vaguely hinted to your relatives of a particular game you have been eyeballing forever. And now, it's finally here! You enthusiastically scream "YES!!" at the top of your lungs, which interrupts your neighbours' slumber and they begin to wonder whether the world's newest millionaire is finally moving far, far way... but I digress. ...
Channel: Column
December 18, 2012, 20:49 -
by MarkGBy Markos Giannopoulos November 28th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want
. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. INTRO The last 5-6 months, since we started hearing about CTP, Activision's version of civ, the most discussed new features were the unconventional units, like the Park Ranger and the Lawyer. Many players found these units to be silly or at least unreal. I will try to answer to these "accusations" for some of the units. ...
Channel: Column
December 18, 2012, 20:45 -
by MarkGBy Markos Giannopoulos November 21th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want
. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. INTRO Waiting for a flight that I never took due to it's excessive delay, I was thinking about the delays of the three games that we're waiting(civ2:mge, smac and ctp) and how we were informed of them. At the end, I found logical reasons for all of the delays, except of my flight's
Channel: Column
December 18, 2012, 20:40 -
By Andrew Hoekzema November 14th, 1998 note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where mainly Markos and Dan write whatever we want
. Well, not just the two of us. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us. CivII is now more than 2 1/2 years old, CiC is about 1 1/2 years old, and FW is 1 year old. Many people have argued that the two add-on packs are a waste of money, but I would disagree. Personally, I find scenarios the most interesting aspect of Civilization 2. Both of these add-ons provided very useful tools for scenario designers. The CivII designers created a semi language in order to vastly expand the capabilities of scenario designs, expanded the amount of units and techs available as well as providing plenty of good graphics and handy editors for scenario designers to use. But I can see why people think that FW and CiC were just wastes. ...
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December 18, 2012, 20:34 -