Civilization 4 Warlords: Buildings
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: August 15, 2007, 18:00
Civilization 4 Warlords: Buildings
Regular Buildings Requires Cost Effects Palace At least 4 citiesCan only have one 160 Makes this city the CapitalReduces maintenance in nearby cities+2 culture+1 happiness+8 commerce Walls Masonry 50 +50% Defense (Except vs. gunpowder-based units)-25% Damage to Defenses from Bombardment (Except vs. gunpowder-based units)Required to build CastleDouble production speed with stoneObsolete with Rifling (Except defensive bonus) Castle EngineeringWalls 100 +1 trade route+50% Defense (Except vs. gunpowder-based units)-25% Damage to Defenses from Bombardment (Except vs. gunpowder-based units)+1 cultureDouble production speed with stoneObsolete with Economics (Except defensive bonus) Barracks - 50 New land units receive +3 experience pointsRequired to build Heroic Epic Stable Horseback Riding 60 New mounted units receive +2 experience pointsObsolete with Rocketry Bunker Electricity 100 -75% damage from air units Bomb Shelters ElectricityManhattan Project 100 -75% damage from nukes Granary Pottery 60 Stores 50% of food after growth+1 health from Corn, Rice, WheatAvailable for free on Renaissance and later starts Aqueduct MathematicsMasonry 100 +2 healthRequired to build The Hanging GardensAvailable for free on Industrial and later starts Hospital Medicine 200 +3 healthHeals units extra 10% damage / turnRequired to build Red Cross Recycling Center Ecology 300 No unhealthiness from buildings Lighthouse Sailing 60 Water tiles +1 foodRequired to build The Great LighthouseAvailable for free on Industrial and later starts Harbor Compass 80 +50% trade route yield+1 health from Clam, Crab and FishAvailable for free on Modern and later starts Drydock Steel 120 New water units receive +4 experienceBuild water units 50% faster+1 unhealthiness Airport Flight 250 Can airlift 1 land unit per turn+1 trade route+1 unhealthiness Forge Metal Casting 120 +25% hammer productionCan turn 1 citizen into engineer+1 happiness from Gems, Gold, Silver+1 unhealthinessRequired to build Ironworks, The Colossus, The Eiffel Tower, The Statue of LibertyAvailable for free on Modern and later starts Factory Assembly Line 250 +25% hammer production+50% hammer production with powerCan turn 2 citizens into engineer+1 unhealthinessRequired to build Coal Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant Coal Plant Assembly LineFactory 150 Provides power with Coal+2 unhealthiness if used Hydro Plant PlasticsFactory 200 Provides power Nuclear Plant FissionFactory 250 Provides power with UraniumSmall chance of nuclear meltdown Monument Mysticism 30 +1 cultureObsolete with Calendar Academy Great Scientist - +50% science in city+4 culture Library Writing 90 +25% science in city+2 cultureCan turn 2 citizens into scientistRequired to build University, National Epic, Great Library University EducationLibrary 200 +25% science in city+3 cultureRequired to build Oxford University Observatory Astronomy 150 +25% science in cityCan turn 1 citizen into scientistRequired to build Laboratory Laboratory ComputersObservatory 250 +25% science in city+50% spaceship productionCan turn 1 citizen into scientist+1 unhealthiness Theatre Drama 50 +1 happiness per 10% culture rateCan turn 2 citizens into artist+1 happiness from Dye+3 cultureRequired to build Globe Theatre Colosseum Construction 80 +1 happiness+1 happiness per 20% culture rate Broadcast Tower Mass Media 175 +50% culture+1 happiness per 10% culture rateCan turn 2 citizens into artist+1 happiness from Hit Singles, Hit Musicals, Hit Movies Market Currency 150 +25% gold in cityCan turn 2 citizens into merchant+1 happiness from Fur, Ivory, Silk, WhaleAvailable for free on Industrial and later starts Grocer CurrencyGuilds 150 +25% gold in cityCan turn 2 citizens into merchant+1 health from Banana, Spicer, Sugar, WineRequired... -
Created by:
Civilization 4 Warlords: Technologies
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: August 15, 2007, 17:32
Civilization 4 Warlords: Technologies
Technology Tree View the full tech tree (4770x648, 572 kB -- right-click and 'Save As' to download).Warning: The above image is very large. It may take a long time to load on slower connections.The above image has not yet been updated for Warlords Advances in Alphabetical Order Technology Cost Requires Leads To Units & Buildings Enabled Special Agriculture 60 Animal HusbandryPottery Can Build Farm Alphabet 300 Writing LiteratureDrama Enables Technology Trading Animal Husbandry 100 HuntingAgriculture Horseback RidingWriting Reveals HorseCan Build Pasture Archery 60 Hunting ArcherSkirmisherLongbowmanCrossbowmanCho-Ko-NuHorse ArcherNumidian CavalryKeshikCamel Archer Artillery 4000 RiflingSteelPhysics Rocketry Artillery Assembly Line 5000 CorporationSteam Power FascismIndustrialism InfantryFactoryAssembly PlantCoal PlantShale PlantThe Pentagon Astronomy 2000 CalendarOptics PhysicsScientific Method GalleonFrigateObservatorySalon Obsoletes ColossusEnables traderoutes on ocean Banking 700 CurrencyGuilds EconomicsReplaceable Parts BankStock Exchange Civic: Mercantilism Biology 3600 ChemistryScientific Method RefrigerationMedicineEcology Can build farms w/out irrigationFarm: +1 food Bronze Working 120 Mining Iron WorkingMetal Casting AxemanTrireme Can chop forestReveals CopperCivic: Slavery Calendar 350 SailingMathematics Astronomy Can Build PlantationObsoletes ObeliskObsoletes StonehengeCenters World Map Chemistry 1800 EngineeringGunpowder SteelSteam PowerBiologyScientific Method GrenadierFrigate Obsoletes The ParthenonObsoletes The Temple of ArtemisWorkshop: +1 Production Civil Service 800 MathematicsCode of LawsFeudalism NationalismPaper MacemanSamuraiBerserker Civic: BureaucracyFarms spread irrigation Code of Laws 350 WritingPriesthoodCurrency ConstitutionCivil ServicePhilosophy CourthouseSacrificial AltarChichen Itza Enables Caste SystemFirst to discover founds Confucianism Combustion 3600 Railroad FlightPlastics TransportDestroyerSubmarine Can Build Oil WellObsoletes Whale Communism 2800 LiberalismScientific Method SpyScotland YardKremlin Enables Permanent AlliancesCivic: State Property Compass 400 SailingIron Working Optics ExplorerHarborCothon Composites 7500 SatellitesPlastics Future Technology Modern ArmorJet FighterStealth Bomber Computers 6500 Radio GeneticsFiber OpticsRobotics Modern ArmorLaboratoryResearch Institute Obsoletes Angkor WatObsoletes The Spiral MinaretObsoletes University of Sankore Constitution 2000 Code of LawsNationalism CorporationDemocracy JailMausoleum Civic: Representation Construction 350 MasonryMathematics Engineering War ElephantCatapultHwachaColloseumOdeon Enables Bridge Building Corporation 1600 EconomicsConstitution Assembly Line Wall Street Obsoletes Great Lighthouse+1 trade route per city Currency 400 Mathematics BankingCode of Laws MarketForumGrocerApothecary Enables Gold Trading+1 trade route per city Democracy 2800 Printing PressConstitution The Statue of Liberty Civic: Universal SuffrageCivic: Emancipation Divine Right 1200 MonarchyTheology Nationalism VersaillesThe Spiral Minaret First to discover founds Islam Drama 300 Alphabet MusicPhilosophy TheatrePavilionGlobe Theatre Can adjust culture rate Ecology 5500 BiologyFissionPlastics Recycling CenterSS Life Support Can Scrub Fallout Economics 1400 BankingEducation ... -
Created by:
Civilization 4 Warlords: Promotions
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: August 15, 2007, 17:30
Civilization 4 Warlords: Promotions
Promotion Available to Effect Requires Leads to Combat I All Combat Units +10% Strength Combat IICoverShockPinchMedic I Combat II All Combat Units +10% Strength Combat I Combat IIIFormationChargeAmbushAmphibious Combat III All Combat Units +10% Strength Combat II Combat IVMarchBlitzSentry Combat IV All Combat Units +10% StrengthHeals extra 10% damage / turn in neutral lands Combat III Combat VCommando Combat V All Combat Units +10% StrengthHeals extra 10% damage / turn in enemy lands Combat IV Combat VI Combat VI All Combat Units +25% Strength Combat VLead by Warlord Cover Archery UnitsMelee UnitsGunpowder Units +25% Strength vs. Archery Units Combat I orDrill I Shock Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsSiege Weapons +25% Strength vs. Melee Units Combat I orDrill I Pinch Mounted UnitsGunpowder UnitsArmored UnitsHelicopter Units +25% Strength vs. Gunpowder Units Combat I orDrill IGunpowder Formation Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsGunpowder Units +25% Strength vs. Mounted Units Combat II orDrill II Charge Mounted UnitsMelee UnitsArmored UnitsHelicopter Units +25% Strength vs. Siege Weapons Combat II Ambush Siege WeaponsGunpowder UnitsArmored UnitsHelicopter Units +25% Strength vs. Armored Units Combat II Amphibious Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsGunpowder UnitsRecon Units No combat penalty for attacking accros riverNo combat penalty forattacking from sea Combat II March Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsSiege WeaponsGunpowder UnitsRecon Units Can heal while moving Combat IIIor Medic I Blitz Mounted UnitsArmored UnitsHelicopter Units Can attack multiple times per turn Combat III Commando Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsGunpowder UnitsArmored UnitsRecon Units Can use enemy roads Combat IV Medic I Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsSiege WeaponsGunpowder UnitsRecon UnitsNaval Units Heals Units in Same Tile Extra 10% Damage/Turn Combat I Medic IIMarch Medic II Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsSiege WeaponsGunpowder UnitsRecon UnitsNaval Units Heals Units in Adjacent Tiles Extra 10% Demage/Turn Medic I Medic III Medic III Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsSiege WeaponsGunpowder UnitsRecon UnitsNaval Units Heals Units in Same Tile Extra 15% Damage/TurnHeals Units in Adjacent Tiles Extra 15% Demage/Turn Medic IILead by Warlord Guerilla I Archery UnitsGunpowder UnitsRecon Units +20% Hills Defense Guerilla II Guerilla II Archery UnitsGunpowder UnitsMelee UnitsRecon Units Double Movement In Hills+30% Hills Defense Guerilla I Guerilla III Guerilla III Archery UnitsGunpowder UnitsMelee Units +30% Withdrawel Chance+25% Hills Attack Guerilla II Woodsman I Melee UnitsGunpowder UnitsRecon Units +20% Jungle Defense+20% Forest Defense Woodsman II Woodsman II Melee UnitsGunpowder UnitsRecon Units +30% Jungle Defense+30% Forest DefenseDouble movement speed in Jungle & Forest Woodsman I City Raider I Melee UnitsSiege WeaponsArmored Units +20% City Attack City Raider IIAccuracy City Raider II Melee UnitsSiege WeaponsArmored Units +25% City Attack City Raider I City Raider III City Raider III Melee UnitsSiege WeaponsArmored Units +30% City Attack+10% Strength vs. Gunpowder Units City Raider II City Garrison I Archery UnitsGunpowder Units +20% city defense City Garrison II City Garrison II Archery UnitsGunpowder Units +25% city defense City Garrison I City Garrison III City G... -
Created by:
Civilization 4 Warlords: Units
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: August 15, 2007, 17:27
Civilization 4 Warlords: Units
Combat Units Str MP Cost Technology Resource Special Abilities ScoutRecon Units 1 2 15 Hunting Can Only DefendBetter results from Tribal Villages+100% vs. Animals ExplorerRecon Units 4 2 40 Compass Can Only DefendBetter results from Tribal VillagesIgnores Terrain Movement CostStarts with Guerilla I, Woodsman I WarriorMelee Units 2 1 15 +25% City Defense SwordsmanMelee Units 6 1 40 Iron Working Iron +10% City Attack AxemanMelee Units 5 1 35 Bronze Working Copper or Iron +50% vs. Melee Units MacemanMelee Units 8 1 70 Civil ServiceMachinery Copper or Iron +50% vs. Melee Units SpearmanMelee Units 4 1 35 Hunting Copper or Iron +100% vs. Mounted Units PikemanMelee Units 6 1 60 Engineering Iron +100% vs. Mounted Units MusketmanGunpowder Units 9 1 80 Gunpowder RiflemanGunpowder Units 14 1 110 Rifling +25% vs. Mounted Units GrenadierGunpowder Units 12 1 100 Chemistry +50% vs. Rifleman InfantryGunpowder Units 20 1 140 Assembly LineRifling +25% vs. Gunpowder Units SAM InfantryGunpowder Units 18 1 150 Rocketry +50% vs. Helicopter UnitsCan Intercept Aircraft (40% Chance) MarineGunpowder Units 24 1 160 IndustrialismRifling +50% vs. Machine Gun+50% vs. ArtilleryStarts with Amphibious Mechanized InfantryGunpowder Units 32 2 200 RoboticsRifling Can Intercept Aircraft (20% Chance)Starts with March ArcherArchery Units 3 1 25 Archery 1 First Strike+50% City Defense+25% Hills Defense LongbowmanArchery Units 6 1 50 FeudalismArchery 1 First Strike+25% City Defense+25% Hills Defense CrossbowmanArchery Units 6 1 60 MachineryArchery Iron 1 First Strike+50% vs. Melee ChariotMounted Units 4 2 25 The Wheel Horses No Defensive Bonuses10% Withdrawl Chance+100% vs. Axeman Horse ArcherMounted Units 6 2 50 Horseback RidingArchery Horses Immune to First StrikesNo Defensive Bonuses20% Withdrawl Chance-10% City Attack+50% vs. Catapult+50% vs. Trebuchet KnightMounted Units 10 2 90 GuildsHorseback Riding HorsesIron Immune to First StrikesNo Defensive Bonuses CavalryMounted Units 15 2 120 Military TraditionGunpowderHorseback Riding Horses No Defensive Bonuses30% Withdrawl Chance+50% vs. Cannon War ElephantMounted Units 8 1 60 Construction Ivory No Defensive Bonuses+50% vs. Mounted Units CatapultSiege Weapons 5 1 40 Construction No Defensive BonusesBombards Cities (-15%/turn)Causes Collateral Damage25% Withdrawal Chance TrebuchetSiege Weapons 4 1 80 Engineering No Defensive BonusesBombards Cities (-25%/turn)Causes Collateral Damage25% Withdrawal Chance+100% City Attack CannonSiege Weapons 12 1 100 Steel Iron No Defensive BonusesBombards Cities (-20%/turn)Causes Collateral Damage25% Withdrawal Chance Machine GunSiege Weapons 18 1 125 Railroad Can Only Defend1 First Strike+50% vs. Gunpowder Units ArtillerySiege Weapons 18 1 150 Artillery No Defensive BonusesBombards Cities (-25%/turn)Causes Collateral Damage25% Withdrawal Chance+50% vs. Siege Weapons TankArmored Units 28 2 180 IndustrialismRifling Oil No Defensive BonusesStarts With Blitz Modern ArmorArmored Units 40 2 240 CompositesComputers OilAluminu... -
Created by:
Civilization 4 Warlords: Wonders & Projects
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: August 15, 2007, 17:23
Civilization 4 Warlords: Wonders & Projects
World Wonders Can only be built once in the entire world Wonder Requires Cost Effects The Pyramids Masonry 500 Enables all Government civics+6 culture+2 engineer Great People PointsCan only be built on Classical and earlier startsDouble production speed with Stone Stonehenge Mysticism 120 Free Monument in every cityCenters world map+8 culture+2 prophet Great People PointsCan only be built on Ancient and earlier startsDouble production speed with StoneObsolete wth Calendar The Great Library LiteratureLibrary 350 +2 free Scientist in city+8 Culture+2 scientist Great People PointsCan only be built on Medieval and earlier startsDouble production speed with MarbleObsolete with Scientific Method The Great Lighthouse MasonryLighthouse 200 +2 trade routes in all coastal cities+6 culture+2 merchant Great People PointsCan only be built on Classical and earlier startsObsolete wth Corporation The Hanging Gardens MathematicsAquaduct 300 +1 health in all cities+1 population in all cities+6 culture+2 engineer Great People PointsCan only be built on Medieval and earlier startsDouble production speed with Stone The Colossus Metal CastingForge 250 +1 commerce from water tiles in all cities+6 culture+2 merchant Great People PointsCan only be built on Medieval and earlier startsDouble production speed with CopperObsolete with Astronomy The Oracle Priesthood 150 +1 free technology+8 culture+2 prophet Great People PointsCan only be built on Ancient and earlier startsDouble production speed with Marble The Parthenon Polytheism 400 +50% great people birth rate in all cities+10 culture+2 artist Great People PointsCan only be built on Classical and earlier startsDouble production speed with MarbleObsolete with Chemistry Angkor Wat Philosophy 500 +1 hammer from Priest in all citiesCan turn 3 citizens into priest+8 culture+2 priest Great People PointsCan only be built on Renaissance and earlier startsDouble production speed with StoneObsolete with Computers The Hagia Sophia Engineering 550 Workers build improvements 50% faster+8 culture+2 engineer Great People PointsCan only be built on Medieval and earlier startsDouble production speed with MarbleObsolete with Steam Power Chichen Itza Code of Laws 500 +25% defence in all cities+6 culture+2 prophet Great People PointsCan only be built on Medieval and earlier startsDouble production speed with StoneObsolete with Rifling The Sistine Chapel Theology 600 +2 Culture per Specialist in All Cities+10 Culture+2 artist Great People PointsCan only be built on Renaissance and earlier startsDouble production speed with Marble The Spiral Minaret Divine Right 550 +2 gold from all state religion buildings+8 culture+2 prophet Great People PointsCan only be built on Renaissance and earlier startsDouble production speed with StoneObsolete with Computers Notre Dame Music 650 +1 happiness in all cities on this continent+10 culture+2 artist Great People PointsCan only be built on Renaissance and earlier startsDouble production speed with Stone The Taj Mahal Nationalism 700 Starts a golden age+10 culture+2 artist Great People PointsCan only be built on Industrial and earlier startsDouble production speed with Marble The Kremlin Communism 800 -33% hurry production cost+2 artist Great People PointsDouble production speed with StoneObsolete with Fiber Obtics The Eiffel Tower RadioForge 1250 Free Broadcast Tower in every city+6 culture+2 merchant Great People PointsDouble production speed with Iron The Statue of Liberty DemocracyForge 1500 +1 free specialist in all cities on the continent+6 culture+2 merchant Great People PointsCan only be built on Industrial and earlier startsDouble production speed with Copper Broadway Electricity 800 +50% cultureProvides 5 Hit Musicals+2 artist Great People Points Rock & Roll Radio 800 +50% cultureProvies 5 Hit Singles+2 artist Great People Points Hollywood Mass Media 1000 +50% cultureProvides 5 Hit Movies+2 artist Great People Points The Three Gorges Dam Plastics 1750 ... -
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Regular Buildings Requires Cost Effects Palace At least 4 citiesCan only have one 160 Makes this city the CapitalReduces maintenance in nearby cities+2 culture+1 happiness+8 commerce Walls Masonry 50 +50% Defense (Except vs. gunpowder-based units)-25% Damage to Defenses from Bombardment (Except vs. gunpowder-based units)Required to build CastleDouble production speed with stoneObsolete with Rifling (Except defensive bonus) Castle EngineeringWalls 100 +1 trade route+50% Defense (Except vs. gunpowder-based units)-25% Damage to Defenses from Bombardment (Except vs. gunpowder-based units)+1 cultureDouble production speed with stoneObsolete with Economics (Except defensive bonus) Barracks - 50 New land units receive +3 experience pointsRequired to build Heroic Epic Stable Horseback Riding 60 New mounted units receive +2 experience pointsObsolete with Rocketry Bunker Electricity 100 -75% damage from air units Bomb Shelters ElectricityManhattan Project 100 -75% damage from nukes Granary Pottery 60 Stores 50% of food after growth+1 health from Corn, Rice, WheatAvailable for free on Renaissance and later starts Aqueduct MathematicsMasonry 100 +2 healthRequired to build The Hanging GardensAvailable for free on Industrial and later starts Hospital Medicine 200 +3 healthHeals units extra 10% damage / turnRequired to build Red Cross Recycling Center Ecology 300 No unhealthiness from buildings Lighthouse Sailing 60 Water tiles +1 foodRequired to build The Great LighthouseAvailable for free on Industrial and later starts Harbor Compass 80 +50% trade route yield+1 health from Clam, Crab and FishAvailable for free on Modern and later starts Drydock Steel 120 New water units receive +4 experienceBuild water units 50% faster+1 unhealthiness Airport Flight 250 Can airlift 1 land unit per turn+1 trade route+1 unhealthiness Forge Metal Casting 120 +25% hammer productionCan turn 1 citizen into engineer+1 happiness from Gems, Gold, Silver+1 unhealthinessRequired to build Ironworks, The Colossus, The Eiffel Tower, The Statue of LibertyAvailable for free on Modern and later starts Factory Assembly Line 250 +25% hammer production+50% hammer production with powerCan turn 2 citizens into engineer+1 unhealthinessRequired to build Coal Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant Coal Plant Assembly LineFactory 150 Provides power with Coal+2 unhealthiness if used Hydro Plant PlasticsFactory 200 Provides power Nuclear Plant FissionFactory 250 Provides power with UraniumSmall chance of nuclear meltdown Monument Mysticism 30 +1 cultureObsolete with Calendar Academy Great Scientist - +50% science in city+4 culture Library Writing 90 +25% science in city+2 cultureCan turn 2 citizens into scientistRequired to build University, National Epic, Great Library University EducationLibrary 200 +25% science in city+3 cultureRequired to build Oxford University Observatory Astronomy 150 +25% science in cityCan turn 1 citizen into scientistRequired to build Laboratory Laboratory ComputersObservatory 250 +25% science in city+50% spaceship productionCan turn 1 citizen into scientist+1 unhealthiness Theatre Drama 50 +1 happiness per 10% culture rateCan turn 2 citizens into artist+1 happiness from Dye+3 cultureRequired to build Globe Theatre Colosseum Construction 80 +1 happiness+1 happiness per 20% culture rate Broadcast Tower Mass Media 175 +50% culture+1 happiness per 10% culture rateCan turn 2 citizens into artist+1 happiness from Hit Singles, Hit Musicals, Hit Movies Market Currency 150 +25% gold in cityCan turn 2 citizens into merchant+1 happiness from Fur, Ivory, Silk, WhaleAvailable for free on Industrial and later starts Grocer CurrencyGuilds 150 +25% gold in cityCan turn 2 citizens into merchant+1 health from Banana, Spicer, Sugar, WineRequired...
Channel: Waropedia
August 15, 2012, 18:00 -
Technology Tree View the full tech tree (4770x648, 572 kB -- right-click and 'Save As' to download).Warning: The above image is very large. It may take a long time to load on slower connections.The above image has not yet been updated for Warlords Advances in Alphabetical Order Technology Cost Requires Leads To Units & Buildings Enabled Special Agriculture 60 Animal HusbandryPottery Can Build Farm Alphabet 300 Writing LiteratureDrama Enables Technology Trading Animal Husbandry 100 HuntingAgriculture Horseback RidingWriting Reveals HorseCan Build Pasture Archery 60 Hunting ArcherSkirmisherLongbowmanCrossbowmanCho-Ko-NuHorse ArcherNumidian CavalryKeshikCamel Archer Artillery 4000 RiflingSteelPhysics Rocketry Artillery Assembly Line 5000 CorporationSteam Power FascismIndustrialism InfantryFactoryAssembly PlantCoal PlantShale PlantThe Pentagon Astronomy 2000 CalendarOptics PhysicsScientific Method GalleonFrigateObservatorySalon Obsoletes ColossusEnables traderoutes on ocean Banking 700 CurrencyGuilds EconomicsReplaceable Parts BankStock Exchange Civic: Mercantilism Biology 3600 ChemistryScientific Method RefrigerationMedicineEcology Can build farms w/out irrigationFarm: +1 food Bronze Working 120 Mining Iron WorkingMetal Casting AxemanTrireme Can chop forestReveals CopperCivic: Slavery Calendar 350 SailingMathematics Astronomy Can Build PlantationObsoletes ObeliskObsoletes StonehengeCenters World Map Chemistry 1800 EngineeringGunpowder SteelSteam PowerBiologyScientific Method GrenadierFrigate Obsoletes The ParthenonObsoletes The Temple of ArtemisWorkshop: +1 Production Civil Service 800 MathematicsCode of LawsFeudalism NationalismPaper MacemanSamuraiBerserker Civic: BureaucracyFarms spread irrigation Code of Laws 350 WritingPriesthoodCurrency ConstitutionCivil ServicePhilosophy CourthouseSacrificial AltarChichen Itza Enables Caste SystemFirst to discover founds Confucianism Combustion 3600 Railroad FlightPlastics TransportDestroyerSubmarine Can Build Oil WellObsoletes Whale Communism 2800 LiberalismScientific Method SpyScotland YardKremlin Enables Permanent AlliancesCivic: State Property Compass 400 SailingIron Working Optics ExplorerHarborCothon Composites 7500 SatellitesPlastics Future Technology Modern ArmorJet FighterStealth Bomber Computers 6500 Radio GeneticsFiber OpticsRobotics Modern ArmorLaboratoryResearch Institute Obsoletes Angkor WatObsoletes The Spiral MinaretObsoletes University of Sankore Constitution 2000 Code of LawsNationalism CorporationDemocracy JailMausoleum Civic: Representation Construction 350 MasonryMathematics Engineering War ElephantCatapultHwachaColloseumOdeon Enables Bridge Building Corporation 1600 EconomicsConstitution Assembly Line Wall Street Obsoletes Great Lighthouse+1 trade route per city Currency 400 Mathematics BankingCode of Laws MarketForumGrocerApothecary Enables Gold Trading+1 trade route per city Democracy 2800 Printing PressConstitution The Statue of Liberty Civic: Universal SuffrageCivic: Emancipation Divine Right 1200 MonarchyTheology Nationalism VersaillesThe Spiral Minaret First to discover founds Islam Drama 300 Alphabet MusicPhilosophy TheatrePavilionGlobe Theatre Can adjust culture rate Ecology 5500 BiologyFissionPlastics Recycling CenterSS Life Support Can Scrub Fallout Economics 1400 BankingEducation ...
Channel: Waropedia
August 15, 2012, 17:32 -
Promotion Available to Effect Requires Leads to Combat I All Combat Units +10% Strength Combat IICoverShockPinchMedic I Combat II All Combat Units +10% Strength Combat I Combat IIIFormationChargeAmbushAmphibious Combat III All Combat Units +10% Strength Combat II Combat IVMarchBlitzSentry Combat IV All Combat Units +10% StrengthHeals extra 10% damage / turn in neutral lands Combat III Combat VCommando Combat V All Combat Units +10% StrengthHeals extra 10% damage / turn in enemy lands Combat IV Combat VI Combat VI All Combat Units +25% Strength Combat VLead by Warlord Cover Archery UnitsMelee UnitsGunpowder Units +25% Strength vs. Archery Units Combat I orDrill I Shock Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsSiege Weapons +25% Strength vs. Melee Units Combat I orDrill I Pinch Mounted UnitsGunpowder UnitsArmored UnitsHelicopter Units +25% Strength vs. Gunpowder Units Combat I orDrill IGunpowder Formation Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsGunpowder Units +25% Strength vs. Mounted Units Combat II orDrill II Charge Mounted UnitsMelee UnitsArmored UnitsHelicopter Units +25% Strength vs. Siege Weapons Combat II Ambush Siege WeaponsGunpowder UnitsArmored UnitsHelicopter Units +25% Strength vs. Armored Units Combat II Amphibious Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsGunpowder UnitsRecon Units No combat penalty for attacking accros riverNo combat penalty forattacking from sea Combat II March Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsSiege WeaponsGunpowder UnitsRecon Units Can heal while moving Combat IIIor Medic I Blitz Mounted UnitsArmored UnitsHelicopter Units Can attack multiple times per turn Combat III Commando Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsGunpowder UnitsArmored UnitsRecon Units Can use enemy roads Combat IV Medic I Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsSiege WeaponsGunpowder UnitsRecon UnitsNaval Units Heals Units in Same Tile Extra 10% Damage/Turn Combat I Medic IIMarch Medic II Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsSiege WeaponsGunpowder UnitsRecon UnitsNaval Units Heals Units in Adjacent Tiles Extra 10% Demage/Turn Medic I Medic III Medic III Archery UnitsMounted UnitsMelee UnitsSiege WeaponsGunpowder UnitsRecon UnitsNaval Units Heals Units in Same Tile Extra 15% Damage/TurnHeals Units in Adjacent Tiles Extra 15% Demage/Turn Medic IILead by Warlord Guerilla I Archery UnitsGunpowder UnitsRecon Units +20% Hills Defense Guerilla II Guerilla II Archery UnitsGunpowder UnitsMelee UnitsRecon Units Double Movement In Hills+30% Hills Defense Guerilla I Guerilla III Guerilla III Archery UnitsGunpowder UnitsMelee Units +30% Withdrawel Chance+25% Hills Attack Guerilla II Woodsman I Melee UnitsGunpowder UnitsRecon Units +20% Jungle Defense+20% Forest Defense Woodsman II Woodsman II Melee UnitsGunpowder UnitsRecon Units +30% Jungle Defense+30% Forest DefenseDouble movement speed in Jungle & Forest Woodsman I City Raider I Melee UnitsSiege WeaponsArmored Units +20% City Attack City Raider IIAccuracy City Raider II Melee UnitsSiege WeaponsArmored Units +25% City Attack City Raider I City Raider III City Raider III Melee UnitsSiege WeaponsArmored Units +30% City Attack+10% Strength vs. Gunpowder Units City Raider II City Garrison I Archery UnitsGunpowder Units +20% city defense City Garrison II City Garrison II Archery UnitsGunpowder Units +25% city defense City Garrison I City Garrison III City G...
Channel: Waropedia
August 15, 2012, 17:30 -
Combat Units Str MP Cost Technology Resource Special Abilities ScoutRecon Units 1 2 15 Hunting Can Only DefendBetter results from Tribal Villages+100% vs. Animals ExplorerRecon Units 4 2 40 Compass Can Only DefendBetter results from Tribal VillagesIgnores Terrain Movement CostStarts with Guerilla I, Woodsman I WarriorMelee Units 2 1 15 +25% City Defense SwordsmanMelee Units 6 1 40 Iron Working Iron +10% City Attack AxemanMelee Units 5 1 35 Bronze Working Copper or Iron +50% vs. Melee Units MacemanMelee Units 8 1 70 Civil ServiceMachinery Copper or Iron +50% vs. Melee Units SpearmanMelee Units 4 1 35 Hunting Copper or Iron +100% vs. Mounted Units PikemanMelee Units 6 1 60 Engineering Iron +100% vs. Mounted Units MusketmanGunpowder Units 9 1 80 Gunpowder RiflemanGunpowder Units 14 1 110 Rifling +25% vs. Mounted Units GrenadierGunpowder Units 12 1 100 Chemistry +50% vs. Rifleman InfantryGunpowder Units 20 1 140 Assembly LineRifling +25% vs. Gunpowder Units SAM InfantryGunpowder Units 18 1 150 Rocketry +50% vs. Helicopter UnitsCan Intercept Aircraft (40% Chance) MarineGunpowder Units 24 1 160 IndustrialismRifling +50% vs. Machine Gun+50% vs. ArtilleryStarts with Amphibious Mechanized InfantryGunpowder Units 32 2 200 RoboticsRifling Can Intercept Aircraft (20% Chance)Starts with March ArcherArchery Units 3 1 25 Archery 1 First Strike+50% City Defense+25% Hills Defense LongbowmanArchery Units 6 1 50 FeudalismArchery 1 First Strike+25% City Defense+25% Hills Defense CrossbowmanArchery Units 6 1 60 MachineryArchery Iron 1 First Strike+50% vs. Melee ChariotMounted Units 4 2 25 The Wheel Horses No Defensive Bonuses10% Withdrawl Chance+100% vs. Axeman Horse ArcherMounted Units 6 2 50 Horseback RidingArchery Horses Immune to First StrikesNo Defensive Bonuses20% Withdrawl Chance-10% City Attack+50% vs. Catapult+50% vs. Trebuchet KnightMounted Units 10 2 90 GuildsHorseback Riding HorsesIron Immune to First StrikesNo Defensive Bonuses CavalryMounted Units 15 2 120 Military TraditionGunpowderHorseback Riding Horses No Defensive Bonuses30% Withdrawl Chance+50% vs. Cannon War ElephantMounted Units 8 1 60 Construction Ivory No Defensive Bonuses+50% vs. Mounted Units CatapultSiege Weapons 5 1 40 Construction No Defensive BonusesBombards Cities (-15%/turn)Causes Collateral Damage25% Withdrawal Chance TrebuchetSiege Weapons 4 1 80 Engineering No Defensive BonusesBombards Cities (-25%/turn)Causes Collateral Damage25% Withdrawal Chance+100% City Attack CannonSiege Weapons 12 1 100 Steel Iron No Defensive BonusesBombards Cities (-20%/turn)Causes Collateral Damage25% Withdrawal Chance Machine GunSiege Weapons 18 1 125 Railroad Can Only Defend1 First Strike+50% vs. Gunpowder Units ArtillerySiege Weapons 18 1 150 Artillery No Defensive BonusesBombards Cities (-25%/turn)Causes Collateral Damage25% Withdrawal Chance+50% vs. Siege Weapons TankArmored Units 28 2 180 IndustrialismRifling Oil No Defensive BonusesStarts With Blitz Modern ArmorArmored Units 40 2 240 CompositesComputers OilAluminu...
Channel: Waropedia
August 15, 2012, 17:27 -
World Wonders Can only be built once in the entire world Wonder Requires Cost Effects The Pyramids Masonry 500 Enables all Government civics+6 culture+2 engineer Great People PointsCan only be built on Classical and earlier startsDouble production speed with Stone Stonehenge Mysticism 120 Free Monument in every cityCenters world map+8 culture+2 prophet Great People PointsCan only be built on Ancient and earlier startsDouble production speed with StoneObsolete wth Calendar The Great Library LiteratureLibrary 350 +2 free Scientist in city+8 Culture+2 scientist Great People PointsCan only be built on Medieval and earlier startsDouble production speed with MarbleObsolete with Scientific Method The Great Lighthouse MasonryLighthouse 200 +2 trade routes in all coastal cities+6 culture+2 merchant Great People PointsCan only be built on Classical and earlier startsObsolete wth Corporation The Hanging Gardens MathematicsAquaduct 300 +1 health in all cities+1 population in all cities+6 culture+2 engineer Great People PointsCan only be built on Medieval and earlier startsDouble production speed with Stone The Colossus Metal CastingForge 250 +1 commerce from water tiles in all cities+6 culture+2 merchant Great People PointsCan only be built on Medieval and earlier startsDouble production speed with CopperObsolete with Astronomy The Oracle Priesthood 150 +1 free technology+8 culture+2 prophet Great People PointsCan only be built on Ancient and earlier startsDouble production speed with Marble The Parthenon Polytheism 400 +50% great people birth rate in all cities+10 culture+2 artist Great People PointsCan only be built on Classical and earlier startsDouble production speed with MarbleObsolete with Chemistry Angkor Wat Philosophy 500 +1 hammer from Priest in all citiesCan turn 3 citizens into priest+8 culture+2 priest Great People PointsCan only be built on Renaissance and earlier startsDouble production speed with StoneObsolete with Computers The Hagia Sophia Engineering 550 Workers build improvements 50% faster+8 culture+2 engineer Great People PointsCan only be built on Medieval and earlier startsDouble production speed with MarbleObsolete with Steam Power Chichen Itza Code of Laws 500 +25% defence in all cities+6 culture+2 prophet Great People PointsCan only be built on Medieval and earlier startsDouble production speed with StoneObsolete with Rifling The Sistine Chapel Theology 600 +2 Culture per Specialist in All Cities+10 Culture+2 artist Great People PointsCan only be built on Renaissance and earlier startsDouble production speed with Marble The Spiral Minaret Divine Right 550 +2 gold from all state religion buildings+8 culture+2 prophet Great People PointsCan only be built on Renaissance and earlier startsDouble production speed with StoneObsolete with Computers Notre Dame Music 650 +1 happiness in all cities on this continent+10 culture+2 artist Great People PointsCan only be built on Renaissance and earlier startsDouble production speed with Stone The Taj Mahal Nationalism 700 Starts a golden age+10 culture+2 artist Great People PointsCan only be built on Industrial and earlier startsDouble production speed with Marble The Kremlin Communism 800 -33% hurry production cost+2 artist Great People PointsDouble production speed with StoneObsolete with Fiber Obtics The Eiffel Tower RadioForge 1250 Free Broadcast Tower in every city+6 culture+2 merchant Great People PointsDouble production speed with Iron The Statue of Liberty DemocracyForge 1500 +1 free specialist in all cities on the continent+6 culture+2 merchant Great People PointsCan only be built on Industrial and earlier startsDouble production speed with Copper Broadway Electricity 800 +50% cultureProvides 5 Hit Musicals+2 artist Great People Points Rock & Roll Radio 800 +50% cultureProvies 5 Hit Singles+2 artist Great People Points Hollywood Mass Media 1000 +50% cultureProvides 5 Hit Movies+2 artist Great People Points The Three Gorges Dam Plastics 1750 ...
Channel: Waropedia
August 15, 2012, 17:23 -