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  • Bereta_Eder
    Trump screwing up the globe
    by Bereta_Eder
    even the idea that he is getting closer to a dictatorhsip of the US has already emboldened his little friend erdogan and turkey put out 5 military ships (that were masked discreetely by subs rafels and just two military ships from greece) in the aegean

    see how trumpie the dictaror dumbass emboldens all his friends? if he wins a greek turkish war or at least incident is certain. and russia will invade more countries

    oh and probably iran will nuke israel and...
    July 24, 2024, 13:05
  • Bereta_Eder
    hillbilly elogy
    by Bereta_Eder
    (elogy is a greek word)

    I'm all for dimwit peasants.

    they the core of all that is fascist...
    July 22, 2024, 14:41
  • Bereta_Eder
    US is brazil change my mind
    by Bereta_Eder
    US is a gun tottin hitler society based on race. It doesn't gas inferior races but it operates on the basis that they exist.

    That's facts.

    Ming can delete my thread since I'm not "badmouthing russia" in this case it's ok

    If by chance this thread stays I want someone to explain to me how are there american laws in that brazilian rainforest you call the US that allow people that are stopped for traficking ciolations or whatever to have their...
    July 22, 2024, 13:33