The Ultimate Civilization 5 Strategy Guide at Apolyton Civilization Site
Civilization 5 Table of Civilizations and Leaders
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: March 26, 2011, 14:57
Civilization 5 Table of Civilizations and Leaders
There are 18 civilizations in Civ5 vanilla and 4 additional as downloadable content, each with its own leader and unique unit. In addition, every leader has a semi-unique "personality", consisting of traits that determine their in-game behavior. For example, Elizabeth of the English, a historical naval power, emphasizes a pursuit of naval dominance and the choices she makes reflects this desire. However, in order to prevent leaders from becoming too-predictable, these traits have the potential to be changed slightly and weighted differently before a new game begins, keeping diplomacy fresh. ...
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Civilization 5: Victory Conditions
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: March 5, 2011, 16:40
- 1 comment
Civilization 5: Victory Conditions
Domination Victory
Science Victory
Cultural Victory
Diplomatic Victory
Points Victory
There are five ways to win a game of Civilization 5. It's best to pick a goal from the outset of the game and start working for it from the first turn.
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Civilization 5: Military Strategy and Tactics
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: March 5, 2011, 16:37
Civilization 5: Military Strategy and Tactics
Basic Military Strategy
Managing and Conducting a War
Basic Military Units
Basic Military Tactics
Advanced Military Tactics
Aerial Combat
Naval Combat
The Civ 5 AI isn't brilliant, but it's smart enough to tear you apart if you play badly. A victorious player plans both strategy -- the long term goals and methods of a war -- and tactics -- the methods used to achieve these goals. The strategy and tactics used in the different Eras are discussed below. -
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Civilization 5: Social Policies
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: March 5, 2011, 16:31
- 1 comment
Civilization 5: Social Policies
Getting Cultured
Intelligent Policy Making and Recommended Policy Paths
Social Policies are special powers you unlock with Culture points. Social Policies are available in ten trees. Most Policies require prerequisite selections to access higher-tier abilities. Some Social Policy trees are locked until certain Eras begin, which means that a player interested in opening up some of the most powerful special abilities must make Research a priority.
Created by:
Civilization 5: Technology
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: March 5, 2011, 16:26
Civilization 5: Technology
How Research Works
Planning Toward Technological Goals
Mao's Folly: How the Great Leap Forward Gets You Killed
Acquiring Technology Outside of Research
Tech Trees
- Tier 1 - Ancient Era, Part 1
- Tier 2 - Ancient Era, Part 2
- Tier 3 - Classical Era
- Tier 4 - Medieval Era, Part 1
- Tier 5 - Medieval Era, Part 2
- Tier 6 - Renaissance Era, Part 1
- Tier 7 - Renaissance Era, Part 2
- Tier 8 - Renasissance Era, Part 3
- Tier 9 - Industrial Era, Part 1
- Tier 10 - Industrial Era, Part 2
- Tier 11 - Industrial Era, Part 3
- Tier 12 - Modern Era, Part 1
- Tier 13 - Modern Era, Part 2
- Tier 14 - Modern Era, Part 3
- Tier 15 - Future Era, Part 1
- Tier 16 - Future Era, Part 2
- Tier
17 -
Future Era, Part 3
Created by:
Civilization 5: Economics
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: March 5, 2011, 16:23
Civilization 5: Economics
Created by:
Civilization 5: Diplomacy
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: March 5, 2011, 16:10
Created by:
Civilization 5: Exploration
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: March 5, 2011, 16:06
Civilization 5: Exploration
Created by:
Civilization 5: Building Your City
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: March 5, 2011, 16:02
- 1 comment
Civilization 5: Building Your City
Expanding and Improving Your Capital City
Puppet States
Citizen Allocation Focus
Improvements and Labor
Buying Land
Meeting Demands
Maintaining Happiness: Long-term solutions, Short-term Fixes
Disaster Recovery
Creating Great People
Utilizing Great People
Balancing Production Between Multiple Cities
Mass Production Strategies
Quick Production Strategies
Connecting Cities: Transportation Infrastructure and Trade Routes
Created by:
Civilization 5: Civilizations and Leaders
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: March 5, 2011, 15:57
Civilization 5: Civilizations and Leaders
Ottoman Empire
The civilizations you'll face in Civilization 5 all field unique Units and wield special powers which lend themselves to certain kinds of game play. We've compiled a few facts and hints to help you best engage each competing culture in diplomacy, economics, and war.Regardless of Leadership or nationality, all rival civilizations in the Civilization 5 are dangerous. Civilization 5's take on world politics is decidedly bloodier in nature than its recent prequels. Some civilizations act more aggressively than others, but any of them will attack you if they smell weakness. Beware.
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Latest Articles
by OzzyKP<img title="The Ultimate Civilization 5 Strategy Guide" alt="The Ultimate Civilization 5 Strategy Guide" src=""
Channel: Strategy-Guide
June 15, 2012, 23:19 -
There are 18 civilizations in Civ5 vanilla and 4 additional as downloadable content, each with its own leader and unique unit. In addition, every leader has a semi-unique "personality", consisting of traits that determine their in-game behavior. For example, Elizabeth of the English, a historical naval power, emphasizes a pursuit of naval dominance and the choices she makes reflects this desire. However, in order to prevent leaders from becoming too-predictable, these traits have the potential to be changed slightly and weighted differently before a new game begins, keeping diplomacy fresh. ...
Channel: Strategy-Guide
March 25, 2011, 18:47 -
Domination Victory
Science Victory
Cultural Victory
Diplomatic Victory
Points Victory
There are five ways to win a game of Civilization 5. It's best to pick a goal from the outset of the game and start working for it from the first turn.
Channel: Strategy-Guide
March 5, 2011, 16:40 -
Basic Military Strategy
Managing and Conducting a War
Basic Military Units
Basic Military Tactics
Advanced Military Tactics
Aerial Combat
Naval Combat
The Civ 5 AI isn't brilliant, but it's smart enough to tear you apart if you play badly. A victorious player plans both strategy -- the long term goals and methods of a war -- and tactics -- the methods used to achieve these goals. The strategy and tactics used in the different Eras are discussed below.-
Channel: Strategy-Guide
March 5, 2011, 16:37 -
Getting Cultured
Intelligent Policy Making and Recommended Policy Paths
Social Policies are special powers you unlock with Culture points. Social Policies are available in ten trees. Most Policies require prerequisite selections to access higher-tier abilities. Some Social Policy trees are locked until certain Eras begin, which means that a player interested in opening up some of the most powerful special abilities must make Research a priority.
Channel: Strategy-Guide
March 5, 2011, 16:31 -
How Research Works
Planning Toward Technological Goals
Mao's Folly: How the Great Leap Forward Gets You Killed
Acquiring Technology Outside of Research
Tech Trees
- Tier 1 - Ancient Era, Part 1
- Tier 2 - Ancient Era, Part 2
- Tier 3 - Classical Era
- Tier 4 - Medieval Era, Part 1
- Tier 5 - Medieval Era, Part 2
- Tier 6 - Renaissance Era, Part 1
- Tier 7 - Renaissance Era, Part 2
- Tier 8 - Renasissance Era, Part 3
- Tier 9 - Industrial Era, Part 1
- Tier 10 - Industrial Era, Part 2
- Tier 11 - Industrial Era, Part 3
- Tier 12 - Modern Era, Part 1
- Tier 13 - Modern Era, Part 2
- Tier 14 - Modern Era, Part 3
- Tier 15 - Future Era, Part 1
- Tier 16 - Future Era, Part 2
- Tier
17 -
Future Era, Part 3
Channel: Strategy-Guide
March 5, 2011, 16:26