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Civ 4 the List: Scenario / Map Editor


  • Civ 4 the List: Scenario / Map Editor


    Here's the Scenario/Map Editor section of the list; dealing with all modability and customizability and rules editing for the Map Editor as well as all possible Game Modifications and Scenarios and additions that might be added to Civ IV.

    Thanks! List Threadmaster DarkCloud


    Basically, the major desire of the scenario creating community is for Civilization IV to be more Scenario-building friendly than Civ III.

    One of the major desires was for the limitations on population limits and map size to be raised or destroyed altogether since in these days of 3 GHZ+ computers and computers with 512MB+ RAM, most computers can handle that sort of power.

    Therefore, most people desired "more" customizability and "more" power.

    Related Threads

    {The List} Scenario/Map Editor, DarkCloud
    Civ2 Editor style or Civ3?, Nuclear Master

    Table of Contents

    1.0.0 The Scenario Editor
    2.0.0 Scripting Language
    3.0.0 Map Editor
    4.0.0 Maps
    5.0.0 Scenarios
    6.0.0 Resources
    7.0.0 Unit/Wonder/Improvement Modability
    8.0.0 Editor Support
    9.0.0 Civlopedia

    The Ideas

    1.0.0 The Scenario Editor

    1.1.0 Basic Design Philosophy

    *I think the civ2 editor works better for creating scenarios, because you could basically make any concievable starting position, but it's not as good for editing rules and stuff.

    They should be hybridized somehow. Perhaps there should be a rules editor, and then you can load a rules file and make the scenario in a civ2 style editor.
    -Jaguar Warrior

    1.2.0 The Cheat Mode

    *The Game needs a Cheat-Mode option for easy modification either "in game" (a la Civ II) or in a special scenario-editor image screen.
    *The Cheat Mode should also be included in the regular game as a 'sandbox mode' for newbies or people who enjoy to cheat.
    -Jaguar Warrior

    1.3.0 No Limits

    *It would be very nice indeed if the various limits (maximum city population, maximum number of units, maximum map size, maximum number of civilization, maximum number of unit types, maximum number of terrain types, etc.) were set very, very high indeed. (ed- Especially since computers nowadays are much more powerful than computers in the past.)
    These limits can hamper the creation of scenarios, partucularly large scenarios - I certainly had that problem in Civilization 2 - The Gold Edition.

    1.4.0 In-Game Editor

    *In Civilization 3, I never even bothered creating scenarios. The out of game editor was actually a major turn-off, since it is frequently much easier to create scenarios through a combination of playing and editing/modification than through an editor alone. Hence, I would strongly recommend an in-game scenario editor for Civ IV.

    1.5.0 Flags

    *I want to be able to make national flags for nations in scenarios

    1.6.0 Tierd Maps

    *I'd really like if they put back the ability to play on multi-tiered maps, like in Civ2ToT, although it might not be realistic to have them permanently fixed together (teleporting from one hex brings you automatically to the same numbered hex on any map you can go to); but perhaps there can be designated 'link-points' between the maps like in Sim City 2004 or in Heroes of Might and Magic III?
    -Jawn Henry

    1.7.0 Altering Maps Slightly Still Allows Players to get in Hall of Fame

    *Be able to alter city lists but still be in the hall of fame.

    1.8.0 Turn Off Features in the Game

    *Be able to turn off major features of the game, like military leaders, continental congress, religion, combat, cities, technological advancement, wonders, etc. Turning off military leaders would be good for civs with limited available names.

    1.9.0 Minieditor use allows the Hall of Fame

    *Have a separate minieditor where you can only change things that will not affect the fairness of the game, like giving one civ a combination of characteristics that a different one has anyway; city lists; barbarian tribe lists, graphics for rulers, cities, and the palace, etc. Things that would not disallow the Hall of Fame. Have it as a minieditor so you can set things to use more than once, but also be able to set these options in an optional extended startup.

    *altering graphics, unit names, and improvement names. Also be able to rename a type of improvement ingame when you build the first one, and be able to rename an entire type of unit anytime ingame.

    1.10.0 Summary Screen in the Editor

    One thing I keep thinking of is geared more for the editor than the game. I would like to have a summary screen in the editor that breaks down the vital stats for the map I am working on with info such as:

    • type and number of each resource and luxury
    • number of civs and number of starting locations assigned
    • % of land to water or even better % of terrain type (15% desert, 30% grassland, etc)


    1.11.0 Editing Civilizations' Attitudes

    The ability to edit the attitude of every civ for a scenario.
    -Spanish Civilization Community (submitted by Kramsib)

    2.0.0 Scripting Language

    2.0.1 Scripting Language Like "Empire Earth's"

    *The game should have a scripting language a la that included in Sierra's Empire Earth. If the game could have a language of that power, with the ability to trigger events that occur at certain dates, or that occur when certain actions are taken, then scenario-makers will feel more empowered and enjoy the game more since they can create more realistic scenarios.
    (example: If Berlin falls- then Division I and II of German Tanks surrender {even if they weren't produced in Berlin} and their parts can be scuffled and sold in the nearest allied city for more goldpieces.)
    -Rasbelin, DarkCloud

    2.0.2 Scripted Events

    *There should be scripted events
    -et. al.

    2.0.2 Triggers

    *The Scenario Editor should also have the option to trigger mutliple actions with one event.
    (example: Germany attacks France which causes both the US and the English to auto-declare war)
    -Mongoloid Cow

    2.0.3 Trigger Limits

    *The Scenario Editor has an option which allows the player to forbid alliances from happening as well as peace agreements.
    However, the editor should allow scenario creators to put a limit on the time when alliances and peace agreements can be made.
    (For example: "From 1940-1945 the Germans cannot ally with the French... however in 1946 in this hypothetical scenario, General LeMond Le Monde turns traitor in Tunisia and allies with the Germans as a puppet state)

    3.0.0 The Map Editor

    *Basically the map editor design from civ II and civ III was apparently quite acceptable to all Apolytoners since no one commented on this design at length.

    3.0.1 Copy/Paste Functions

    *The Map editor should have a copy/paste function, so that a continent from one map can be selected and slapped down on another map.
    -Colonel Kraken

    4.0.0 Maps

    North America; South America; MesoAmerica;
    North Atlantic including parts of North America, Europe, and Africa;
    Europe; Mediterranean including parts of Europe, Africa, Middle East;
    Middle East;
    Asia; South Asia;
    Indian Ocean including parts of Africa, Asia, Australia;
    East Asia;
    A large map of the Pacific including New Zealand and parts of Asia, Australia, North America;
    The World in at least five sizes
    Chiron in Earth Terrain (ed- As a possible Easter Egg?)

    *Surface-Area Correct Earth Maps

    *The Editor needs a zoom function

    *Fix the weirdness civ3 has with the bottom edge of maps.

    *Include a map with Earth's coastlines, but all of the land is grassland.

    *The world as seen on old, inaccurate maps.

    *Include official scenarios with major rules variations

    *Perhaps include some sort of campaign scenario; like in Empire Earth or in Age of Empires that takes a nation through 5-10 maps on its conquest of the world? In order to alleviate tensions about 'favoritism' in picking certain earthly nations, perhaps one nation from Europe, one from Africa, one from the Americas, and one from Asia could be chosen? At the very least, this might be a good idea for an expansion pack: "Warring Empires" or something of the like.

    5.0.0 Scenarios

    5.1.0 Super-Small Scenarios

    If this is truly to be an umbrella game system, it should be possible to model in detail a small battle on a small amount of land: units are individual human beings, individual buildings within a city can be terrain features, turns can be minutes or unspecified periods of time.

    5.2.0 Underdog Scenario

    *Maybe have a separate scenario with obscure civs, noncivs, and small modern countries as your choices and the major civs from the main game can be among the barbarian tribes. Be sure you can play it on a map of the real world. How would the technology tree, standard units, and city improvements be? I guess the scenario could interestingly replace all the standard wonders.

    Civs for this scenario could include:
    Inuit, Cree, Otavalo, Guarani, Iceland, Faroese, Gotland, Sami, Karelians, Basques, Catalonia, Sicily, Switzerland, Balts, Goths, Albania, Picts, Kurds, Armenians, Kashmir, Tibet, Ainu, Hmong, Vietnam, Berbers, Ethiopians, Madagascar, Bushmen, Australian Aborigines, Hawaii, Tonga, Fiji, Tahiti, Samoa

    6.0.0 Resources

    6.0.1 Pollution Rates

    *Pollution rates should be editable in each city, and for each square on the map, as well as the global pollution rate.

    7.0.0 Unit/Wonder/Improvement Modability

    7.1.0 Unit/Improvment Builders

    *Unit and Improvement builders, similar to SimCity SCURK and BAT... (ed: or more advanced versions of those included with Civ II: Fantastic Worlds)

    7.2.0 Assorted Requests for Modifications to the Modability of the Editor to make it more like Civ II's

    *Preset diplomatic agreements should be allowed in Civ IV as they were in Civ II. (IE: trade, permanent war, etc.)
    *Ships should be able to be loaded onto ships with ths editor

    *Units should be able to be fortified and given orders ("go to," for example)

    8.0.0 Editor Support

    *Have more information about the editor in the manual.

    *Release a book with suggestions of things to do with the editor, such as civs with traits, cities, and leaders.

    *With each new expansion, include updated versions of previous scenarios.

    *Host a "Map of the Month" contest at a Firaxis Website to promote the game. Or alternatively, release a new map each month.

    Amazingly enough, these overtures to the fan community actually sell games- personally I purchased Rollercoaster Tycoon, Total Annihilation, and Neverwinter Nights becuase of the extent to which those games' corporations had gone to support them.

    *Have an editor wizard. Have it tell you how balanced civs you create are. (Ed: In essence "Map Verification") Let it tell you how well your tech tree flows, and point out loose ends. Have it decide which scenarios are hall- of- fame- worthy.

    *I personally would like the game to generate a flow chart for technologies or unit relationships that could be printed out or displayed on a website- sort of like "THE SIMS" viewer for families. That would be amazing and would save hours for scenario-designers.

    9.0.0 Civlopedia

    *Be able to type dialogue and civilopedia text directly into the editor.


    Apparently, the consensus on the map editor/ scenario editor is that Civilization IV should continue the tradition of the series by allowing large customizability and a cheat mode for scenario editing (in house) while the players are testing the game.

    Respectfully Compiled: DarkCloud
    With special thanks to: Asmodean, MarkG

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      And here they are, alphabetically:

      Asmodean- Former Administrator of the List
      Azazel- Government and Social Engineering
      DarkCloud- Administrator; Civilizations, General, Scenario/Map Editor; List Formatter
      Fosse- The Polls
      Ixnay- Space
      Lajzar- Units
      MattH- Cheats
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      Trifna- Movement/Supply, User Friendliness

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      Good luck with your struggles and please, keep civving!

      List Administrator

      PS: Here's a link to the Civ III-Ideas List compiled by Apolyton Fans on July 14, 1999 - Civ III List in case you wish to compare it to the current creation

      August 31, 2012, 18:05
    • Civ 4 the List: The Polls
      by Fosse


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      What ARE wonders, anyway?
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      Tech Transmission

      Here is some food for thought from Civfanatics.

      -Respectfully Compiled by Fosse

      August 31, 2012, 18:03
    • Civ 4 the List: Wonders
      by Fosse
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      by Trifna
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      by lajzar
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