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CTPII Info: Micromanagment


  • CTPII Info: Micromanagment


    (12 May 2000, 5:18 EST) Interesting news are coming from E3. Atahualpa reported us of a news article at the German site Gamestar. Here is part of the article translated by Ata, focusing on a new city-building unit:
    "The sequel to last years published Call to Power from Activision makes great progress. Graphics and Interface will only be improved in details, but therefor, the developers looked to get most of the lacking points of CtP1 straight! New Units like the City-builder bring more diversity into the game, as with him you can build _already developed_ cities in later stages of the game."

    And here is the translation of the full article from Babelfish. It's not perfect as you can see, but it's something
    "The second section in the last year call to of power of Activision appeared makes large progress. Diagram and control are improved only in the detail, but to have itself the developers very strongly to the removal of the points of criticism made. New units as for example the staedtebauer provide for still more alternation, because with it localities already developed can be established at later times in the play. A majority of the innovations concerns the diplomacy. Thus alliances are closed not only as usual and signed trade agreements, but with direct threats and offers even many engagements on now the persektivisch represented battleground can be avoided. Planned erscheinungstermin is Christmas 2000."

    Looking at the images we have seen so far, the unit might be the one on this news article...


    (9 June 2000, 9:11 EST) An... Actisigner is asking for your feedback:
    "We've got something of an internal schism regarding the City Management screen. As you might recall, in CTP, it was a list summary of all of the cities in your civilization. From there, you could:
    1. Change city names
    2. Change what they were currently building
    3. Load/create/save build queues
    4. Disband cities.
    5. View statistical information (i.e. food, prod., gold, etc.)
    My question to all of you: what did you primarily use the screen for? This will help determine the functionality that eventually goes into the game. Thanks again!"
    Well, thanks for asking St Swithin!


    (10 June 2000, 2:29 EST) One of the things many people were used in Civ2 and missed in CTP1 was the screen with all the data related to one city. Instead, CTP1 broke the data into several "tabs". CTP2 keeps the tabs(and the multiple city screen of course), but also brings back the (single)city screen! St Swithin posts:
    "There is a City management screen, which focuses on one city and its intimate inner workings. The screen I'm talking about is a summary of all of the cities in your empire, so if you wanted a closer look at a specific city, you would just double-click it and go to the City management screen."
    Related forum thread

    Source: IGN Preview


    (27 June 2000, 21:16 EST) It's been six weeks since the first installment, but today IGN updated their preview of Call To Power II, and it is paying for itself in dividends. With so much information to assimilate, we've broken it down into sub-sections which are but bottom-line excerpts from the extensive writeup. In each instance, IGN's Stephen Butts reports...

    On the Interface and new easy ways to do things
    "Actual placement of individual farming units has been completely eliminated and now the only thing players will need to worry about is selecting the number of farmers, entertainers, scientists, etc. How much of the land that can be utilized around the city is determined now by the city's influence (how big it is and how long it's been around). If someone feels overwhelmed by the prospect of city micro-management, all they have to do is click on the mayor option in the city they no longer wish to worry about. Mayors will run the city automatically for the players focusing on the player's choice of growth (in which they will attempt to increase the city's size), production (improving the city's ability to build) or science (focusing on generating as many research points as possible). Trade options have also been improved so that cities can now trade food with each other – pretty handy if you have one big fat city and a ton of other cities that are starving."

    National management
    CTP2 also offers the chance to get your feet wet with national management. Rather than issuing orders to each and every city in your empire, you can command multiple cities at the same time. You can eliminate particular cities from the national management group as well. Let's say you discover the technology to construct walls and you want all your cities to begin construction on them. You can add City Walls to the production queue underneath whatever is currently being constructed.

    Source: Gamespot Preview


    (28 June 2000, 12:29 EST) Two days, two previews equals information overload which, in this instance, may not be such a bad thing. Yesterday, GameSpot posted their own preview of Call To Power II...

    "Another of the game's new features is that a city's area of influence for resource-gathering in the surrounding countryside will grow as the city grows, which means that new trade goods and more resources will become available as your city matures. This territory growth doesn't just simply increase in a circle, but will deform to accommodate other cities, creating a continuous patchwork that never puts vital resources frustratingly out of reach."

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