This month's PC Gamer paper edition covers Civilization V!
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Apolyton Civilization 5 section
PC Gamer covers Civilization V!
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- Published: September 11, 2010, 17:39
PC Gamer covers Civilization V!
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Preview: How To Beat Three People At Civilization V Multiplayer on Kotaku
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Martin Gühmann
- Published: September 10, 2010, 19:19
- 1 comment
Preview: How To Beat Three People At Civilization V Multiplayer on Kotaku
Stephen Totilo tells us how to beat three other people in Multiplayer in an early Civilisation V built. However, he made the mistake to place the capital of Arabia into the desert as it is historically accurate, and for performance he turned super shiny graphics off so that the fog of war looks a little bit hexagonial, but in the end he won, though it was not a time, science, domination, culture, nor diplomatic victory, but just a score victory.
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Listen to the Civ5 Soundtrack
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- Published: September 10, 2010, 11:03
Listen to the Civ5 Soundtrack
Geog Knorr of Firaxis who is one of the designer of the Civ V music published quite a few samples of their work.
Listen to the CivV Soundtrack on Georg Knorr´s site.
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CivAnonymous - Member Stories Contest
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- Published: September 8, 2010, 18:34
CivAnonymous - Member Stories Contest
Firaxis through their - maybe, just maybe - not entirely serious group Civ Anonymous organized a contest, where civvers were asked to "[...] share their experiences with Civ addiction with other members."
The contest went from August 18th till September 8th.
The winner will be decided by vote - potentially YOUR vote!
In order to watch the various entries and vote for a favorite, go here.
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8th Official Civ5 Podcast on AI in Civilization V!
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- Published: September 8, 2010, 04:49
8th Official Civ5 Podcast on AI in Civilization V!
The 8th installment of the official Civilization 5 Community Podcast is now online on the official website in the Community Area. Elizabeth Tobey talks with Scott Lewis, Gameplay Programmer, Ed Beach, Lead Gameplay Programmer, and Brian Wade, Lead Programmer, about the AI in Civilization V. The transcript can be found here or by clicking read more.
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French Community publishing monthly Civ magazine
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- Published: September 2, 2010, 18:18
- 1 comment
French Community publishing monthly Civ magazine
The French community is doing a very fine piece of civ fan journalism + entertainment + game analysis named "La Gazette CivFR". It is published at the beginning of each month, currently in its third issue.
If you speak French and play Civ - definitely check it out!
Click here to download the .pdf of the third issue of "La Gazette CivFR" directly from CivFR.
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PolyCast Focus: `Civilization V` with Jon Shafer and Pete Murray
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- Published: August 31, 2010, 20:29
- 1 comment
PolyCast Focus: `Civilization V` with Jon Shafer and Pete Murray
Tantalizing temptation to treat. "Focus: 'Civilization V'" features Daniel "DanQ" Quick, with Tony "GarretSidzaka" Kiehl and Peter "Maniac" Steenbeke from ModCast, interviewing Jon Shafer and Pete Murray from Firaxis Games on Civilization V. Shafer is the game's Lead Designer and Murray is the company's Marketing Associate.
PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production in an ongoing effort to give the Civ community an interactive voice on game strategy; this is the seventh in its "Focus" series highlighting a particular Civ or Civ-related title. Sibling shows ModCast and RevCast focus on Civ modding and Civilization: Revolution respectively. -
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Civilization 5 Demo available on Civ5 release day
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- Published: August 28, 2010, 01:46
Civilization 5 Demo available on Civ5 release day
Today Firaxis announced when the Civilization V Demo will be released. It will be available on September 21th, which is also the release date of the full game in North America. The release date of the game itself remains unchanged.
The demo-date being pushed back is explained on the website: "The question many of you are probably asking now is “didn’t you say it would be available before the release date?” The answer to that question is yes, I did. At the time of that announcement, we expected to be able to get the demo out before the 21st, but unfortunately we weren’t able to finalize it in the timeframe we had initially planned, and for that we’re very sorry."
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New Official Civ5 Podcast: Battles and Gameplay Galore
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- Published: August 25, 2010, 07:31
New Official Civ5 Podcast: Battles and Gameplay Galore
Firaxis has released it's 7th official podcast at the Official Civilization 5 Website
A transcript of the podcast can be found here
Discuss this podcast in our forums
Click on Read more to read the transcript
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Cast your Civ5 questions for Firaxis
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- Published: August 25, 2010, 02:40
Cast your Civ5 questions for Firaxis
Firaxian Pete Murray has promised us to look into the Civilization 5 questions the community has. Please submit your questions in our Forum so that they can be included. We'll keep the thread open till thursday end of the day so make sure that you cast yours in time! We will make a compilation and send this to Firaxis/2K. It can't be promised that all questions will be answered for various reasons, but many certainly will.
Click Read more to see a first compilation of questions.
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Latest Articles
by DanQ
Bring it on. The two-hundred-and-sixteenth episode of PolyCast, "What's Next", features regular co-hosts Daniel "DanQ" Quick, "Makahlua", Philip "TheMeInTeam" Bellew and "MadDjinn" are joined by returning guest co-host "DarkestOnion". It carries a runtime of 59m59s.
Recording live before a listening audience every other Saturday, PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production in an ongoing effort to give the Civ community an interactive voice on game strategy; listeners are encouraged to follow the show on Twitter, and check out the YouTube channel for caption capability. Sibling show RevCast focuses on Civilization: Revolution, ModCast on Civ modding, SCivCast on Civ social gaming and TurnCast on Civ multiplay.-
Channel: Civ5
December 13, 2014, 12:42 -
by AesonAn interesting article at The Escapist about Civilization and some of the goings-on behind the scenes at Firaxis:
I have a lot of problems with the methods Firaxis tested this with. Turning off barbs, limiting AI expansion ... those are two critical factors for how big an impact waiting to found your first city will be.
I myself like to move the other unit first, see if there's a good spot to move the Settler to in a couple of turns or less. A river hill is is hard to pass up moving to. The extra production from the hill will pay off the first move very quickly.
How about you? In what circumstances do you feel moving the Settler is a good idea?...-
Channel: Civ5
March 1, 2014, 00:41 -
by Robertjoystiq reports that Civilization V may get another expansion, based on a listing in the Steam Apps Database. Neither Firaxis nor 2K Games commented on this finding.
Channel: Civ5
January 16, 2013, 01:03 -
by Orange46Civilization 5 Patch has been released. That is the big patch announced for this fall. It contains many fixes and tweaks and also support for Windows 8 touch screen support. Here is the list with full patch notes highlighted are the things that were not in the announcement earlier this year:
General- Mod Browser - The "Get Mods" button is now hidden if the user has disabled the steam overlay.
Civilizations and Traits- Ottoman naval upkeep is now fixed. Save games that were started before the fix will not be corrected.
- German UA and Oligarchy social policy now work together correctly.
City States- Mercantile CS now only get a unique luxury for their first city (and not the cities they conquer). Unique luxury is removed upon capture (players can no longer get it by taking over a CS). Unique luxury is given back upon liberation.
- Prevent double counting of resources when an improvement is gifted to a minor civ, then the minor civ techs up to activate the improvement.
Channel: Civ5
November 6, 2012, 18:47 -
A new Civilization 5 patch has been announced by 2K Greg on 2K Games Forums. Here are the Civ5 patch notes and what 2K Greg says about: Here's a fun surprise for you guys to read over the weekend: Patch notes for the upcoming "Fall Patch!" There's no ETA for this patch at the moment other than "fall"
There are some popular requests in here that I bet will make some of you very happy. And so without further ado: Modding Addendum The DLL source code will be released with the fall patch, allowing modders to compile modified DLLs for their Civilization V mods. BUG FIXES General Mod Browser - The "Get Mods" button is now hidden if the user has disabled the steam overlay. ...
Channel: Civ5
September 29, 2012, 20:20 -