An interesting article at The Escapist about Civilization and some of the goings-on behind the scenes at Firaxis:
I have a lot of problems with the methods Firaxis tested this with. Turning off barbs, limiting AI expansion ... those are two critical factors for how big an impact waiting to found your first city will be.
I myself like to move the other unit first, see if there's a good spot to move the Settler to in a couple of turns or less. A river hill is is hard to pass up moving to. The extra production from the hill will pay off the first move very quickly.
How about you? In what circumstances do you feel moving the Settler is a good idea?...
- 02m23s | Introduction
Informing who is Jon Shafer and Pete Murray of Firaxis Games: what does a typical workday for each of them entail.
- 05m09s | Definitions
Definition of a game designer, favourite part of the task and working relationship between departments developing Civilization V.
- 09m56s | History
Looking back at previous Civ titles to inform design decisions, and then all about the hex-based grid system: decision to use, progression through and getting oriented.
- 16m21s | Policies
CiVV's Social Policies mechanic: particulars within variety, choice benefits and consequences, and overall balance.
- 25m49s | Religion
The reimagination of representing religion in the Civilization franchise, and good -- as well as bad -- relations with other civs in-game.
- 31m12s | Modding
First, future and inception of the CivV in-game Modding browser, quality review within and installation of Mods. Then, influence of CivIV's BUG Mod, and transition from that game's Python to Lua programming language in CiVV. Finally, evolution of Civ's modding capabilities and its furthering, CivV's World Builder, ability to add data to specific objects and personal preferences for content.
- 43m52s | Legacy
Challenges and comforts in designing a successor title in an established gaming franchise as compared to one that is new and untested.
- 45m17s | Comparison
Comparing CivV to CivIV on terrain and maps, and barbarians.
- 53m06s | Advisors
Setting CivV's advisors apart from those found in Civilization: II and Civilization: Revolution.
- 55m39s | Realization
Three words: Giant Death Robots.
- Intro/Outro | Miscellaneous
Disembodied voices, getting certain medal figurines, adding a certain resource to CivV, exotic protein, and a couple of unmentionables.