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GamesCom Photo Gallery


  • Gamescom Photo Gallery

    Here are some more impressions from Gamescom 2010 to while away the time waiting for CivV.

    Civilization Booth

    Rift Area

    Thats what I call relaxed gaming

    Press day was better

    Interviewing Jon Shafer

    Apolyton Gamescom Team: From left to right: Robert Plomp, Jobe (Peter Grabowitz), Jon Shafer, Rutger van Overbeek, Shizanu (Tobias Rojahn)

    Meeting more interesting people

    See you in again in September

    Robert working...

    ...and getting stuck

    More work...

    Peter Murray presenting Civilization V

    Robert, Peter Murray and Tiffany Nagano (from 2k producing Civilization Networks).

    you want me? sorry, apo was faster

    Big Boss at home

    Comment the original blog entry

    Index, Day 1, Day 2, Preview, Interview, Gallery, Nuke, Combat, Other Games, Best Game

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    • Gamescom Overview
      by Shizanu
      Guild Wars 2 World Premiere

      I got the opportunity to play the first publicly playable version of Guild Wars 2 the successor of ArenaNet´s very successful, fee-free action RPG. Its publisher NCSoft provided a 45 Minutes Demo Version of the starting area with 4 available classes. Already on the character screen there was something new: You are asked how you master difficult situations, weather you are from a noble family or from the countryside etc. Depending on what you choose there are different introduction movies and people behave differently towards you, so it already feels like an interesting option for individualizing your character.
      Combined with great graphics, a very natural environment (the way NPCs run around, events take place and your character moves) and a lot of story in the first 30 minutes this leads to a game drawing you into its world right away.

      WoW Cataclysm

      A similar test was possible for the next WoW expansion Cataclysm featuring the return of the dragon Deathwing. Unfortunately with Cataclysm being an expansion with no new classes available the starting areas of the new races, Worgen and Goblin, weren´t really what I wanted to see. Still the little impressions I got confirm a continuation of the constant improvement during the last years, that kept WoW in business with uncharacteristically rising numbers of players since its release.

      Starcraft II

      The game has already hit the shelves, but considering the hype and initial sales records I just have to drop a few words. While probably everyone by now has heard about the balance and strategic variety and depth of the multiplayer, the singleplayer campaign that only became available to the public with release (beta tester could only test mp) provides a really epic experience. With all the cinematics and animated videos I just got the impression of watching a film and playing a little in between.


      I also took the opportunity to pay a visit to the ASUS European Nations Cup Finals in Warcraft III, watching professional teams from Russia, Ukraine, Denmark and Germany compete for the title and 9350€ in price money.

      And at last I took a random dive at one of the modern style real-time strategy games. Great graphic effects and atmosphere – and ability to move 4 tanks over the map shooting automatically and after conquering a position for my headquarters being able to place two kinds of buildings in pre defined positions. Not exactly the kind of game complexity loving Civilization players like – simplicity isn´t always better.

      And of course the most important thing of any tradefair:

      Index, Day 1, Day 2, Preview, Interview, Gallery, Nuke, Combat, Other Games, Best Game

      January 28, 2011, 19:45
    • Civ5 Modern Combat Video Presentation
      by jobe

      During Gamescom Pete Murray and Tiffany Nagano were giving presentations showing combat in the modern age in Civ5. A (relatively low-quality unless you are registered with ESL TV) video of this presentation is now available.

      It´s the same rather "preconstructed" game situation we were shown, but still interesting for anyone who hasn´t seen this part of the game, yet.

      Since embedding doesn´t work with the ESL-TV player, go here to watch.

      Index, Day 1, Day 2, Preview, Interview, Gallery, Nuke, Combat, Other Games, Best Game

      August 29, 2010, 06:59
    • Gamescom Photo Gallery
      by Shizanu
      Here are some more impressions from Gamescom 2010 to while away the time waiting for CivV. ...
      August 24, 2010, 15:21
    • Civ5 voted Best PC Game of Gamescom
      by jobe
      Just returned from last my trip to the halls of the Gamescom and at the Firaxis booth I met with a surprise: ...
      August 22, 2010, 01:59
    • Apolyton interviews Jon Shafer at GamesCom
      by Robert
      View our interview with Jon Shafer, Lead Designer of Civilization V, at GamesCom in Cologne! (Read the preview about Civ 5 Modding and the Civ5 SDK here!)

      Camera: jobe
      Images: Shizanu
      Video editing: Rutger van Overbeek
      Interview: Robert Plomp

      Index, Day 1, Day 2, Preview, Interview, Gallery, Nuke, Combat, Other Games, Best Game

      August 21, 2010, 04:36
    • Apolyton's Civ 5 Hands On Preview!
      by Robert

      Imagine yourself entering this huge hall in Cologne. You know that the Civilization V stand you're looking for is overthere, somewhere in Hall 6 B40. But your entire sight is blocked by this huge Blizzard stand. Gigantic screens screaming at you. It's early in the morning. Around you are all kinds of 'game characters' walking by. Barely dressed Babes wearing futuristic weapons. 8 feet tall mech warriors. Noise, flashes and flesh. And then suddenly it's there. Your eye falls on it. An oases of rest. It spreads this classic style. No screaming, no flashing lights. Just decently dressed woman, classical pictures of Washington showing his authority. Victoria and Cleopatra walking between the many screens, showing dignity and majesty. An isle of Civilization in the sea of Decadency and Barbarism of GamesCom.

      August 20, 2010, 15:51