The Rocky Mountain Civilization II Site presents:
Mod Packs, Scenarios, Units, Hints
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This means that you are free to look at them, download them, use them, abuse them, etc. If you like ours, and they are of benefit to you, we ask that you consider sending us the following to offset the site subscription, email, counter, etc. costs, so we can continue providing all of this to Civ II enthusiasts around the world:
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*The Rocky Mountain Civilization II Site
P.O. Box 295
Nephi, UT 84648
*Thanks for your consideration.Our Scenarios you like ............................... $ 1.50 (US)
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*The Rocky Mountain Civilization II Site
P.O. Box 295
Nephi, UT 84648
HINT or TIP: Winning in Diety Mode
Here's a couple of tips we have found
helpful for playing, enjoying and winning in Diety mode:
ONE. If you want to play a stock game, then you must do four things very quickly:
- Explore. Find as many enemies as quickly as possible. Destroy them immediately if you can. Utilize the villages and friendly mercenaries to help.
- Build up. Create new cities as quickly as possible, utilizing the new cities to create new military units to help in number one (above) and to create settlers to help continue expansion.
- Go all out in your tech to get The Great Library and then Leonardo's Workshop. This has to be carefully balanced against number two above. If another civilization get's The Great Library or Leonardo's Workshop in front of you, you are generally doomed.
- If you can, destroy all but one of your enemies early on. Then, cordon off the last one in an area where you can contain hin while doing numbers 2 & 3 above.
TWO. If you want an exciting "Diety" scenario, without having to take the above risks:
- Create a scenario where you start in a civilization that has
discovered, or is on the verge of discovering The Great Library. Then
procedd quickly to get Leonardo's Workshop.
- If you want a longer "Diety" game in this mode, change RULES.TXT to allow The Great Library and Leonardo's Workshop to continue working later into the game, say until Space Flight or Fusion Power.
- Either of these two should provide you a good chance in Diety mode with the latest version of the game. The first option usually provides a quicker game, unless you want to hold the last enemy civilization down while you proceed. The second hint has usually allowed us to play longer , very competitive diety games.