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The Column: #04 -- The Future Of "Our Little World


  • The Column: #04 -- The Future Of "Our Little World

    By Reismark I
    August 29, 1998

    Note: This is The Column, a part of Apolyton where Markos and Dan write whatever we want . Well, not just Dan and me. The Column is open to everyone. If you feel like writing submit your article to us.

    This truly is a time of chaos in the CivII world. Quality CivII sites are starting to become scarce, the companies behind our great game are not only squabbling, but are being eaten up by others, and worse of all, very little is being done to stop it. Here I will talk about what needs to be done to save "our little world" and give it a bright and glorious future as we head into the third millennium. In order to save it, we all must unionize, and deal with our own internal problems. Once that is done, we can stand together to make a difference in the corporate world. Here are the ways we can unionize:

    Markos Giannopoulos talks about his addiction to release dates...
    Daniel Quick researches the phenomenon of the new virus that hit the game industry, M.E.V.
    Frank Johnson of CivLeague explains why we will never get to play civ3

    First, there are probably about three new CivII sites appearing today. However, two of those three will be abandoned in the near future. Why?? Two reasons - they are either being assimilated by the growing number of large CivII sites with the resources to keep going, or they are simply given up on because no one's seeing them. Their savior? The WebRing!! Yes, those little terminals that appear at the bottom of many pages (and not just CivII ones) actually mean and can provide something, and yet, they are constantly ignored. We as a community must start to recognize what value the Webrings have, and start to pursue it. I encourage everyone out there with a miniscule CivII site to join any CivII webring, for people will come and "be enlightened."

    Second of all, we as a community need to recognize the talented ones in our little world, so that others may draw off of it and come up with something of their own. It is necessary to recognize greatness in the CivII world - and that is why I am announcing here today in the Column that I will be establishing an awards "show" to honor the great things and ones in our little world. However, these awards will not be possible without your support. To save our world, we must be a community, and that means we should all come together to honor the greatness on Christmas Day - by voting or nominating something for the show. With your support, we will be able to honor the greatness in our little world and learn something from it.

    However, I am not the groundbreaker in this effort to keep our world alive. There are other efforts out there that you need to know about. Thanks to this site's -----Download Policy-----, the great work of others stays where it belongs - in its owner's hands - rather than being stolen away. Thanks to the efforts of Addicted to CivII's Civilization Decency Act, quality CivII sites will still exist at the turn of the century. But programs like these need your help! Please become a part of the great effort to save our little world TODAY, and it will still be here TOMORROW.

    Reismark I is the man behind three sites - the CivII Invaders Ring, Surf City (a directory-style site) and the forthcoming Hodadian Award Central.

    The opinions expressed on this page doesnt necessarily express Apolyton CS or GameStats.
    It is just the personal opinions of the writer.

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