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New Ars Technica Preview


  • New Ars Technica Preview

    Some interesting stuff here and new screenshots.

    On quests:

    he more interesting quests centered on actual decisions about the direction you want your civilization to grow. Early on, I had to decide between two labs that wanted to set up just outside my borders; one focused on "vertically integrated science" the other looking to do "cutting-edge biomechanical research for human-machine interface development."

    Later on, I had to decide between introducing a theoretical sciences think tank or a geological mapping enterprise into my city limits, and another choice involved whether a new trade depot would be focused on improving internal production or actually assisting more in trade with nearby civilizations. In each case, both choices brought their own distinct benefits, but they pointed in different developmental directions down different technological branches.

    On the tech web:

    Which brings up another major change in Beyond Earth: the replacement of the generally linear "tech tree" with a more connected "tech web." Starting from a central point, this web extends out in several spokes representing everything from communications and power generation to exo-biology and engineering ("Instruct the children not to dream of toys and sweets. Instruct them to dream of infrastructure," says a hilariously self-serious voice when I decide to research the last of these).

    Completing research on any one spoke unlocks the ability to research a wider range of spokes one rung further out on the web, which encircles the central starting point like rings on a target. This allows for multiple paths to all of the late game tech decisions; you no longer have to lock yourself into one specific path to get to a specific tech end point that you want.

    On virtues:

    Alongside the tech web is a system of bonus-granting "virtues" in four parallel tracks: might, prosperity, knowledge, and industry. Investing your virtue points deeply into any one of these tracks allows for massive bonuses late in the game. For those that want to be a little more well-rounded, there are also more generalized breadth bonuses given to players that spread out their virtues along all four paths.




    • onodera
      onodera commented
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      Why are all the leaders posed like Old West gunslingers?

    • Felch
      Felch commented
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      Because Firefly, bro.

    • OzzyKP
      OzzyKP commented
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      Thanks for all the great excerpts Lori! I'm glad to hear about virtues. There definitely seemed to be some territory not covered by affinities and tech.
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