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What DirectX 11 is good for: Civilization 5 Tech Interview at PC Games Hardware


  • What DirectX 11 is good for: Civilization 5 Tech Interview at PC Games Hardware

    Developer Dan Baker explained us how DirectX 11 enhances not only the visual appeal of the new strategy game Sid Meier's Civilization 5 but how its direct compute abilities contribute to the game's performance. Also he explains, how Civ 5 is a little further developed than PCs are.

    DirectX 11 offers great performance increases, if developers know how to use the new APIs right. Firaxis, the developing team behind Sid Meier's Civilization 5 spent plenty of time finding out how to really improve gaming experience with tesselation and direct compute 5 in store. In an interview, Dan Baker - Firaxis Games' Graphis Lead - told us in detail, what they did with DirectX 11.


    2) DirectX 11 offers Direct Compute 5 for GGPU calculations. In what way does it allow you to optimize, simplify or speed up the rendering process in your game (e.g. post effects)?

    Civilization V uses the Direct Compute Features for a new proprietary variable bit-rate texture compression. Users will notice that on high end DX11 native hardware, the leaders will appear almost instantly, regardless of how many civilizations are present. There will also be no paging-in on the textures in the background as they are loaded since the 2gigabytes of leader textures compress to less then 150mbs altogether. This type of compression was, until recently, considered impossible or impractical, but we believe this is just the tip of the iceberg for what can be done with Direct Compute.


    Read the full article at PC Games Hardware.

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    • Asher
      Asher commented
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      Yeah, some features will be on, others won't.

      There is a backported version of DirectCompute for DX10 cards, but it's more limited. Not sure if Firaxis is using it.

    • Fidel
      Fidel commented
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      I asked because I will surely buy i3/i5 laptop, and the issue now is whether the graphic card will be 5650/5730 or 330. The former two are directx 11, the later is 10.1. Given that the laptop versions of the cards will in any case be relatively weak, should I care at all? Does any of the three produce any heat issues?

    • Asher
      Asher commented
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      I'd go for the 5730 if possible...
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