"Most art, sound, and text in the game are in common formats, so you can modify them to your heart's content. Units, of course, you design as an integral part of the game itself." Brian Reynolds from an interview by LDespot. Beyond Alpha Centauri. Link to source: E3 Alpha Centauri Focus.
"Most anything you might want to change in the game is kept in common formats (*.txt, *.bmp, *.wav, etc.). Players can therefore customize to their heart’s content! There will be a full map\scenario editor, as well as a faction editor." Official FAQ from Firaxis: SMAC-FAQ.
"SMAC uses common file formats for art, sound, video, and text files. Users can therefore modify a wide range of stuff in the game, including the look of the units, the sound effects, and many of the rules." Official FAQ from Firaxis: SMAC-FAQ.
Faction creation will be a part of the game. You can customize your own faction including art, music, diplomatic text, etc. Official FAQ from Firaxis: SMAC-FAQ.
See: Units for more information on unit customisation.