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SLIC2 Functions


  • SLIC2-Functions

    Following is an alphabetical list of every function available for use in SLIC scripts in Call to Power II.

    VOID Abort()
    Causes the current message to not be displayed. The code following an Abort() is still executed, however. Example:

    messagebox 'Msgbox'
    AddGold(g.player, 100);

    //No message will appear when 'Msgbox' is called, and the player will receive 100 gold.

    VOID AddBuildingToBuildList(city, buildingType)
    Adds the building type to the end of the city’s queue. Example:

    AddBuildingToBuildList(city[0], BuildingDB(IMPROVE_CITY_WALLS));

    //if the city is not building anything, it will put the improvement City Walls into its build queue.

    VOID AddCenter(location)
    Adds a recenter event on location to the animation queue. Example:

    HandleEvent(CreateCity) post

    //causes a recenter on a city when it has been built.

    VOID AddCity(city)
    Adds a city to the current context in which no reference to the city has yet been made. Example:

    messagebox 'MsgBox'


    //allows reference to a city in the text if it is called by a handler or trigger which does not reference the city

    VOID AddCityByIndex(owner, index)
    Adds the player's nth city to the context. Example:

    AddCityByIndex(g.player, 0);

    //adds the current player's first city into the reference

    VOID AddEffect(location, namestring, soundID)
    Adds a special effect at location to the animation queue. namestring is the name from speceffid.txt (e.g. "SPECEFFECT_NUKE"), soundid is the ID from sounds.txt (e.g. "SOUND_ID_DEFAULTDEATH"). Example:

    AddEffect(unit.1.pos, "SPECEFFECT_NANO", "SOUND_ID_NANO_TERROR");

    //Note that if the location is not visible to the onscreen player, this special
    //effect won't be seen. Use AddCenter(loc) first to center on the location.

    VOID AddFeat(featIndex, playerIndex)
    Achieves the feat for player. See //default/gamedata/feats.txt.

    VOID AddGold(player, amount)
    Gives int amount gold to player. A negative int amount subtracts gold.

    AddGold(0, 100);

    //gives the Barbarians 100 gold.

    VOID AddMovement(unit, amount)
    Gives a unit additional int movement points (will be removed at the end of the turn if not used). Example:

    AddMovement(unit[0], 200);

    //gives the unit an additional 200 movement points, enough to move across 2 grassland tiles or 1 forest tile.

    INT AddPops(city, count)
    Increases the population of the given city by count. Example:

    AddPops(city[0], 5);

    //increases city[0]'s size by 5

    VOID AddUnit(unit)
    Adds a unit to the context. Example:


    //adds unit[0] to the context when it is not already referenced.

    VOID AddUnitToBuildList(city, unittype)
    Adds the unit type to the end of the city's queue. Example:

    AddUnitToBuildList(city[0], UnitDB(UNIT_SETTLER));

    //causes city[0] to append a Settler unit to its build queue.

    VOID AddWonderToBuildList(city, wonder)
    Adds the wonder type to the end of the city's queue. Example:

    if(city[0].buildqueuelength < 5)
    AddWonderToBuildList(city[0], WonderDB(WONDER_RAMAYANA);

    //if there are fewer than 5 items in city[0]'s build queue, append Ramayana to the list.

    INT AllUnitsCanBeExpelled(location)
    Returns true if all of the units at the location can be expelled. Returns false if there are no units there. Example:

    // Declare variables
    int_t i;
    location_t my_loc;

    // Initialise these variables

    for(i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1)

    GetNeighbor(city[0].location, i, my_loc);


    //do stuff
    return CONTINUE;
    //if all of the enemy units 1 tile away from city[0], do stuff, then break the for loop and continue.

    INT ArmyIsValid(army)
    Returns true if the army is valid. Used to test to see if a stored army has been removed from the game.

    VOID AttachRobot(index)
    Causes the given player to be taken over by an AI player. Example:

    for(i = 0; i <= 4; i = i + 1)

    //causes players 0 through 4 to be controlled by the AI.

    VOID Attract(ldlstr)
    Flashes a highlight around the named UI component (if the component can be highlighted). Example:


    //causes the End Turn button to flash until it is clicked or until StopAttract(ldlstr) is called.

    VOID BlankScreen(1 or 0)
    Blanks the screen out (if called with an argument of 1) or turn it back on (if called with 0).

    VOID BreakAlliance(player)
    When called from within a button, break an alliance between the recipient of the message and the specified player.

    VOID CantAttackCity(city, onoff)
    Makes the specified city immune to attack/capture if onoff is not 0, set it back to normal if 0. Example:

    CantAttackCity(city[0], 1);

    //does not allow any attacks on city[0].

    VOID CantAttackUnit(unit, onoff)
    Makes the specified unit immune to attack if onoff is not 0, set it back to normal if 0. Example:

    // Declare variables
    int_t i;
    unit_t tmpUnit;

    for(i = 0; i < player[0].units; i = i + 1)
    GetUnitByIndex(player[0], i, tmpUnit);

    if(tmpUnit.valid && tmpUnit.type == UnitDB(UNIT_SETTLER))
    CantAttackUnit(tmpUnit, 1);
    //this will loop through all of player[0]'s units; all Settler units will not be attackable.

    VOID CantEndTurn(onoff)
    When onoff is 1, set the game in a mode where you cannot end the turn. Calling with onoff to 0 sets things back to normal. Example:


    //does not allow the player to end the turn.

    VOID CatchUp()
    Re-synchs graphics with gamestate.

    INT CellOwner(location)
    Returns the int player index of the owner of the cell.

    VOID ChangeGlobalRegard(player, delta, explanationID, [duration])
    Changes all players' regard for the player by delta. Duration of effect is optional.

    INT Cities(player)
    Returns a count of the player's cities.

    VOID CityCantRiotOrRevolt(city, onoff)
    Makes the specified city immune to riots and revolts if onoff is not 0, set it back to normal if 0. Example:

    if(player[0].cities < 2)
    for(i = 0; i < player[0].cities; i = i + 1)
    GetCityByIndex(player[0], i, tmpCity);

    CityCantRiotOrRevolt(tmpCity, 1);

    //if player[0] has only 1 city, then make the city non-attackable

    INT CityCollectingGood(city, good)
    Returns the amount of a particular good being collected in the city (excluding goods being brought in via trade). Example:

    if(CityCollectingGood(city[0], GoodDB(TERRAIN_DESERT_GOOD_ONE))
    //do stuff

    //find out whether city[0] is collecting the Glass good

    INT CityFoodDelta(city)
    Returns the city's net food.

    INT CityHasBuilding(city, building)[/B]
    Returns true if the city has a building of the given type. Building is a quoted string corresponding to the name in //default/gamedata/improve.txt.

    if(CityHasBuilding(city[0], "IMPROVE_TEMPLE"))
    //do stuff

    //returns 1 if city[0] has a temple

    INT CityHasWonder(city, wonder)
    Returns true if the city has a wonder of the given type. Wonder is an integer reference to the wonder database, corresponding to the entries in //default/gamedata/wonder.txt.

    if(CityHasWonder(city[0], WonderDB(WONDER_EMPIRE_STATE_BUILDING)))
    //do stuff

    //returns 1 if city[0] has the empire state building

    INT CityIsNamed(city, "String")
    Returns true if the city is named "string". This check is case-sensitive.

    INT CityIsValid(city)
    Returns true if the city is valid. This is useful for finding out whether or not a city still exists before doing something to affect it.

    INT CityNameCompare(city, stringID)
    Returns true if the city name and the string are the same. This is case-insensitive.

    INT CityStarvationTurns(city)
    If the city is starving, returns the int number of turns before a city begins to lose population.

    INT CivilizationIndex(civname)
    Return the database index for the named civilization. Useful for comparing to a player's civilization, for example:

    if(PlayerCivilization(g.player) == CivilizationIndex("AMERICANS"))
    // the current player is the americans

    This is especially useful for creating victory conditions for specific civilizations in scenarios. See also PlayerCivilization and GameOver.

    VOID ClearBattleFlag(unit)
    Allows a unit to move/fight again on the same turn following a battle.

    VOID ClearBuildQueue(city)
    Removes all items from the build queue of the given city. Example:

    city_t tmpCity;
    int_t i;

    for(i = 0; i < player[0].cities; i = i + 1)
    GetCityByIndex(player[0], i, tmpCity);


    //clears the build queues of all of player[0]’s cities

    VOID ClearOrders(unit)
    Clears the unit's army’s orders. Example:

    for(i = 0; i < player[0].units; i = i + 1)
    GetUnitByIndex(player[0], i, tmpUnit);


    //clears the build queues of all of player[0]’s cities

    INT CreateCity(owner, nearlocation, distance[, savecity])
    Creates a city belonging to owner, at approximately distance tiles away from nearlocation. If a city variable is passed in to savecity, it will contain the newly created city after this function returns. Example:

    //when the first city is created (i.e. I settle a settler)

    city_t my_city;
    city_t new_city;

    HandleEvent(CreateCity) post
    my_city = city[0];

    //I want to create a city about 5 tiles from my first city,
    //and then save the new city in a variable
    CreateCity(player[0], my_city.location, 5, new_city);

    INT CreateCoastalCity(owner, nearlocation, distance[, savecity])
    Same as CreateCity, but always finds a square next to ocean. This is most useful if you want to be able to build ships.

    VOID CreateUnit(owner, type, nearlocation, distance[, saveunit])
    Creates a unit of the given type belonging to owner approximately distance tiles from nearlocation. If a unit variable is passed in as saveunit, it will contain the newly create unit after this function returns.

    //I want to put (cheat) a defender in my city as soon as I build it

    HandleEvent(CreateCity) post
    CreateUnit(player[0], UnitDB(UNIT_HOPLITE), city[0].location, 0);

    VOID DamageUnit(unit, hp)
    Subtracts hp hit points from the specified unit

    VOID Deselect()
    Causes the currently selected unit/city/resource to be deselected.

    VOID DestroyBuilding(city, building)
    Removes the specified building from the city.

    DestroyBuilding(city[0], BuildingDB(IMPROVE_SILO));

    VOID DetachRobot(index)
    Turns the AI off for the given player. Example:

    for(i = 1; i < max_players; i = i + 1)
    //detaches the AI from every player except the Barbarians

    VOID DisableChooseResearch()
    Disables the choose research dialog when the advance being researched is accquired. Useful in cases where several advances are going to be added automatically. (See also EnableChooseResearch)

    VOID DisableClose()
    Do not let the current message be closed by the user – Kill() in a button must be used instead. (I think this is actually broken)

    VOID DisableMessageClass(int class)
    Disables all messages of the given class. See MessageClass

    VOID DisableTrigger('trigger_id')
    Disables the named trigger. Example:

    HandleEvent(CreateUnit) 'ExampleTrigger' post

    //'ExampleTrigger' won't fire again after this handler until it is re-enabled.

    HandleEvent(BeginTurn) 'NextTrigger' post
    //whatever condition you want

    INT Distance(point1, point2)
    Returns the distance from point 1 to point 2 (also see SquaredDistance for greater speed if you’re going to use this a lot)

    VOID DoFreeSlaves(city)
    Frees slaves in the given city (only if it was captured this turn!)

    VOID DontSave()
    After the message is closed, it will not be saved in the Message Log.

    VOID DoPillageOwnLand(unit)
    Pillages the unit’s current square, even if it belongs to the unit’s owner.

    VOID EnableChooseResearch()
    Reenables the choose research dialog. (See DisableChooseResearch)

    VOID EnableMessageClass(class)
    Reenables the given message class (see MessageClass)

    VOID EnableTrigger('trigger_id')
    Enables the named trigger. (See DisableTrigger.)

    VOID EndTurn()
    Ends the turn. You can call this from a handler or a messagebox or button.

    VOID ExecuteAllOrders()
    Executes all orders for the current player.

    VOID ExitToDesktop ()
    Exits the game entirely.

    VOID ExitToShell()
    Exits to the main screen.

    VOID Export("filename")
    Saves the map to the named file, in scenario editor format. (See also Import)

    VOID ExtractLocation(location, locationvar)
    Gets a location from built in variable and put it in locationvar. Example:

    //I want to save the location to which I moved my unit

    location_t my_loc;

    HandleEvent(MoveUnits) 'MoveUnit' post
    ExtractLocation(army[0].location, my_loc);

    //and I only want to run this once

    VOID EyePoint(location (or unit or city))
    Adds an "eye" button to the current message pointing to the specified location or object.

    INT FindCoastalCity(player, cityvar)
    Finds a city next to the ocean and put it in cityvar. Returns 0 if no coastal cities are found. Example:

    //I want to save this city in my variable
    city_t my_coastal_city;

    HandleEvent(CreateCity) post
    if(FindCoastalCity(player[0], my_coastal_city)
    //do not run this trigger again


    VOID FinishImprovements(location)
    Causes any terrain improvements under construction at the location to complete.

    VOID Flood(stage)
    Causes a flood (global warming). Stage is 0 or 1, 0 has a lesser effect than 1. (FIXME: do higher numbers have more of an effect?)

    VOID ForceTurnDisplay()
    Changes the turn display to number of turns.

    INT GameOver(player, reason)
    Ends the game for the given player. reason can be either 1 or 2, 1 meaning the player won, 2 meaning they lost. This is especially useful for scenarios with specific victory conditions. Example:

    //player[0] wins the game
    GameOver(player[0], 1);

    INT GetArmyByIndex(player, army, armyVar)
    Finds an army by index and save it in armyVar. Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.

    //Find my first army
    army_t my_army;

    GetArmyByIndex(player[0], 0, my_army);

    VOID GetArmyFromUnit(unit, armyVar)
    Finds the army which contains the unit and saves it into unitVar.

    unit_t my_unit;
    army_t my_army;

    // Get the army containing my first unit
    GetUnitByIndex(player[0], 0, my_unit);

    // Get the army my_unit is in
    GetArmyFromUnit(my_unit, my_army);

    INT GetCityByIndex(player, index, cityVar)
    Gets a city by index and put it into cityVar. (See ClearBuildQueue example.)

    INT GetCityByLocation(location, city)
    Gets a city from the given location.

    INT GetCurrentRound ()
    Returns the current round number (starts at 0, increases one each turn)

    INT GetCurrentYear ()
    Returns the current year (for an unmodified game, returns –4000 for 4000BC, through 2300 for 2300AD)

    INT GetMapHeight ()
    Returns the height of the map

    INT GetMapWidth ()
    Returns the width of the map

    INT GetNearestWater (fromLocation, toLocation)
    Returns the nearest water square to fromLocation in toLocation

    INT GetNeighbor(locationIn, direction, locationOut)
    Given the location variable locationIn, fills in the location of it’s neighbor in the specified direction in locationOut. The return value is 1 if successful, 0 if not. (Unsuccessful means you tried to get a neighbor off the edge of the world, e.g., past the top of an earth-shaped map). Directions are:

    0 North
    1 Northeast
    2 East
    3 Northwest
    4 Southeast
    5 West
    6 Southwest
    7 South


    // I want to get the tile North of my first city
    HandleEvent(CreateCity) ‘GetCityNorthNeighbor’ post
    GetNeighbor(city[0].location, 0, tmpLoc);

    // Run this only once

    VOID GetRandomNeighbor(location, newlocation)
    Gets a random square adjacent to location and put it in newlocation. Similar to GetNeighbor, but the direction is random.

    INT GetRevolutionLevel()
    Gets the revolution level from the const DB.

    INT GetRiotLevel()
    Gets the riot level from the const DB.

    INT GetStringDBIndex(stringid)
    Gets an integer string id for the named string ID. For example, if you want to store the id of SCENARIO_AUTHOR for later use:

    scenarioAuthorStringId = GetStringDBIndex(ID_SCENARIO_AUTHOR);

    // Then to use it later,
    SetStringByDBIndex(1, scenarioAuthorStringId);

    INT GetUnitByIndex(player, index, unitVar)
    Gets a unit by index and put it into unitVar. See example in CantAttackUnit.

    INT GetUnitFromArmy(army, index, unit)
    Gets a unit by index from the given army

    INT GetUnitFromCell(location, index, unit)
    Gets a unit by index from the given location

    INT GetUnitsAtLocation (location)
    Returns the number of units at the given location

    VOID GodMode(onoff)
    Toggles god mode (whole map and all units visible) on (onoff=1) or off (onoff=0)

    VOID GrantAdvance(player, advance)
    Gives the player the advance specified.

    INT HasAdvance(player, advance_name)
    Returns 1 if the player has the advance, 0 otherwise. This can be used with GrantAdvance; example:

    //check to see if the player has Agriculture

    if(!HasAdvance(player[0], AdvanceDB(ADVANCE_AGRICULTURE))
    //if not, then give it to them
    GrantAdvance(player[0], AdvanceDB(ADVANCE_AGRICULTURE));

    INT HasGood(location)
    Returns -1 if there is no good at the location, otherwise a number from 0-3 for the good type.

    INT HasRiver(location)
    Returns 1 if there’s a river at the location, 0 otherwise.

    VOID Heal (unit)
    Fully heals the specified unit

    VOID Import("filename")
    Imporst the specified map file in scenario editor format. (See also Export)

    INT IsUnitAtHead (city)
    Returns -1 if the city is not currently building a unit, otherwise returns the Unit database index of the unit being built.

    INT IsUnitInBuildList(city, unittype)
    Returns 1 if the city’s build queue contains that kind of unit, 0 otherwise. Use IsUnitAtHead if you want to see if the city is currently building that type of unit.

    INT IsBuildingAtHead(city)
    Returns -1 if the city’s build queue has something other than a building at its head, otherwise returns the building database index of the building being build.

    INT IsBuildingInBuildList(city, buildingtype)
    Returns 1 if the city’s build queue contains that type of building, 0 otherwise. Use IsBuildingAtHead if you want to see if the city is currently building that type of unit.

    INT IsCivilian(unit)
    True if the unit is a civilian (actually just checks the CanBeExpelled flag)

    INT IsContinentBiggerThan(location, size)
    True if the continent (or ocean) containing location is bigger than size squares.

    INT IsFlankingUnit(unit)
    True if the unit is a flanking unit

    INT IsFortress(player, location)
    True if the player owns a fortress at location

    INT IsInZOC(player, location)
    True if the location is in the zone of control of player (Note: nothing to do with boundaries, this is for unit based ZOC)

    INT IsRoad(player, location)
    True if the player owns a road at location

    INT IsVeteran(unit)
    True if the unit is a veteran

    INT IsWonderAtHead(city)
    Returns -1 if the city’s build queue has something other than a wonder at its head, otherwise returns the wonder database index of the wonder being built.

    INT IsWonderInBuildList(city, wonder)
    Returns 1 if the city’s build queue contains that type of wonder, 0 otherwise.

    INT IsActiveDefender(unit)
    True if the unit is capable of active defense.

    INT IsBombardingUnit(unit)
    True if the unit is capable of bombarding.

    INT IsCitySelected()
    True if the player has a city selected.

    INT IsCounterBombardingUnit(unit)
    True if the unit is capable of counter bombarding.

    INT IsHumanPlayer(player)
    True if player is not an AI player.

    INT IsPlayerAlive(player)
    True if player is still in the game.

    INT IsUnderseaCity(city)
    True if the city is in the ocean.

    INT IsUnitSelected()
    True if the player has a unit selected.

    VOID KillUnitFromBuildList(city, unit)
    Removes all occurances of that type of unit from the city’s build queue.

    VOID KillBuildingFromBuildList(city, building)
    Removes the building type from the city’s build queue.

    VOID KillWonderFromBuildList(city, wonder)
    Removes the wonder type from the city’s build queue.

    VOID Kill()(Messages only)
    Kills this message, only works inside buttons. (Use Abort() instead outside a button)

    VOID KillMessages(objectname)
    Kills all messages from the named object.

    VOID KillUnit(unit)
    Kills the unit.

    VOID LibraryAdvance()
    VOID LibraryBuilding()
    VOID LibraryConcept()
    VOID LibraryGovernment()
    VOID LibraryTerrain()
    VOID LibraryTileImprovement()
    VOID LibraryUnit()
    VOID LibraryWonder()
    Opens the great library, displaying the entry specified by an integer argument to the function. The value corresponds to the database for the object type in question.

    VOID LoadGame(name)
    Loads the named game. Must have been saved from SLIC with SaveGame.

    VOID MakeLocation(locationvar, x, y)
    Sets locationvar to (x,y)

    VOID Message(player, 'message_id')
    Runs the messagebox or alertbox named 'message_id' with player as the recipient.

    VOID MessageAll('message_id')
    Runs the messagebox or alertbox named ‘message_id’ with every player as a recipient.

    VOID MessageAllBut(player, 'message_id')
    Runs the messagebox or alertbox named 'message_id' with everyone but player as a recipient.

    VOID MesssageClass(int)
    Sets the message class of the current message to int

    VOID MessageType(message_type)
    Sets the icon for the current message.

    VOID OpenBuildQueue(city)
    Opens the build queue for the specified city

    VOID OpenCity()
    Opens the city status screen.

    VOID OpenCityTab()
    Switches the city tab on the control panel

    VOID OpenCiv()
    Opens the civ status screen.

    VOID OpenCivTab()
    Switches to the Empire tab on the control panel

    VOID OpenDiplomacy()
    Opens the diplomacy screen.

    VOID OpenInfo()
    Opens the info (rankings) screen.

    VOID OpenOptions()
    Opens the options screen.

    VOID OpenScenarioEditor()
    Opens the scenario editor

    VOID OpenScience()
    Opens the science screen.

    VOID OpenTrade()
    Opens the trade screen.

    VOID OpenUnit()
    Opens the unit status screen.

    VOID Ozone()
    Causes an Ozone depletion event

    VOID PlantGood(location)
    Adds a special trade good resource at the location.

    VOID PlaySound(soundname)
    Plays a sound.

    INT PlayerCityCount(player)
    Returns the number of cities the player has

    INT PlayerCivilization(player)
    Returns the database index of the player’s civilization (the same number returned by CivilizationIndex)

    INT PlayerGold(player)
    Returns how much gold the player has.

    INT PlayerHasWonder(player, wonder)
    True if the player owns the specified wonder (a wonder database index)

    INT Preference("pref_name")
    Returns the value of the named preference from the profile database (userprofile.txt). Only works for boolean and integer prefs.

    VOID QuitToLobby()
    Quits a network game and returns to the network lobby.

    INT Random(range)
    Returns a random number from 0 to range.

    VOID RemoveAdvance(player, advance)
    Takes an advance away from the player

    VOID SaveGame(name)
    Saves a game with the given name.

    VOID SelectCity(city)
    Selects the specified city as if the user clicked on it.

    VOID SelectUnit(unit)
    Selects the specified unit as if the user clicked on it.

    VOID SetAllCitiesVisible(player)
    Sets every city in the world visible to the specified player (Note: may cause cities floating in blackness effect)

    VOID SetGovernment(gov)
    Sets the government to gov for the recipient of the current message (only works inside a message)

    VOID SetPreference("pref_name", value)
    Sets the named preference in the profile database (userprofile.txt) to value. Works for int or boolean prefs.

    VOID SetPW(player, pw)
    Sets the player’s public works to pw.

    VOID SetResearching(player, what)
    Sets the player to research what.

    VOID SetScience(player, level)
    Sets the player’s science level to level.

    VOID SetString(index, stringid)
    Sets string. to the string (from the string database) stringid. For Example, if you these strings in the database:

    SCENARIO_AUTHOR_MESSAGE "This scenario was written by []"
    SCENARIO_AUTHOR "Joe Rumsey"

    And you put this in a SLIC messagebox:

    SetString(1, ID_SCENARIO_AUTHOR);

    The resulting text in the message will be: This scenario was written by Joe Rumsey

    VOID SetStringByDBIndex(index, stringindex)
    Sets string. from the INTeger string id stringindex. See also GetStringDBIndex and SetString

    VOID Show()
    Opens this message immediately instead of showing just an icon.

    INT Stacked(location)
    Are all of the units at the given location in a single group?

    VOID StartTimer(index, duration)
    Starts timer index, sets to expire in duration seconds. Triggers ‘foo’ when (timer.) {...} to tell when this timer has expired.

    VOID StealRandomAdvance()
    A spy steals a random function from a city, can only be used from a message box with a city in context.

    VOID StealSpecificAdvance()
    A spy steals a specific advance from a city, can only be used from a message box with a city in context. This uses a drop down menu. This is a left over function from CtP1, is not guaranteed to work.

    VOID StopTimer(INT)
    Stops the given timer.

    VOIDSquaredDistance(location1, location2)
    Returns the squared distance from location1 to location2. Faster than Distance

    VOID Terraform(location, terrain)
    Changes location into a different terrain type. Possible values for terrain are:


    Mods may allow more terrain type depending on their terrain.txt.

    INT TerrainType(location)
    Returns the terrain type of the location.

    VOID Text(stringid)(Messages only)
    Sets the body text of a message.

    INT TileHasImprovement(location, imptype)
    True if there is an improvement of type imptype at location.

    VOID Title(stringid)(Messages only)
    Sets the title of a message.

    VOID ToggleVeteran(unit, onoff)
    Turns veteran status for a unit on or off.

    INT TradePoints(player)
    Returns how many caravans the player has.

    INT TradePointsInUse(player)
    Returns how many trade points the player is using.

    INT TradeRoutes(player)
    Returns how many trade routes the player has.

    INT UnitCount(player, type)
    Returns a count of how many units of a given type the player has.

    INT UnitsInCell(location)
    Returns the number of units in the cell.

    VOID UseDirector()(Messages only)
    Queues this message up via the animation system instead of displaying it immediately. Useful to synchronize messages with other things happening on screen.

    INT WonderOwner(wonder)
    Returns the player who owns the wonder (-1 if no one does).


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    • EditPlus: updated SLIC-definitions, new CTP2-DB-definitions
      by BureauBert
      Why not get back to CTP2-modding just to enjoy the luxury of syntax highliting in EditPlus?
      • for SLIC (Locutus' SLIC-definitions file updated for CTP2 AE)
      • for CTP2 AE database files (a brand new definitions file)

      I will keep updating both files as long as the Source Code Project is going on with the Information I can find in the AE Modding Wiki (or somewhere else, but preferably there).

      The EditPlus definitions for CTP2 AE database structures are currently supporting all files in \default\gamedata and \default\aidata. I will see how much I can do for the string files, but I intend to integrate at least some highliting support for editing the Great Library. Personally, I like browsing the textfiles with syntax highliting -- I can see clearly now .

      I will eventually post updates here (not too frequently though).

      Please don't hesitate to post your suggestions and complaints .

      • Requires: EditPlus
      • copy the zipped files into the EditPlus program folder
      • open EditPlus, open the menu Tools > Preferences
      • go to "Settings and Syntax"
      • hit the "Add" button
      • for SLIC enter a description like "SLIC", file extension "slc", the syntax file is "slic.stx", the auto completion file is "slic.acp" and the function pattern file is "slic.ctl"
      • for the database defintions enter a description like "CTP2 DB", the file extension is "txt" (which might be a bit annoying if you use EditPlus for other textfiles and if you frequently use words like "InvaderMovementRegardCost" in your notes ), there is just a syntax file "ctpdb.stx"
      January 29, 2011, 18:53
    • SLIC2 Table of Contents
      by Martin Gühmann
      SLIC2 scripting language
      SLIC2 is a C-like language that "moves" many things behind CTP2. By Activision * Go

      SLIC2 Events
      This is a complete listing of SLIC2 events. By Activision * Go

      SLIC2 Function Reference
      Reference of the SLIC2 Functions. By Activision * Go

      SLIC2 Built-in variable types
      There is one builtin "variable" and a number of builtin variable arrays available in SLIC2. This document contains a complete reference of the data that can be extracted from these types. By Activision * Go

      November 29, 2010, 16:32
    • SLIC2-Scripting-Language
      by Martin Gühmann
      Original Author: Joe Rumsey
      Date: December 13, 2000

      This is the SLIC2 scripting language refference.


      November 26, 2010, 20:07
    • SLIC2-Events
      by Martin Gühmann

      This is a complete listing of events. Some of these are not safe to use from SLIC. A few are just plain obsolete and do not do anything useful. Events with arguments prefaced by GEA_ cannot be generated from SLIC, but can be triggered on.

      November 20, 2010, 21:14
    • SLIC2-Builtins
      by Martin Gühmann

      There is one builtin "variable" and a number of builtin variable arrays available in SLIC. This document contains a complete reference of the data that can be extracted from these types. Note that for types supported as user types, all the members of these variables can be accessed in user variables as well. For example, the builtin unit array has a member named owner, which means that any variable of type unit_t also has a member named owner. Member data is accessed using standard c style dot notation. The one plain builtin variable is named "g" and contains three members:

      • g.year - the current round
      • g.year_str - the current year in string form. Only useful in string replacements.
      • g.player - the current player The rest of the builtins come in arrays, which are filled in when an event handler is called (but can also have values assigned by script code).

      November 19, 2010, 21:57
    • SLIC2-Functions
      by Martin Gühmann
      Following is an alphabetical list of every function available for use in SLIC scripts in Call to Power II.

      VOID Abort()
      Causes the current message to not be displayed. The code following an Abort() is still executed, however. Example:

      messagebox 'Msgbox'
      AddGold(g.player, 100);

      //No message will appear when 'Msgbox' is called, and the player will receive 100 gold.

      November 19, 2010, 21:29