Note from the editor: GoG could have put it more cleary on the their SMAC games card, like putting it into the title otherwise I wouldn't have missed earlier.
Holiday Update: EA Expansions
Because we like you so, we have a gift for you.
A while back, we started to sell EA games--great classics such as Wing Commander, Privateer, and Alpha Centauri. A few people--just a few!--noted that we didn't have the expansions and that made them sad panda.
Well, panda, be sad no more! As a holiday gift from us to you, we're bringing everyone who bought (or buys in the future!) the expansions for Wing Commander 1 + 2, Wing Commander Privateer, and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri for you today! These expansions are free updates, so just download the new installers for each game from your account and start playing now! Note that these EA games will not be part of any Daily Deal bundle, so go ahead and pick them up now for only $2.99 each.
The expansions are:
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri--Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire.
Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire brings you seven new factions (two that are non-human), new technologies, new facilities, new secret projects, new alien life forms, new unit special abilities, new victory conditions (including the new "Progenitor Victory") and several additional concepts and strategies, making it a "must-have" expansion for the award-winning game.
Because we like you so, we have a gift for you.
A while back, we started to sell EA games--great classics such as Wing Commander, Privateer, and Alpha Centauri. A few people--just a few!--noted that we didn't have the expansions and that made them sad panda.
Well, panda, be sad no more! As a holiday gift from us to you, we're bringing everyone who bought (or buys in the future!) the expansions for Wing Commander 1 + 2, Wing Commander Privateer, and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri for you today! These expansions are free updates, so just download the new installers for each game from your account and start playing now! Note that these EA games will not be part of any Daily Deal bundle, so go ahead and pick them up now for only $2.99 each.
The expansions are:
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri--Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire.
Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire brings you seven new factions (two that are non-human), new technologies, new facilities, new secret projects, new alien life forms, new unit special abilities, new victory conditions (including the new "Progenitor Victory") and several additional concepts and strategies, making it a "must-have" expansion for the award-winning game.
Sweet. Finally a Digital Version, i assume this is playable without the whole install/patching hassle?
Guess this will be the Third Time I buy it, still some of the Best Gaming Time for your Buck

Happy Christmas!
We just uploaded a new version of the installer for Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri along with a patch to upgrade you r existing installation.
If you don't want to download the whole installer, just grab the the Universal Update and your game will be the latest version.
A few small changes:
Alien probe teams now use the correct art.
The Cyborg faction now correctly has the Technology Steal ability.
The Drone faction now correctly includes the Base Revolt ability of 75%.
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know. Thanks