By William Westwater
May 20, 1999
Note: A discussion on the recent column by William Westwater begun on our forums. WW in response posted an example with numbers. We post it here, along with Celestial Dawn's reply.
Let’s consider a concrete examples:
Rations 7.5 per pop
Happiness: 75
Crime: 10%
Science contribution: 50%
City 1:
Pop 5. Pop are currently on:
Forest 20 P, 5 F
Forest 20 P, 5 F
Shallow with Net 10 P 20 F, 5 G
Shallow with Net 10 P 20 F, 5 G
Shallow with Net 10 P 20 F, 5 G
Total: 70 P, 70 F, 15 G
Total after crime: 63.5 P, 63.5, F, 13.5 G
Food Eaten: 22.5 F
Should I build a marketplace, marketplace with merchant, an academy, or an academy with scientist if I want science?
Marketplace alone:
+6.75 Gold for 50% bonus
-5 Gold for maintenance
1.75 Gold profit, which becomes about 1 science, 1 gold savings
TOTAL: for no continuing cost, gain 1 science, 1 gold savings
Marketplace and merchant (taken from Forest)
+9 Gold for merchant (after crime)
+11.25 Gold for 50% bonus
-5 Gold for maintenance
15.75 Gold profit, which becomes 7.875 science, 7.875 gold savings
-20 P for losing Forest
-5 F for losing Forest
TOTAL: for cost of 20 P and 5 F per turn, get 7.875 science, 7.875 gold savings per turn
-4 Gold for maintenance, which is -2 science, -2 gold savings
+ 2.5 science for ½ science per pop
+ 1.25 science for 50% science bonus
TOTAL: for a cost of 2 gold savings per turn, earn 1.75 science per turn
Academy with scientist (taken from Forest):GOLD:
-4 Gold for maintenance, which is -2 science, -2 gold savings
-20 P for losing Forest
-5 F for losing Forest
+ 10 science for scientist
+ 2.5 science for ½ science per pop
+ 6.25 science for 50% bonus
TOTAL: for a cost of 20 P, 5 F, and 2 gold savings per turn, get 16.75 science per turn
+1 science
+1 gold savings
Marketplace and merchant
+7.875 gold savings
+7.875 science
-20 P
-5 F
+1.75 science
-2 gold savings
Academy and scientist
+16.75 science
-2 gold savings
-20 P
-5 F
For a big science boost, you can spend 20 P, 5 F and get 8 gold savings and 8 science. Or you can spend 20 P, 5 F and 2 gold savings and get 16.75 science. Is this worth it? How badly do you want to increase you science?
Also, if your costs rise faster than your income, the new gold that you are earning gets shifted automatically to cover these costs. This reduces the science contribution. With academies and universities, your science contribution holds steady regardless of fluctuations in your costs.
Just a thought