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CTP1 Chat Transcripts


  • CTP1 Chat Transcripts

    CTP1 Programmers' Chat

    On Saturday, October 3rd, 1998, we had a chat with three members of the ctp development team. Here is the transcript(in 4 pages!). Our thanks to Activision, and of course the participants: Mark Lamia, Producer, Steve Mariotti, Lead Programmer and Joe Rumsey, Networking and Game Engine Programmer.

    CTP1 Designers' Chat

    On Saturday, December 5th, 1998, we chatted with 5 members of the CTP development team. Here is the transcript(in 7 pages this time!). Our thanks to Activision, and of course the participants: William Westwater, James Farley, Jason Feffer, Brad Santos) and Winnie Lee. If this reminds you the paragraph below, you're right!

    CTP1 Release Chat

    On Tuesday, March 30th, 1999, nine members of the C:CTP development team and lots of Civers celebrated the release of C:CTP.

    CTP1 2nd Designers Chat

    On Thursday, April 8th, 1999, Joe Rumsey and John Heinecke chatted about CTP's design aspects, moderated by Kelvar and Akula.

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    • CTP1 Chat Transcripts
      by MarkG
      CTP1 Programmers' Chat On Saturday, October 3rd, 1998, we had a chat with three members of the ctp development team. Here is the transcript(in 4 pages!). Our thanks to Activision, and of course the participants: Mark Lamia, Producer, Steve Mariotti, Lead Programmer and Joe Rumsey, Networking and Game Engine Programmer. CTP1 Designers' Chat On Saturday, December 5th, 1998, we chatted with 5 members of the CTP development team. Here is the transcript(in 7 pages this time!). Our thanks to Activision, and of course the participants: William Westwater, James Farley, Jason Feffer, Brad Santos) and Winnie Lee. If this reminds you the paragraph below, you're right! CTP1 Release Chat On Tuesday, March 30th, 1999, nine members of the C:CTP development team and lots of Civers celebrated the release of C:CTP. CTP1 2nd Designers Chat On Thursday, April 8th, 1999, Joe Rumsey and John Heinecke chatted about CTP's design aspects, moderated by Kelvar and Akula....
      March 31, 2012, 19:58
    • C:CTP Designers Chat; April 8th, 1999
      by MarkG
      Note on the nicknames: In orange are the nicks of the members of the CTP team present, Joe Rumsey (mrogre) and John Heinecke (LTJohn). In black are the operators, Daniel Quick (DanQ), Markos Giannopoulos (MarkG), and Derek Lande (akula), and the rest of the people who asked questions on the unmoderated part of the chat.

      [kelvar] Hi everyone, we're ready to start. Before we started I will remind you that we're this chatroom has been brought about thanks to Apolyton
      [lumpkin] is it moderated yet?
      [lumpkin] who do we ask questions to?
      [akula] hey all
      [LTJohn] MrOgre and I are the Activision reps. You can ask us directly.
      [kelvar] Seeing as we're a quite small group discussions will not be moderated but I would ask you all not to flood in with questions at the start
      [Stevejuke] whats up
      [Stevejuke] I bet you guys didn't like the review cnet gave you
      [LTJohn] No, it wasn't what we were hoping for.
      [Tuma] one simple question at the beginning... Is there hotseat gametype in the CTP? ...
      March 31, 2012, 19:33
    • C:CTP Release Party; March 30th, 1999
      by MarkG
      Note on the nicknames: in orange are the nicks of the members of the CTP team: William Westwater (Pinkbelly), Richard Myers (Azmel), Jason Feffer (Necro), Joe Rumsey (mrogre), Karl Meissner (tweaker), Jeff Matsu****a (Toki), Cecilia Barajas (CMB), Stephanie O'Malley (Marley) and John Heinecke (LTJohn). In black is the operator, Markos Giannopoulos (MarkG) and the rest of the people who asked questions on the unmoderated part of the chat.

      *** MarkG sets mode: +m
      [Necro] AfterGlow: You cannot "buy/bribe" a city to join you, however, you can spend gold to incite a revolution in a foriegn city.
      [MarkG] The channel is now moderated
      [Necro] It's very difficult and expensive, which avoids the Civ2 cheese
      [tweaker] all the governments can do it
      [MarkG] only operators(me) and people of the development team can talk
      [MarkG] you can send me questions with private messages
      [Necro] Jerms: Any government can complete the Alien Life Project, which is one of 3 ways to win the game.
      [MarkG] lets start with the names
      [tweaker] some gernments are better at build some at war ...
      March 31, 2012, 19:22
    • Chat With C:CTP Designers; December 5th, 1998
      by MarkG
      Note on the nicknames: in orange are the nicks of the members of the CTP team: William Westwater (Pinkbelly), James Farley (Farside), Jason Feffer (Necro), Brad Santos (Dr_No) and Winnie Lee (Lemur). In black are the operators, who asked the questions: MarkG (Markos Giannopoulos), DanQ (Daniel Quick), and the rest of the people who asked questions on the unmoderated part of the chat.

      *** MarkG sets mode: +m
      [MarkG] The channel is now in moderated mode
      [MarkG] This means that only operators and the people from Activision can talk
      [MarkG] Please send any questions to me or DanQ
      [MarkG] Well, this is the CTP Designers Chat
      [MarkG] The participants are William Westwater(Pinkbelly)
      [MarkG] James Farley (Farside), Jason Feffer (Necro) and Winnie Lee (Lemur)
      [MarkG] Well, welcome...
      [Farside] And Dr_No
      [Farside] Brad Santos (Dr_No)
      [MarkG] Ooops, you're right
      [MarkG] sorry for that
      March 30, 2012, 17:45
    • Chat With C:CTP Programmers; October 3rd, 1998
      by MarkG
      Note on the nicknames: In orange are the nicks of the members of the CTP team: Patton (Mark Lamia, Producer), MrOwl (Steve Mariotti, Lead Programmer) and MrOgre (Joe Rumsey, Networking, and Game Engine Programmer). In black italics are the operators, who asked the questions: MarkG (Markos Giannopoulos), DanQ (Daniel Quick), and akula (Derek Lande).

      Session Start: Sat Oct 03 21:14:24 1998

      [akula] Ladies and gentlemen, we shall now moderate this channel so that MarkG can say a few words...
      [akula] please direct any suggestions for questions to any of the ops
      [MarkG] Well, it's about 8pm gmt, so we can start....
      [MarkG] First , I would like to thank the guys from Activision for this chat...
      [Patton] Good to be here...thanks
      [MrOgre] Happy to be here!
      [MarkG] We have today Mark Lamia(Patton), Producer
      [MrOwl] My pleasure.
      [MarkG] Joe Rumsy(MrOgre) netowrking and game engine(or state?) programmer...
      March 12, 2012, 19:10