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Colonization: Natives and Foreign Powers: Foreign Powers


  • Colonization: Natives and Foreign Powers: Foreign Powers

    Aside from the details of growing your economy and expanding your population, you also have to contend with other European colonists and with natives. The cultures that the European invasion of the Americas forced into contact couldn’t have been more different.

    The competing Europeans have, for the most part, interests in common with your own. Like you, they want to establish profitable trade arrangements, expand their colonial empires, and build a viable society in the New World. Conflicts often develop over valuable resource deposits like silver mines, prime commodity lands, or ore deposits. In some cases too, there are conflicting land grants and charters. In addition to these issues, there are a host of purely European conflicts that date back through the generations and occasionally erupt into warfare that spills from Old World to New. In short, the behavior of both natives and Europeans can, at times, seem chaotic due to the complex societies from which it springs.

    All four European powers depicted in Colonization can be controlled by a human player. To help distinguish them from more than just name alone, each has their ows advantages and characteristics that they bring to the Imperial Age within the game. Each of these advantages and characteristics have basis in fact which is considered historically accurate.


    The Dutch, English, French and Spanish competed for New World dominance, When the dust settled, only the British and Spanish remained. There are still French-speaking peoples in North America today, notably Louisian the Canadian province of Quebec which is home to the world's greatest concentration of Frenchmen outside of France. Colonization gives you the opportunity to change all of this.

    Every one of your European rivals will attempt to dominate the Americas, to establish a monopoly on the valuable trade coming in and out of American waters. As you operate your colonial concerns, you will encounter foreign vessels on the high seas and sometimes even in waters you consider your own. Rival Europeans aggressively attempt to colonize the entire area of the New World through whatever means available. If they sense weakness in your attitude or deployment, they are likely to take advantage of that and attack your forces. They attempt to capture your colonies and force allegiance to their rule upon the population.

    To achieve dominance in the New World, your rivals will use their naval and ground forces in a variety of ways to interrupt the smooth flow of your commerce.

    The Dutch are the premiere traders of the lot with the beaver the proud centrepiece of their North American enterprise. They have recently gained their independence from Spain and are quickly spreading their economic influence across the known world. Their ruling class is made up of primarily members of the merchant class who work to ensure trade is priority one. In-game, the Dutch economy is more stable than the other European markets and prices of goods in the capital Amsterdam are quite consistent. They also start the game with a trading vessel.

    Here is a list of their default colony names in order of appearance:

    1st EIGHT 2nd EIGHT 3rd EIGHT 4th EIGHT
    New Amsterdam
    Fort Orange
    Fort Nassau
    New Holland
    St. Martin
    St. Eustatius
    Santa Catharina
    Fort Cristina
    Fort Kasimiris
    Fort Elsenburgh

    From their entry on Wikipedia:

    The Dutch are a Germanic people living in the Netherlands primarily descending from Franks and Saxons from Lower Saxony, who lived in the Netherlands during the 5th century. [..] The Dutch people descend from two early medieval people: the Franks and the Saxons. [..] The Franks have had the most influence on the Dutch culture in the early Middle Ages which makes the Frankish heritage the most dominant in Dutch culture though Saxon cultural heritage persisted in the eastern parts of the Netherlands until the 1960s.

    Since the year 1000 the Dutch culture has been fairly independent from those of its neighbours, but the cultures of neighbouring lands have had their influence on Dutch culture, as the Netherlands were occupied by foreign powers several times in its history. [..] Since the late 16th century, when the Netherlands became an independent nation, Dutch culture has become more independent from that of its neighbours.

    Religious unrest in England means English ships docked in London harbour find more volunteer emigrants. Accordingly, England produces a greater number of immigrants than the other European nations.

    Here is a list of their default colony names in order of appearance:

    1st NINE 2nd NINE 3rd NINE 4th NINE
    New Haven
    New York
    New Jersey
    St. John's
    Newport News
    Rupert House

    From their entry on Wikipedia:

    The English people are an indigenous European ethnic group originating in the lowlands of Great Britain and today represent a fairly homogenous composite population descended from a combination of Anglo-Saxons and Celts with Scandanavians, Jutes, and Normans, with minor recent mixture with other groups worldwide. The English as an ethnic group can partially trace their heritage back to the Anglo-Saxons who between the 5th and 7th centuries, after the withdrawal of the Roman Empire, came to occupy most of lowland Britain. [..] The Norman Conquest of 1066 brought Anglo-Saxon and Danish rule to an end, and began a diminished period, both culturally and socially for the native inhabitants. [..]

    During Britain's centuries as a major colonial power, people migrated from all over Britain's sphere of influence to England, leaving a small, but noticeable mark on English culture.

    While adept in cultivating beaver and otter pelts where available, the French are the best at co-operating with their aboriginal neighbours and founding long-lasting alliances and trade agreements. As such, they have the ability to live more peacefully with the natives than the other Europeans around.

    Here is a list of their default colony names in order of appearance:

    St. Louis
    Port Royal
    Port au Prince
    Trois Rivieres
    New Orleans
    Fort Caroline
    Fort Detroit
    Fort Frontenac
    Fort Pontchartain
    Fort Tadoussac
    Fort Canada
    Fort Niagara
    Fort Crevecoeur
    Fort Roquelai
    Fort Laguille
    Fort Brest
    Fort Richelieu
    Fort Louis
    Fort Prudhome
    Fort Sandouski
    Fort du Quesne
    Fort Erie
    Fort Maurepas
    Fort Francois Xavier
    Fort St. Michel
    Fort Chicago
    Fort Frances
    Fort St. Joseph
    Fort Miannis
    Fort Orleans
    Fort St. Ignace
    Fort Le Rocher
    Fort Miyamis
    Fort Rosalie
    Fort Balise
    Fort Conde
    Fort Pensacola
    Fort Toulouse
    Fort St. John
    Fort Kappa
    Fort Biloxi
    Fort Mobile
    Sault Ste. Marie
    Baton Rouge
    St. Croix
    Port Cartier
    Terre Haute
    Trois Pistoles
    St. Barthelemy
    St. Pierre
    Des Moines
    Havre St. Pierre
    Port Menier
    Portage la Prairie
    St. Boniface

    From their entry on Wikipedia:

    The French... or the French people, are the ethnic group native to the country of France, in Western Europe. Although most ethnically French people speak the French language as their native tongue, there are large numbers of people of French ancestry outside of Europe who speak other first languages, particularly English in North America and Spanish in South America. Although most French people are Roman Catholic to one degree or another, many others belong to other religions, such as Protestantism and Islam, or to no religion at all.

    The French are a Western European people whose ethnic origins, for the most part, trace back to the mingling of the Celts, the Romans, and some Germanic peoples. [..] In the roughly 900 years after the Norman invasions France had a fairly settled population. Unlike elsewhere in Europe, France experienced relatively low levels of emigration to the Americas. [..] Most of the French people... are still Roman Catholic to one degree or another.

    The Spanish, on the other hand, are most adept at conquering their aboriginal neighbours after exploiting their existing cultures to the greatest extent possible to enrich their royal coffers. They have at their disposal a large contingent of young men vying for greater glory through conquest after a recent series of successful campaigns on European soil. In-game, this tacticly translates into a 50% bonus when attacking aboriginal towns and villages.

    Here is a list of their default colony names in order of appearance:

    1st TEN 2nd TEN 3rd TEN 4th NINE
    Santo Domingo
    San Salvador
    San Juan
    St. Augustine
    Buenos Aires
    Costa Rica
    Santa Fe
    Los Angeles
    Corpus Christi
    Santa Marta
    San Agostin
    San Francisco
    San Diego
    San Angelo
    El Paso
    La Plata
    Port of Spain

    From their entry on Wikipedia:

    The Spanish people... are the ethnic group or nation native to Spain, in the Iberian peninsula of southwestern Europe. Spain is a European Latin nation with cultural ties to other Latin countries in the Mediterranean. Their main native language is the Spanish language (in Spain there are around 32 million first-language speakers of Castilian Spanish, and a total of almost 43 million of Spanish nationality), which is a Romance language. Their main religion is Roman Catholic. [..] Overall, the Spanish are a southern European population (Mediterranean fused with Nordic elements). Their ethnic origin is a combination of various groups, invaders, and migrants including the pre-Roman Basques, Celtic and Iberian tribes...and Romans.


    As your colonies expand and you build more of them, you will inevitably come into contact with other Europeans on land. The attitude you decide to take toward these rivals is very important. In some cases, the government of the power with which you’re dealing will leave you no choice but to take some particular action, but in others you can decide the best course—whether to be conciliatory or aggressive, sly or forthright... what have you. Be forewarned though that, unlike the native population, the Europeans are ruthless. They will stop at nothing to control large areas of your “hard-won” territory.

    If you commit an act of war against a colonial power, they immediately declare war upon you and pursue it vigorously. An act of war is an attack upon one of their colonists, colonies or vessels. Once war has been declared, it continues until one side or the other seeks and gains peace through diplomatic means. These colonial wars may languish on and on, draining both sides of much-needed resources. Long, protracted colonial warfare can be damaging even if you are “winning,” so it’s best to avoid it if possible. However, sometimes it may be to your advantage to prosecute a lightning campaign of conquest, if you feel the deed can be ended quickly.

    You can seek peace through diplomatic means or grant peace to a repentant adversary. Signing a treaty symbolizes cessation of hostilities between the colonial portions of both signatories. However, a treaty is not entirely binding; either you or the other side are capable of treachery at any time.

    When you have built up your treasury to the point where foreign powers begin to take notice (around 5000), they may offer you mercenary forces to aid you in your cause. Most often, the troops offered are combined arms forces — that is, several units in one package, with a mixture of cavalry (dragoons), artillery, and infantry (soldiers). You can pay the fee and hire the whole package, or you can decline the deal, but you cannot choose to hire only some of the troops offered. Once hired, mercenary forces look just like your own, and they are always veterans. Declining to hire mercenaries on the first occasion they are offered does not stop them from approaching you again.


    Once Jan de Witt joins your Continental Congress, you may trade with the colonies of other nations provided you are not currently involved in a war with them.

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      September 27, 2012, 16:43
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      One uncredited player recommends that [i]f you have started your first colony near one of the other powers (especially the Dutch), turn your first colonist into a statesman. The reasoning is two-fold: first, you acquire your first Founding Father quickly and second, you will reach the critical 50% Sons of Liberty number very quickly. As this same player notes, [t]his will immediately eliminate the weakest colonial power from the new world. Early in the game the odds are decent that you will eliminate the Dutch (assuming you're not playing them). Because of their economic advantage they are seldom the power to be eliminated if you wait until later to reach 50%. [..] [I]n any event you will now only have to deal with [two] rival powers rather than [three].

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      Francisco de Coronado (1510-1554): A Spanish Conquistador, he led the first European expedition into the American southwest. He was the first “white man” to observe the Grand Canyon, and the Pueblos of New Mexico.

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    • Colonization: Independence: Tensions and Winning
      by Martin Gühmann

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      At the beginning of the game, the King of your home country is happy to support your efforts at colonization free of charge, but as time goes by, he’ll want a larger and larger cut of the profits. The primary method by which the King exacts payment is through the implementation of taxes. After all, he granted you the right to settle the New World, he supplied the initial funding and materials, and when you need naval support... who offers you the use of frigates and galleons?

      The King announces all tax increases and tells you the reason for imposing each new tax. The King always seems to have a reason for tax increases, but you may tire of them. Whenever he increases your tax rate, some of your people may rise up, expressing opposition to taxation without representation. You are given a choice of submitting to the new tax, or demonstrating against the Crown. If you demonstrate, by throwing some of your cargo into the sea and refusing to pay the new tax, rebel sentiment will increase but you will no longer be able to buy or sell that item in your home port until you pay all back taxes accumulated during the boycott.

      Once Jakob Fugger joins your Continental Congress, the Crown no longer remembers the anti-taxation “parties” you had, regardless of how many commodities you threw into the sea. You may once again trade the boycotted items, even if you never paid your back taxes.

      September 27, 2012, 16:37
    • Colonization: Natives and Foreign Powers: Foreign Powers
      by Martin Gühmann

      Aside from the details of growing your economy and expanding your population, you also have to contend with other European colonists and with natives. The cultures that the European invasion of the Americas forced into contact couldn’t have been more different.

      The competing Europeans have, for the most part, interests in common with your own. Like you, they want to establish profitable trade arrangements, expand their colonial empires, and build a viable society in the New World. Conflicts often develop over valuable resource deposits like silver mines, prime commodity lands, or ore deposits. In some cases too, there are conflicting land grants and charters. In addition to these issues, there are a host of purely European conflicts that date back through the generations and occasionally erupt into warfare that spills from Old World to New. In short, the behavior of both natives and Europeans can, at times, seem chaotic due to the complex societies from which it springs.

      All four European powers depicted in Colonization can be controlled by a human player. To help distinguish them from more than just name alone, each has their ows advantages and characteristics that they bring to the Imperial Age within the game. Each of these advantages and characteristics have basis in fact which is considered historically accurate.


      The Dutch, English, French and Spanish competed for New World dominance, When the dust settled, only the British and Spanish remained. There are still French-speaking peoples in North America today, notably Louisian the Canadian province of Quebec which is home to the world's greatest concentration of Frenchmen outside of France. Colonization gives you the opportunity to change all of this.

      Every one of your European rivals will attempt to dominate the Americas, to establish a monopoly on the valuable trade coming in and out of American waters. As you operate your colonial concerns, you will encounter foreign vessels on the high seas and sometimes even in waters you consider your own. Rival Europeans aggressively attempt to colonize the entire area of the New World through whatever means available. If they sense weakness in your attitude or deployment, they are likely to take advantage of that and attack your forces. They attempt to capture your colonies and force allegiance to their rule upon the population.

      To achieve dominance in the New World, your rivals will use their naval and ground forces in a variety of ways to interrupt the smooth flow of your commerce.

      September 27, 2012, 16:35
    • Colonization: Natives and Foreign Powers: Natives
      by Martin Gühmann

      Aside from the details of growing your economy and expanding your population, you also have to contend with other European colonists and with natives. The cultures that the European invasion of the Americas forced into contact couldn’t have been more different.

      Generally speaking, the Amerindians had a long-standing, deeply-rooted respect for nature and viewed themselves as an integral part of the ecosystem. Some of the concepts that Europeans found basic to society such as “ownership” and “progress” meant little or were interpreted in totally different ways by these American natives. The vast differences which separated Amerindians from Europeans created misunderstandings that would flash into violent confrontations. Looking back, the friction seems inevitable— everything the European needed to grow and prosper (in his way of thinking), the aboriginal needed to maintain. Europeans were consumers, the natives, conservers.


      None of the aboriginal tribes are human player controlable. They are all controlled by the game's Artifical Intelligence (AI). They are three different categories of native tribes: nomadic (Apache, Sioux, Tupi), woods-dwellers (Arawak, Cherokee, Iroquois) and city-dwellers (Aztec and Inca). They are represented by teepees, long-houses and pyramids or terraced stone buildings respectively.

      Each tribe consists of several settlements scattered over an area of the map. A settlement is the dwelling place of several braves that patrol the map nearby. Cities are much better defended than the other native settlements because of the large populations that dwell there. In addition, cities are wealthier than other settlement types -- according to European standards -- and are therefore much more likely to yield large treasures if captured. Villages are not as populated as cities, but are still quite well defended. Camps are poorly defended.

      September 27, 2012, 16:33
    • Colonization: The Old World
      by Martin Gühmann

      Regardless of what nationality you represent and how ‘independence minded’ you are, the bonds that bind you to your home country are strong and enduring. Your home country supplies you with people to populate the New World, ships to get them there, goods to trade with the aboriginals as well as muskets, tools, and other provisions that allow your colonies to exist in the early years. However, this relationship is not without price.

      The King wants to profit from your endeavors. He will charge exorbitant prices for seemingly indispensable skills and military equipment. He will tax your colonies in order to gain revenue for the Crown, and he’ll get you into unwanted wars with your rivals.


      The prices of goods and commodities in Europe fluctuate throughout the game. The forces that drive the economy are many and varied. Each nation’s economy responds to the trade it is receiving from its colonies, but it also responds to the economies of other nations. The primary factor is the amount of trade in each commodity. In other words, the more of a particular item sold in Europe, the lower the price drops. If there is little trading activity in a particular good or commodity, then the price rises. The economy is strictly supply driven.

      To some extent, the prices in your home country are affected by trading activity in other ports of Europe. Therefore, if you can corner the market on an item that other powers are not trading, you can get rich fast. But since you cannot count on chance, it is to your advantage to remain flexible in your production capability, so you can switch from one item to another as easily as possible.

      September 27, 2012, 16:32