Destructoid has published a Civilization 5 review, here is an excerpt:
In any medium, it’s an almost insurmountable challenge to produce a product that stands the test of time. The majority of bands fade into obscurity, movies are forgotten in the wake of the latest pretty face, and all but the most iconic artists and authors get lost in the shuffle of the staggering volume of options the information age has provided us. This is only amplified in the case of video games, where increases in design complexity and rate of technological advance are exponentially unfolding.
With this perspective, the achievements of the Civilization series become acutely mind-boggling. Spanning nearly 20 years of digital iteration (and a decade in board game form prior to that), the IP that brought gamers the invention of the tech-tree has managed to not only survive, but evolve, entertain, educate, and perform in the marketplace. That’s pretty damned impressive for a game that’s basically about world history.
With Civilization V, the developers at Firaxis are rolling the dice yet again and making some sweeping alterations to the series’ DNA. Keeping a game with so much tradition fresh and fun without alienating a deeply loyal fanbase is a Herculean labor, to be sure. However, despite the barriers, Civ V manages to make an overwhelmingly strong case for investing in one more turn of “just one more turn”.
Two major changes to the game take Civ V to a whole new level in terms of combat depth and enjoyment. The first (the adoption of the hex grid) does many things for combat. With movement reduced to six directions from eight, the number of choke points on the map increase, along with their strategic value. If you are facing a smart opponent who protects their strongest ranged attackers with footsoldiers, it’s tougher to get around and knock out siege units by flanking with your own footsoldiers. This makes mounted units like cavalry much more useful than in past games, as the additional movement capacity is vital for breaking an enemy formation from behind.
Civilization V makes huge advances to the series that do nothing but enhance the essential experience. Improvements to the user interface and AI at all levels result in it being more approachable for newcomers without losing any of the strategic depth that long-time fans crave. It vastly improves combat, making the micro-level gameplay both more complex and entertaining. It trims all the fat, leaving only decision-making, strategic planning, and the sheer joy of crushing your enemies. Civ V is the pinnacle of the franchise to date.
Score: 9.5 -- Superb (9s are a hallmark of excellence. There may be flaws, but they are negligible and won't cause massive damage to what is a supreme title.)
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- Published: September 18, 2010, 15:09
Civilization 5 review at Destructoid
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Score: 9.5 -- Superb (9s are a hallmark of excellence. There may be flaws, but they are negligible and won't cause massive damage to what is a supreme title.)