The following are a series of questions and answers razed in the forums since the initial posting the preview. I hope it helps answering some very specific (but critical) issues.
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Issues answered on the forums
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yes, if you have several cities close to the cities of an AI, you may get "our close borderds spark tention" negative points towards the AI's stance at you
what different states of Borders can you have-only open and closed or open, normal and closed?
open: units can pass through your borders
normal/closed : units cant pass through your borders without declaring war
actually, there is exactly that
there is a mods directory with each mod having each own subdirectory with the altered/new files
Have you noticed any of the infamous phalanx vs tank problems?
How is negotiating going?
there is are "what's your price for X" options to easily get a starting point. then you can huggle a bit
Are other civs now really respecting your borders?
if you dont have an "open borders" agreement with the AI, he cant enter. and the AI will never declare war just to pass across the street
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drafting is in, with pop or gold expense based on your civics choices
no such thing, except that you have civic choices that are better for warfare and you can optimize your city production for more shields
nothing of this happens
you CAN capture workers though (but you cant differentiate them from your own)
yes, if you build your culture your borders will expand
there are civics that will help you if you take a military path, a cultural/great people path or a religion path
there will certainly be lots of discussion on the civics....
Do all leaders care equally about your religion/civics or are some more religious or civic oriented?
some are religious some are not
cities in your civ can have varying religions.
And can you force some of your cities to adopt a certain religion?
two notes on that
1) you can send missionaries to your own cities and spread the religion of your choice there (as long as you have at least one city with that religion in order to build the missionary)
2) religions spread on their own depending on existing spread on other cities. e.g. if you have found a religion in one city and you build the specific religious buldings you will make it easier for the religion to spread to surroung cities, in your civ and on other civs
3) you can force some cities not to have some religion unless you choose a specific civic choice (that allows only your official religion to spread within your civ)
bottom line, you can control how religion spreads in your cities but not totally
Most importantly, do the drawings last between turns?
Can you have multiple drawing layers?
can you adjust movement & battle speed
no in-game setting, perhaps it can be done via xml...
solver: But you can turn combat resolution off altogether
they are in, giving defence bonus
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1) if you go to war with a civ and that civ's religion has spread to your cities, these cities will have more war unhappiness
2) Religion screen
You can raze a holy city. The effect on spread is the same as any city
MP games can be saved and be continued at a later time
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Also, if someone's connection is dead, the other players can vote to decide if the player will be droped or if they want to continue
A bit too generic so a note on bombers: Bombers can bombard cities or attack units on the fields (attacking a stack brings collateral damage to all the units on the tile).
Unless you use the pacific civic choice which highly increase maintainance cost of units, you will be more worried from city maintainance cost
Naval units are important, especially as the AI really does naval invasions. If you fear war from an AI coming from the sea you should have a couple of sea units defending your coasts to a avoid a surprise naval invasion!
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A city's health is as important as how much you care about it's growth. for each city you get positive points from building and resources you gather or trade in and negative for city size and factories
you need land units
there is negative efect from rejecting trade deals. there is negative effect if you refuse a request for help in a war or if you refuse a demand ("give me tech X")
yes, you need the city to be on a coast to be able to build these buildings