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PolyCast Episode 208: "Some Flexibility Required"


  • PolyCast Episode 208: "Some Flexibility Required"

    Ready assembly. The two-hundred-and-eighth episode of PolyCast, "Some Flexibility Required", features regular co-hosts Daniel "DanQ" Quick, "Makahlua", Philip "TheMeInTeam" Bellew and "MadDjinn" with first-time guest co-host Kyle "TheGrumpyBuddha". It carries a runtime of 59m59s.

    Recording live before a listening audience every other Saturday, PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production in an ongoing effort to give the Civ community an interactive voice on game strategy; listeners are encouraged to follow the show on Twitter, and check out the YouTube channel for caption capability. Sibling show RevCast focuses on Civilization: Revolution, ModCast on Civ modding, SCivCast on Civ social gaming and TurnCast on Civ multiplay.

    • DanQ
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      Summary of Topics

      - 01m56s | Open Mic
      Responding to an email about Civilization: Beyond Earth as it compares to Civilization V (recorded for Episode 204).
      - 03m41s | News
      Coverage of CivBE a plenty at Gamescom 2014 receives a mixed reception within the Civ community is followed by take aways from first livestream for the game from developer Firaxis Games (11m27s) while members of its team respond to an inquiry as to why the game's maps don't look particularly alien (22m43s).
      - 26m52s | Senate
      Investigating the changes to all the uniques of Civilization V France brought about by its second expansion, Brave New World.
      - 43m32s | Miscellaneous
      Behind the curtains of Firaxis Games on its people, philosophy and practices (recorded for Episode 207) and how to keep CivV interesting in lead-up to the pending release of Civilization: Beyond Earth (49m02s; recorded for Episode 204).

      - Intro/Outro | Miscellaneous
      Bringing one's own audio clips, false advertising, denial from a release and trying to satisfy all while satisfying none.
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