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ModCast Focus: "Civilization III"


  • ModCast Focus: "Civilization III"

    Catch the wave. The first ModCast (MC) special, entitled "Focus: "Civilization III"", is now available with a runtime of 01h38m29s. MC regular co-host Rob "Rob (R8XFT)" Riley, Jonathan "Plotinus" Hill, John "El Justo" O'Neill and Balthasar "Balthasar" Syennisis are lead by Bruce "Blue Monkey" Long as they explore what has happened, what is happen and what is to happen in the modding of Civilization III.

    This is second production in ModCast's sixth season, following its season premiere fiftieth episode last month. The show is the first spin-off of the Civ strategy-centric PolyCast, and this is the first "Focus" special not under that heading. Fellow sibling RevCast focuses on Civilization: Revolution, SCivCast on Civ social gaming and TurnCast on Civ multiplay.

    • DanQ
      DanQ commented
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      Summary of Topics

      - 06m44s | Introduction to Modding
      When each panelist was introduced to modding in the Civilization franchise, including how they first got to playing Civ in the first place.
      - 17m17s | Interest in History
      The influence of having an interest in history on Civ playing, modding and at times how it translated from schooling and transferred into career choices.
      - 23m38s | Challenges with History
      Where history presents a challenge for modding in Civilization III and what can, and has, been done to respond to them.
      - 35m18s | Methodology for History
      Reflecting the immersion of history in gameplay through CivIII modding with the citation of key works and individuals within the game's community.
      - 45m35s | Influences on Modding
      How Civilization III modders can have their works' trajectory impacted by community participation and feedback.
      - 56m46s | Lessons from Modding
      Why decision designs in one work lead future works from that modder, and perhaps others, to follow or move away particular approaches.
      - 68m50s | Future of Modding
      Taking the pulse of the Civilization III community and projecting its future based on precedents set in its past and present.
      Last edited by DanQ; August 17, 2014, 10:19. Reason: Corrections
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