This file defines the area of influence and growth settings based on city size. There are 6 files (CitySize0.txt - CitySize5.txt) needed by the game. One for each difficulty level.
This file defines the area of influence and growth settings based on city size. There are 6 files (CitySize0.txt - CitySize5.txt) needed by the game. One for each difficulty level.
Population 0
SquaredRadius 0
IntRadius 0
MaxWorkers 0
GrowthRate 75
MinGrowthRate 2500
MaxSurplusFood 250
BaseOvercrowding 4
BaseMaxPop 18
VisionRadius 1.414
}SquaredRadius 0
IntRadius 0
MaxWorkers 0
GrowthRate 75
MinGrowthRate 2500
MaxSurplusFood 250
BaseOvercrowding 4
BaseMaxPop 18
VisionRadius 1.414