Egypt, England, France, Germany
Egypt - War Chariot (Chariot)
Hatshepsut - Creative/Spiritual Hatshepsut's biggest advantage is her immense cultural output potential. As a Creative civ, she enjoys a natural border-pop that will be very popular with anyone who dislikes putting up sentinel nets. After the second culture pop (usually around turn 25 after founding in Quick, give or take) her cities have a natural 40% defensive bonus - almost a free wall! Her spiritual trait can easily be bent towards snagging an early religion, and switching civics as needed. Throw in the War Chariot - still a potent force - and you've got quite a solid civ. Unfortunately, Hatshepsut fades as the game continues - Creative doesn't look so impressive when you have five culture-generating structures, and Spiritual only helps when you do a lot of civic-switching. Early Game - STRONG! Mid Game - Average Late Game - Below Average |
England - Redcoat (Rifleman)
Elizabeth - Financial/Philosophical Unlike her Man-o-War days, Elizabeth has moved up in the world. Her trait combination - Financial/Philosophical - is arguably the best science combination available (her rival being Washington.) Since tech counts in score nowadays, that's a pretty big claim. While neither Financial nor Philosophical has a major impact if you don't leverage them properly, a veteran can really make Elizabeth a potent force. A new player, though, might find Elizabeth quite frustrating to use. The Redcoat is a very potent unit in the Industrial era, capable of dominating rifle-based units, and even standing in for Infantry to a lesser extent. Early Game: Below Average (Average for a skilled player) Mid Game: Above Average (STRONG to a skilled player) Late Game: Average (By now, if you haven't leveraged her traits, you won't.) |
Victoria - Financial/Expansive Victoria is not someone you want to leave alone; Expansive means her granary-fed cities will grow quickly with health bonuses, and Financial means she'll turn those cities into money-rakers (assuming she's building cottages or lighthouses.) Every city Victoria founds is going to be lucrative and grow quickly - so it is in your best interests not to let her found them! Although not the commerce-junkie that Washington is, or the science-prone civ that Elizabeth is, Victoria can nontheless post some pretty impressive tech numbers. Her fast growth can be leveraged in others ways, too, though. One could conceivably use Victoria's growth in conjunction with slavery, and rely on your extra cash coming in via financial to offset the anger with cultural spending. If Victoria is unfettered into the mid and late game, her Redcoats can pose quite a problem for her neighbors, especially since they're likely to come early (her research) and often (from big cities.) Early Game: Average Mid Game: Above Average Late Game: Average |
France - Musketeer (Musketman)
Louis XIV - Industrial/Creative The future of Castle play starts with LouisXIV. The creative culture bonus means that Louis will frequently have his "almost walls" from the double culture pop, and it will be difficult to ambush him for the same reason. Toss in the Industrial bonus - cheaper wonders and faster forges - and you've got everything a Castle player needs: big early industry, the ability to churn out lots of defenders, and the advantage in racking up points with wonders via score. When Musketeers arrive, it becomes nearly impossible to bring down Louis until they're out of date - remember how hard it was to ambush an Impi user? Musketeers - the new Impi. Early Game: Above Average Mid Game: Above Average Late Game: Below Average |
Napoleon - Aggressive/Industrial While Louis will be a favorite for Castles, Napolean will be a favorite for Sledging and major Chokes. Napolean's combination of Aggressive and Industrial means that his troops will be quite potent - and coming out quickly from his industry. Musketeers will also perform the other role of an Impi very nicely - pillager. One of the big signs you're in trouble: Musketeers mass-pillaging your land - it's a safe bet that Grenadiers and Cannons are coming soon after, and you're not going to be in a shape to deal with them. The best way to beat Napolean? Keep enough of a tech lead that you don't need to fear his units. On even footing, Aggressive and Industrial will turn the tide in his direction nearly every time. Early Game: Above Average Mid Game: Above Average to STRONG Late Game: Average |
Germany - Panzer (Tank)
Bismarck - Industrial/Expansive Another civ likely to be a favorite with the Sledgehammer crowd, Bismarck cachests the combination of cheap forges for bigger armies, and a nice health bonus to counteract the negative effects of those forges. Throw in faster growth with granaries, and you've got the potential for one mean civ. Luckily for the rest of us, the German Unique is the Panzer - which arrives all the way at Combustion - but that DOES mean that when he gets it, his highly industrialized, big cities will have a field day cranking them out at you. Since the Panzer shows up earlier than any other tank, it's pretty vital that you are out-teching Bismarck if you want to survive the blitzkreig. From Combustion until Composites, Germany is pretty scary, but after Modern Armor comes out, they go back to being an average civ. Early Game: Above Average Mid Game: Average Late Game: Above Average |
Frederick - Philosophical/Creative While Bismark's fate in ladder MP is fairly certain, Frederick stands on more shifting ground. Philosophical/Creative is quite a powerful combination for a very strong early cultural presence, but players who spend too much time on culture in MP will still find themselves in danger of being cut down by the cultureless blade. That being said, Frederick may be viable in the somewhat-untested-in-MP "Culture Bomb" strategy of land acquisition and city flipping (after all, he can build his theatres cheaply, and his fast-popping Great Artists will already be assisted by his auto-expanding borders.) If anyone can make "Cultural Assault" a possibility, it's Frederick - in a team game, this may or may not be quite a powerful play. The idea of taking a city defended by a heavily industrialized teammate, with German-Fredrick's culture...scary. In SP? A great culture-based strategy. In MP? Time will tell. Early Game: Probably Below Average Mid Game: Probably Below Average Late Game: Probably Below Average |