1.Hold down the shift key and type "1234567890"
2.You can now look in enemy cities.
3.You can now unfortify their units
4.You can now sell their improvements
5.You can now reaarrange their resources
6.You can now view the power chart and the replay
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Civ 1: The 1234567890 Cheat
Created by:
Martin Gühmann
- Published: December 1, 2004, 17:45
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Latest Articles
Channel: FAQs
January 30, 2011, 14:27 -
- The Shift-56 cheat.
- The Movement cheat.
- The Settler cheat.
- Ship movement cheat.
- The Shipping Lanes cheat.
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Channel: FAQs
January 29, 2011, 19:13 -
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Channel: FAQs
January 29, 2011, 19:10 -
- General strategies.
- a) Despotic Conquest.
- b) Democratic Ostrich.
- c) Flexible Evolution.
- d) Republic.
- e) Pyramid.
- f) High Tech.
- g) Rich.
- h) Mercenary.
- i) Balanced.
- j) Peaceful.
- k) High Tech Conquest.
- l) Hide in a Corner.
- m) Archipelago.
- n) Diploblitz.
- o) Trading Cities.
- p) Take No Prisoners.
- q) The Helping Hand.
- r) The Rock.
- s) Replay.
- t) Go see them or they will come see you.
- u) Pillage to the Max.
- v) Take the Best, Discard the Rest.
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Channel: FAQs
January 29, 2011, 19:06 - General strategies.
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- How do I make my city grow?
- Should I have many cities or just a few?
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- What power plants are the best, and when can I build them?
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Channel: FAQs
January 29, 2011, 17:25