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Win a Copy of "Civilization: Beyond Earth -- Rising Tide" During PolyCast Episode 240 Recording


  • Win a Copy of "Civilization: Beyond Earth -- Rising Tide" During PolyCast Episode 240 Recording

    Still thinking about adding Civilization: Beyond Earth -- Rising Tide to your gaming library? Contemplating sharing the gaming joy with friend or family? This Saturday, October 17th, 2015 PolyCast (PC), the bi-weekly podcast giving the Civilization community an interactive voice on game strategy, will be giving away five copies of the Beyond Earth expansion pack during the recording of its two-hundred-and-fortieth episode. A number of the show's past guests are to accompany the regular panel in expressing personal, and exploring communal, first impressions of this latest Civ franchise release.

    CivBERT copy winners will receive a Steam code to download and install the title, be it themselves or someone else of their choosing as a gift. Courtesy CivV developer Firaxis Games, the combined value of these prizes is $150US.
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