In 2016 under the
Civilized Communication banner,
Civilization fans can look forward to the ongoing production of three podcasts. More
Civ co-operative multiplay is to be had in the sixth season of
TurnCast, further exploration of modding in the series on the eighth season of
ModCast and greater
Civ strategy conversations on the landmark tenth season of
PolyCast. Episodes of the latter most are to continue to be
recorded live every other Saturday starting at 12PM ET (North America), starting January 9th (
timezone converter).
Meanwhile, efforts to restart the
Civ social
SCivCast to now focus on the recently released
Civilization Online will be ongoing having begun at the end of last year. Elsewise, the dramedy series
One More Turn is to record and release its fourth season, the thirteen episodes of which are currently being written. Before that the third season blooper reel and commentary is to be released by January's end.
Recurring updates on the above efforts are to be summarized in follow-up posts throughout the calendar year. Keep on
Civ'in, laughing and living....
- 02m52s | News
A first, second and third official video for Civilization Beyond Earth: Rising Tide surface alongside three first-hand previews.
- 38m38s | Open Mic
Responding to an inquiry from "OneCrazyCanadia" asking for "good ideas" for scenarios in CivBE.
- 40m55s | Forum Talk
A suggestion for expanding Civilization diplomacy to include a counterbalance to the denunciation mechanic gains traction, followed by a claim that a Civilization VI has not been delayed by the CivBE expansion Rising Tide (45m59s; recorded for Episode 231).
- 50m45s | Miscellaneous
Where the Civilization IV theme ranks on a countdown of "Top 10 Video Game Menu Themes" (recorded for Episode 230), where the Civ series in general finds itself on a comparable list of "Top 10 Video Games With Steep Learning Curves" (51m00s; recorded for Episode 231) and civs that become one's first target upon discovery (54m33s; recorded for Episode 231).
- Intro/Outro | Miscellaneous
Record setting and adapting to expectations.