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PolyCast Episode 200: "Looking Forward to More" Featuring Firaxis Games


  • PolyCast Episode 200: "Looking Forward to More" Featuring Firaxis Games

    Shining on. The landmark two hundredth episode of PolyCast, "Looking Forward to More", has arrived. Featuring regular co-hosts Daniel "DanQ" Quick, "Makahlua", Philip "TheMeInTeam" Bellew and "MadDjinn", twenty-four others including four representatives from Civilization developer Firaxis Games join in on the celebration including some exclusive Civilization: Beyond Earth detail and background reveal. Clocking in at 111m27s in length, it carries the third longest runtime in the show's history to date.

    Recording live before a listening audience every other Saturday, PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production in an ongoing effort to give the Civ community an interactive voice on game strategy; listeners are encouraged to follow the show on Twitter, and check out the YouTube channel for caption capability. Sibling show RevCast focuses on Civilization: Revolution, ModCast on Civ modding, SCivCast on Civ social gaming and TurnCast on Civ multiplay.

    • DanQ
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      Summary of Topics

      - 01m07s | Introductions
      Setting and taking the stage where the four regular co-hosts are joined by Civilization IV modder turned game designer Derek "Kael" Paxton and two former regular co-hosts, Kelly "KMadeleine"/"KMadCandy" and original panelist Imran "Imran Siddiqui" Siddiqui.
      - 08m28s | Q&A: Firaxis Games
      From Civilization: Beyond Earth developer Firaxis Games is Director of Gameplay Development Barry Caudill, Senior Producer Dennis Shirk, Principal Programmer Ed Beach and Community Associate Kevin Schultz to discuss the up-and-coming title as well as CivV's status and the place of community interaction in their development.
      - 33m21s | Cut! Minisodes
      Honouring the "Cut!" side series from the show's first season, a compilation of cut snippets from each episode produced, with six minisodes combining select moments from Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
      - 43m28s | Past Guests (Part 1 of 3)
      The first roll-call of past guest co-hosts drop in for well wishes including past regular co-host Annalee "Cartimandua" Barney.
      - 51m20s | Past Guests (Part 2 of 3)
      The second roll-call of past guest co-hosts drop in for well wishes.
      - 62m48s | TurnCast
      Highlighting the show's Civilization multiplay spin-off series TurnCast with previously unreleased clips: its fourth season continues this summer.
      - 63m46s | Memory Lane
      Three time-guest co-host, gaming journalist and podcaster Jonah Falcon shares his memories of and with the show to present day... with never-before-heard clips from several past episode recordings in support of the recollections.
      - 66m51s | ModCast
      Announcing the show's Civilization modding spin-off series ModCast with clips from its fiftieth episode that begins its sixth season this summer.
      - 67m38s | Prize Giveaway
      A record of each winner of one of five Steam codes for Civilization V: Complete, a combined $250US value courtesy developer Firaxis Games.
      - 74m00s | Advisor Panel
      The Civilization V Advisor Panel as you have never heard them before in the mini-series "In This Lesson", compiled and produced by lead co-host Daniel "DanQ" Quick -- it is ths sequel to "I Disagree, Sire" included on Episode 100.
      - 82m36s | Past Guests (Part 3 of 3)
      The third roll-call of past guest co-hosts drop in for well wishes.
      - 89m57s | Archived Segment
      Recorded for Episode 60, the implications of a "One More Turn" flowchart for Civilization games are considered.
      - 92m54s | Declassified Bloopers
      An assortment of bloopers from episode recordings of the series to date that were previously deemed 'too hot' to be released publicly.
      - 95m30s | One More Turn
      Cross-promoting the show's cousin drama/comedy One More Turn currently in its first season.
      - 100m17s | CivAnon Medley
      A medley of clips from fan written, acted and produced in the spirit of the fictional "Civilization Anonymous" support group.
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