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Mike Laplaunte Civ2 Strategy


  • Mike Laplaunte's Civ2 Strategy

    Original Author:
    Mike Laplaunte

    Hi. I have been somewhat obsessed with Civilization 2 since the time that I bought it.
    My current best score is 197% (one hundred ninety seven percent) on Emperor level with 7 civilizations.

    Not everyone plays a game the same way. The path to victory can be different for each person. Here is one that worked for me:

    Phase 1:

    Coming to life

    Goal: Establish a financial and technological base from which to launch attacks on other civilizations
    Secondary Goal: Build the Great Library
    Tertiary Goal: Make contact with as many other civilizations as possible - trade technology.
    Purpose: At this point in the game you have to be able to set up a group of high production towns and earn as much cash as possible. Once you begin your offensive in the next phase you will need a large capital to work from. You will also need to gain a technological advantage over your nearest enemy.
    Milestone(s): Building of Great Library and discovery of Monarchy and Archers
    Steps: Build a city immediately on a river or coast.
    Set your taxes to maximum science.
    Build a warrior to explore - they are inexpensive.
    If the city is still a 1, build an improvement(s) until it is a two.
    Build a settler.
    Build a new town with the settler.
    Build another warrior to explore.

    Continue to use the above procedure to build cities until you have at least four and have located another civilization. You should have one settler committed to building roads between your cities. As the other settlers are created, use them to build new towns.
    Units to build: One Phalanx per city.
    One Settler per city + 1 maintenance unit for every 4 cities to build roads.
    At least 4 cities.
    Technology: Monarchy, Literacy, Trade, Engineering, Monotheism, Invention
    City Improvements: Temples, Marketplaces
    If you explore far enough hopefully you will contact at least 3 other civilizations. Your goal is to become a hub for technology trading. Don’t be afraid to give money or technology away to get another society to trade technology with you. One general rule with technology is to give it away in inverse proportion to their distance. Give societies that are furthest away from you as much as it takes to get their new technology - try to give the closer societies little or nothing. Also, keep watch on the new technologies invented by other societies. If you can get ahold of some of these, you have a big advantage. You may also take this opportunity to form a permanent alliance with a society that is very distant geographically. Then, request gifts. Try very hard to stay out of wars. (even at risk of losing an alliance) Also, ensure that your city growth is toward the enemy. Please note that if one of the computer players beats you to the Library, the game is pretty much over.

    Phase 2:

    First Blood

    Goal: Defeat the civilization closest to you - take their resources
    Secondary Goal: Building of Great Library, King Richard’s Crusade, Sun Tzu’s War Academy and Leonardo’s Workshop.
    Tertiary Goal: Consolidate defenses.
    Purpose: Now, you must make your first kill. The civilization nearest you is your best target. From the first phase, you should have built up enough money that you can afford to help towns produce military attack units. If they are available, I prefer using Crusaders for the task of attacking and destroying the enemy. These units have two moves per turn and an attack rate of 5 so they pretty much kill anything they come in contact with. Elephants are an OK substitute with an attack rate of 4. Legions can be used, but since they only have a move rate of 1 you will take a pounding.

    At this point you must create Wonders that will support your troops in the field and your civilization needs. The most important wonder to obtain in this phase is Leonardo’s Workshop, then King Richard’s Crusade and finally Sun Tzu’s War Academy.

    It is also very important to consolidate your defenses after you destroy the enemy and before you move onto the next phase. You will not have the resources to do so in the next phase and you will be under heavy fire.
    Milestones: Building Leonardo’s Workshop, recovering at least 5 enemy cities.
    Steps: Go to your highest shield production city. Set it to building whichever Wonder is available in the above list. If none of them are available yet, have the city build another wonder and switch when the desirable wonder becomes available. (this won’t take long) This city will be your Wonder city. Almost all of your wonders will be built here. Don’t be afraid to spend money or disband units to beat the computer to a Wonder.

    Choose two cities close to your enemy. Build two Phalanx units there. Once they are built, start heading them out to the nearest enemy town. Place them within 3 spaces of the town and fortify them with one square between them - this will force enemy units to walk around them and will help to provide a safe passage for your attack units to advance.

    Take your maintenance settlers and start building a road from your nearest town to the enemy’s nearest town. Ideally the road will bisect the two Phalanx units you have fortified near their town.

    Change all other cities to produce the attack unit of your choice. (I will use Crusaders from here on). If you have units that are exploring and are too far away to get back quickly or are outdated (Warriors, Chariots, Horsemen) disband them. If they are supported by your cities it will take away from shield production.

    Once you have at least 8 attack units, move them to the enemy’s nearest city. Once they reach the position the Phalanx have fortified, move the Phalanx one square toward the town. Put your attack units on the square with them. This provides your attack units with a strong defense should they be attacked. Hopefully by now the Phalanx units have been attacked and are now veterans. Next turn move them forward one again. You are now in attack range (one empty space between you and your attack units.).

    Attack the city. You should have enough units to get in decisively. Move as many units as possible into the city once you have captured it.

    Consolidate power, move on. Move all units into the newly acquired city. Build barracks in the first town you capture. Build more units (also, ship more units in from your homeland). Continue to take all of the enemies’ cities in this fashion until he is dead.
    Technology: Gunpowder, Republic
    City Improvements: None. (Barracks in first town taken from enemy)
    Government Type: Monarchy or Republic
    Units to build: Attack units (Crusaders, Elephants, and Archers)
    Notes: Taking your first civilization is the most crucial part of your ascendance to power. If you fail, or become involved in a long war, you will not be able to prepare for your next conquest until too late. Make your attacks in a quick, timely manner, leaving little time for the enemy to recover.

    Diplomats can play a large part in attacking cities. The most difficult thing to deal with in any city are the city walls. At this point, most cities do not have very many improvements, so, if you send a diplomat in to perform industrial sabotage, you may hit the walls. This will dramatically improve your odds of getting in; however, more often than not you have to take the city with the walls intact. The other use of diplomats at this level is establishing an embassy. This will give you two pieces of vital information, first, you will find out where the Capital city is. Avoid this city at all cost. It will be the best defended and very difficult to destroy. It should be attacked only when you have taken at least half of your enemy’s cities. The other piece of information is a city list. This will let you know how many cities you should be looking for. There is nothing worse than thinking that you have killed the last of an enemy’s cities only to find out that there are an unknown number more out there somewhere.

    Avoid slow units with low defense scores. Even though they have a 6 attack rate, Catapults are a waste of money. Since they only have a one move rate either you attack at 2/3 attack rate (from a road) or you have to sit outside your intended target for a turn (see Sitting Duck).

    Be careful of accidentally destroying a town. A dead town is of no use to anyone. If necessary, back off a small town to let it rebuild before destroying it.

    By now you have noticed that there is very little attention paid to science. This is because you don’t need to invent what you can steal. Each city you take will give you an advance from their civilization. To increase the effectiveness of stealing technology, weaken a city to the point where it has only one unit left in it. Walk a diplomat up to it and steal technology. Then finish off the city and claim another technology. This tactic works throughout the rest of the game.

    Phase 3:

    Financial and Ethical Freedom.

    Goal: Invent / Acquire Fundamentalism.
    Secondary Goal: Build Adam Smith’s Trading Company
    Tertiary Goal: Attack nearest two civilizations
    Purpose: At this point you should be in close running for first place, if you are not actually in first place. It is time for you to take a decisive lead in the race. You will not be able to do this quickly. This will be a slow torturous procedure that you must endure until you can invent Fundamentalism. To accomplish this, you must make a lightning strike against the nearest enemy. By now, you should have at least two enemies nearby to choose from. Choose the weaker of the two to start with. This will allow you to gain strength without the depletion that a war with a strong ally would cause. (See Hitler - 1939). Even though your initial attack will be quick (and hopefully unexpected), do not expect a quick victory. After a few turns of attacking your enemy, you will very likely be attacked by all other computer players. Ideally you want to take as many enemy towns as you can, but if need be you can be satisfied by simply holding your opponents in check while you build the Wonder and move to Fundamentalism. Once you have achieved these two goals, you will be unencumbered by ethical (no unhappy people) and financial concerns. (Fundamentalism allows you to run your empire very cheaply). Once you have created the Wonder, you can start probably start attacking the second civilization.
    Milestone: Destruction of one civilization.
    Steps: Same as last phase. More slowly this time.
    Units to build: Attack units. (Crusaders)
    Technology: Fundamentalism
    City Improvements: None
    Government type: Fundamentalism, Communism, Republic
    Notes: Keep using the Crusaders in this level. Don’t use the Knights. Even though they have a higher defense score, their lower attack rate will reduce your effectiveness when attacking towns.

    You will now have the resources to start doing what I call “buying” cities. Go to a city with a Diplomat and incite a revolt. If you pay the required amount, the city revolts and comes under your control. This method of capturing a city has three benefits. 1. All the units inside and supported by the city come under your control. 2. All city improvements remain intact. 3. You do not use up your attack units trying to destroy the city. This process is very expensive (I have seen some towns demand $8000 gold and up), but well worth it for small to mid sized towns. Note that cities that have a democratic government cannot be “bought” in this manner.

    By now you have industrialization and are tempted to build factories instead of military units. Don’t. You won’t need them, soon you will have enough money to buy your army.

    Resist the temptation to buy city improvements over military units.

    Phase 4:

    World Domination

    Goal: Rule the World
    Secondary Goal: Build Spaceship
    Tertiary Goal: Increase population
    Purpose: Win or lose, it is decided here. You have conquered at least two civilizations and left one in ruin or at least disarray. There is a very good chance that the computers have killed another one, so you are very likely facing three strong opponents and one very weak one.

    There will be very little change in the level of attack from the computer players in this phase. They will still try to destroy you, but they will not commit any additional resources to do so. Very likely the remaining players are across oceans and will have a hard time reaching you. Be wary of other players buying your coastal towns. (avoid taking coastal towns until the end). Keep your cash flow high, 80% of taxes should go into the coffers.
    Steps: Continue to attack the weak civilization and finish him off. At the same time, attack the next nearest civilization.

    Continually steal technology from the other two civilizations. Under no circumstances should you engage more than two offensively at any time. (See Hitler – 1942) Steal from your new conquest first.

    Create three times as many spies as your opponent has cities. These are useful in many ways, the most important is industrial sabotage. When you are about to attack a city, bring your spy up and attempt to sabotage the city walls. You will be warned that this is very difficult. Do it anyway. You may lose two or three spies in the process, but they are relatively inexpensive when compared to the cost of losing a marine unit or howitzer. Bringing the city walls down will pretty much guarantee that a howitzer will destroy any unit inside.

    Use your spies to buy cities as well. You should have quite a large amount of gold by now, use some of it to gain strategic footholds in the enemy camps.

    Once one of the two civilizations has been destroyed, use their coastal towns to build transport ships. Don’t fill or launch them yet, just protect them with a coastal fortress and cruisers.

    Once the second civilization has been destroyed, you should have quite a few attack units left over. Direct them to the waiting transport ships and attack one of the two remaining civilizations without delay. You should now have enough power to defeat them handily.

    Now that you are attacking the last two civilizations, go to the cities that are in your homeland and from your original two conquests. Start building city improvements there. Build lots of Engineers to improve farmland. Start building factories, power plants and other shield enhancing improvements there.

    Attacking a coastal city: Avoid using marines. They are not effective. Do one of two things. 1. “Buy a coastal town” move your transport ships directly in and use the enemy’s own railroad system to destroy him. 2. Use units that get two moves. Drop the units off on a road, rail or plain. They will get a second move. Attack the city with that move. With enough units you will get in.

    After they have been destroyed, set all your cities except those directly bordering the last civilization to build improvements.

    Once you have attacked your last civilization, make sure that you do not destroy their last city. Leave it alive, but without any military units.

    Now, start building your space program. You should have enough money to pretty much buy it outright. You will probably have to invent the Apollo program - so be it.

    Make sure that you time it so that your ship will arrive in the year 2019. You want to have as much time as possible to crank your score through the roof. Once it is launched, (or completed whichever comes first), boost the luxury tax to 50%. Leave city taxes at 50%. Build improvements in all cities. You will get more and more population, which is of course worth points. Don’t be afraid to disband all your military units except a very few - after all, you have a fundamentalist government, the people cannot revolt.
    Milestone: Year 2019
    Notes: Make sure that you send as many colonists as possible on the space ship. Each 10,000 group is worth 100 points.

    If required, the space program can be built in just one year. With the resources you will have you can probably get it there in 15 years or under building from scratch.

    Be careful of pollution. Use your engineers primarily to remove the pollution, otherwise you will be very busy building farmland and removing pollution. (not to mention that each one is a loss of 10 points) Use two engineers on the same polluted square to remove it in the same turn that it appears.

    Notes on specific tasks:

    Note on exploring:

    The main objective of exploring at this level is to find other civilizations and, villages (the little huts). These little huts will provide you with more units to explore with and, more importantly, technology. This is very important early in the game as it allows you to get a jump on your opponents military units. There has been many a game where I have discovered Archers early on and then staged an attack on another civilization just using them. Always use your explorers to find other civilizations, do not try to colonize a large number of islands or continents, the computer players will see you as a threat and attack you early.

    Note on Geography:

    If you are on an island and you have no other civilizations with you, start over. You will not have an easy time otherwise (with this strategy). The only exception is if you are on a large island. In this case, simply concentrate on dominating the entire island at first - then head directly for seafaring. Once you have reached seafaring, take a ship with a defense unit and a settler and build a city on an enemy continent. Then, pick the plan up from there. It is a little more time consuming and may cost you some colonists on your spaceship at the end.

    Note on citybuilding:

    Build your cities initially on coasts or rivers. Rivers are better because later in the game they are less vulnerable to attack (no marine landings!). As the game progresses, build further inland. Make certain that your cities domains do not overlap. If there is an enemy city that overlaps yours, either destroy it, or continually build settlers/engineers from it until it vanishes. (Unless of course it has a Wonder in it). Always build at least one road between your cities. This will increase trade in your city and subsequently your gold. Remember that rivers count as roads for trade and movement - wherever possible build your cities in the middle of the river, not at either end.

    Note on technology:

    Technology development is probably the least important thing you will do. You will probably only have to do it three times a game, once at the beginning, to get to Crusaders before anyone else, once to get to the Fundamentalist government, near the middle of the game and then at the end, once everyone else is destroyed so that you can launch your space ship. Do not waste valuable resources developing technology that you can steal from someone else. Use your diplomats and spies to ensure that your technology is up to date.

    Notes on Wonders:

    Create wonders: Great Library, Leonardo's Workshop, King Richards Crusade, Sun Tsz War Acadamy, J.S. Bach Cathedral, Adam Smith’s Trading Company, Hoover Dam. Which Wonders are the most useful has been a question of some debate. These are the Wonders that I find most useful for this approach to the game. My personal philosophy about is Wonders is to go for the ones that do not expire - but each to his/her own. I will list each Wonder and what I think about them for each level of play.

    Adam Smith’s Trading Company Crucial for any level. Frees up additional cash to go to the war effort. Does not expire.
    Apollo Program If you beat the computer early enough, you will have to create this Wonder in order to launch your space ship. It can also be useful for locating the last remaining cities held by the computer opponent.
    Colossus Not particularly useful at any level. Let someone else invent it and then take it from them.
    Copernicus Observatory Not useful at any level.
    Cure for Cancer By the time this Wonder becomes available you are already a Fundamentalist government so it is completely useless.
    Darwin’s Voyage Let someone else invent it and then steal the advances they make.
    Eiffel Tower I have never found the reputation of my civilization to play any part in how the computer players treated me. I have been told that a civilization would not sign a treaty with me because “as soon as their back was turned I would stab them in it” even when my reputation was spotless. Don’t bother with this one.
    Great Library Easily the most important Wonder in the game - at any level. Failure to get this Wonder will cost you a lot of diplomats. Expires when Electricity is invented.
    Great Wall Many people will tell you that this is an important Wonder. This is an opinion I do not share. This wonder expires far too early to be useful when using this strategy. The computer players should not be allowed to reach your city to attack it. This seems like a difficult feat to accomplish, but with proper planning, City Walls are not necessary.
    Hanging Gardens Useful at high levels where your people are generally unhappy. Ignore it at lower levels.
    Hoover Dam Very useful. Does not expire. Make sure that you acquire this wonder as soon as possible.
    Issac Newton’s College Not useful. (Since we don’t plan to develop science)
    J.S. Bach’s Cathederal Very useful at any level. You may notice that this Wonder is only useful on the continent that it is built. Do not let this induce you to build it on a large continent that you plan to conquer, don’t forget that you will soon be a Fundamentalist government and not require such pacification devices.
    King Richard’s Crusade This wonder is useful because it allows you to get your Wonder city moving at top speed. By the time it expires you have most of the wonders you need and are now able to buy a Factory for that city.
    Leonardo’s Workshop There is much debate on this Wonder. Many people find this Wonder useful, others don’t. The main controversy is over the fact that when your unit is upgraded, they lose their veteran status. There is a very simple cure for this: build Sun Tsu’s War Academy as well. Sun Tsu’s War Academy causes any unit that survives an attack to gain instant veteran status. This is a very powerful combination and during your early war career will serve you very well. (It is not a coincidence that these two wonders expire almost simultaneously.)
    Lighthouse Navy battles do not play a large part in this game. Not a useful Wonder.
    Megellan’s Expedition Ditto
    Manhattan Project Dangerous Wonder. Do not let this wonder be invented - at any cost. If you do, the computer will start nuking you when it starts losing. This will cost you pollution points in the end.
    Marco Polo’s Embassy Not very useful since we don’t plan to be very diplomatic.
    Michelangelo’s Chapel Very useful Wonder at higher levels. This Wonder will go a long way in ensuring that your people do not revolt.
    Oracle Very useful at higher levels.
    Pyramids Helps city growth, but overall not particularly useful.
    SETI Program Not useful.
    Shakespeares’ Theatre Too specific to be useful. Unless you have a city that is constantly in unrest (and then, how are you supposed to build anything anyway)
    Statue of Liberty Is useful when switching to Fundamentalism. Try to capture or build it, but don’t be obsessive about it.
    Sun Tzu’s War Academy Very useful when used with Leonardo’s Workshop. Still useful on its own.
    United Nations Not useful except for the automatic embassy. Don’t bother with it.
    Women’s Suffrage By the time you will invent this, you will be a Fundamentalist government at which time it will be useless.

    Wonder Tip!!: Simply because a wonder has been completed (either by you or someone else) does not mean that you can't keep producing it. The computer will continue to tell you that it has already been completed, but keep producing it anyway. The benefit of this is simple - if there are no other wonders to create (or at least, none that you wish to create) you continue to gather shields for a wonder. When one becomes available, you can switch to producing that wonder without the 50% penalty. Most often this means that the turn after a wonder becomes available, you will build it. In this way you can beat the computer to the important wonders.

    Bear in mind that these ratings apply to the strategy that I have outlined. If you plan to be peaceful or use another strategy, the Wonders may be more useful to you then they are to me.

    Notes on diplomacy:

    NEVER sign a permanent alliance with a society you intend to later kill. Getting out of it is not easy or timely. (Since I usually kill everyone, I find it best not to sign a permanent treaty with anyone). Always establish an embassy in an enemy country. This will allow you to determine if you are aware of the location of all their cities as well as measure resources and what opposition you are likely to encounter. Many people will suggest that you try to get your enemies to fight amongst themselves. I do not recommend this strategy. If they do this, they will be pouring resources into something other than science. Since you are depending, not only on them to invent the science, but to trade it so that the Great Library will give you a copy, having them fight is self-defeating. Additionally, once the Great Library expires, if your enemies abroad are giving science to the civilization that you are currently fighting, you are steal it directly from them and not incur the wrath of the civilization that originally invented it.

    Notes on warfare:

    Defending: Ideally, enemy units should never be allowed to attack your cities. With careful planning an preparation, you can accomplish exactly that. Defense is divided into two types - pre railroad and post railroad.

    First, Pre Railroad: The only cities you have to worry about are the ones that border your enemy. Ensure that each of these cities have a unit that can see two squares away in them. Since they border your enemy, there is a very good chance that they will not have a road on them. Since no unit can move more than two squares at any one time, your unit with a vision of two will spot enemy units before they can become a threat. In addition to this spotting unit, place two attack units that can move two squares into the city. These units will be able to destroy any computer unit that approaches your city, before it gets a chance to attack. Sometimes the computer will put two units, one right after the other. Since you have two units as well, you will be able to destroy both units. Using this strategy, it is vitally important that there are no fortresses within two squares of your city. If there is, the units could pile into that spot and you would be forced to take them out one at a time, which, you may not be able to do. If you wish, you can create a fortress just outside your city and place your attack units and spotter there (in order to see the enemy sooner), but be forewarned, if you lose that fortress you will most certainly lose the city.

    Post Railroad: At this point you are more vulnerable. Computer units can approach your cities without using movement units. The trick here is to stop them before they get to your city. To do this, you will have to have strong defensive units outside the city and strong attack units inside. Immediately outside your city, you should have placed fortresses. In those fortresses, place your defensive units. The computer cannot pass these units without fighting them first. This allows you to defend the city without taking damage to the city itself. Once the computer has attacked your defensive locations, hopefully he will have used a large number of the attack units it has. At this point, use your attack units to mop up any remaining computer attack units.

    Notice that I do not mention city walls anywhere. I do not mention them because as I said earlier, if the computer is attacking your city, you have already lost. The useful defense units are: Phalanx, Musketeers, Alpine Troops, Marines. Other units are not useful for defense.

    Attacking: Attacking should be done almost exclusively by units who get two moves per turn. Again, we divide into pre and post railroad forms.

    Pre Railroad: Move units so that there is one space (Plains or Grasslands) between your unit and the city. Never stack units unless you absolutely have to. If you have sufficient units, place one unit on the square that is directly in-between your other attack units and the city. This will force the computer to waste at least one attack on a single unit square. Then, only if the computer has additional attack units will they be able to attack your other units. Once it is your turn, use one move to approach the city and use the other move to attack. This way the computer cannot easily attack your units before you reach the city. If at all possible, build a road that leads up to the city that you are attacking and build a fortress in a spot that is one space away from the city. More often than not, this is very difficult, if not impossible.

    Post Railroad: Since there is no penalty for using the railroad to approach a city, the temptation is to use both attacks to attack the city. This is a mistake. Instead, ensure that you have enough units to attack with using only one attack each. If your units attack and take the city, or fail to take the city assuming that they have only used one movement point each - any undamaged units will still have a move left to them. Use this move to move the units inside the newly captured city, or retreat to one of your cities. If you use both attacks, whether you take the city or not, those units will be stuck in their current positions. Usually they will be damaged and in a stack - easy pickings for an attack unit from the computer on its next turn.

    Make sure that you use spies to their best advantage. The thing that makes attacking a city the most difficult are the city walls. If you can get these out of the way, you will be able to get in with a minimum of fuss. Use a spy to attempt industrial sabotage. Choose a specific target of city walls. The computer will warn you that this is very difficult. I have found my success rate to be about 60%. Since spies are cheap, I keep a large number of them on tap for just this purpose. The other use for spies is to Incite revolts. This allows you to take over a town and use the existing troops for your next attack (see Ghengis Khan - 1300). Additionally, this does not wear your attack units down in taking the city. Bear in mind that once you start inciting revolts, the computer will switch to Democracy, so, I find that the best strategy is to save your money and incite several cities at once. Usually you can get from 6 - 10 of the computer’s cities in this way before he switches over. Make sure that you are aware of what you are up against in a city before you attack. Use a spy to investigate the city. There is no point in attacking a city that has 5 defenders if you only have 4 attack units.

    Use multiple attack units as mop up units. Once you have brought the howitzers in, you will find that a city has multiple units that have been weakened by your attacks. This is a good time to bring in a unit with a lower attack rating, but lots of moves. These include all naval attack vessels, fighters (not bombers) and tanks. Use these units to kill the remaining units rather than waste valuable moves from more effective attack units.

    You should treat attacking a coastal city the same as attacking a city in pre railroad. Find a grassland square and bring your transport next to it. Move your two attack units onto the grassland or plains square. They will still have a single attack left. Use this attack to hit the city. Alternately, if possible, incite a revolt in a smaller coastal city. This way, if the civilization has railroads, you can bring your transport into the newly acquired city and they will have both attacks left. Never stage an amphibious assault with marines, they are not good attackers and usually die in the attempt.

    Naval Battles: Most of your warring will be done on land, however, there will be times where you need to take control of the waters. This is not difficult to do, simply by out producing your enemy, you can gain control of the seas. This is a mistake. Water superiority is not useful. There will be a very brief period of time that you will need to use the seas, while you are moving your initial attack units to an enemy civilization. During this time, build escort ships. A large number of inexpensive ships will do the trick. The computer will usually attack these ships instead of your transport ships. For that reason, do not stack the transport ships on top of your attack ships. Usually you can send a group of 5 escorts for every transport. You should be able to reach your destination in 4 turns of movement. By the time you arrive, your escort will be badly beaten, but your transports will be intact.

    Air Battles: Unlike real war, in Civilization, air superiority is not valuable. Bombers are far too susceptible to attack to be useful and even if they weren’t, they do not make good attack units. Fighters are handy for dispatching damaged enemy units or attacking units that are in difficult places to reach. Airports on the other hand are useful. Use these in place of ships to get units overseas quickly. Occasionally you will be warned that an enemy plane is in the way. I have had about 75% success by telling the computer to go ahead and send the unit.

    Useful units for attacking are: Crusaders and Howitzers. Less useful units include Tanks and Elephants.

    Notes on spaceship building:

    Once you have destroyed all your other enemies (except one city of one enemy), you will want to start building your space ship. You may have already started even before killing everyone, but likely you won’t have gotten very far yet, having put most of your resources into the war. Now is the time that your money counts most. Use it in one of two ways. If you are still waiting on technology to allow you to build parts, use it to support your kingdom while you switch to 80% science, 20% taxes. Do not change government to Democracy, you will cause revolts in most of your cities. By now you have so many citizens and helpful science contributing wonders that you will be seeing discoveries about every 4 turns or so. Switching to Democracy may switch you to every 2 turns, but more than likely you will lose that much time just getting your cities under control.

    Once you have invented the technology that you need, use your money to buy spaceship parts. My rule is that once a city has produced half of the part, I buy the rest. You can set rules according to your cash flow. Since you no longer have a war to worry about, don’t be afraid to disband military units to assist in your efforts.

    To get the full 400 points for the ship, you should load it with 4 habitation modules. This means that you will have to load the ship to the gills to get it there in any decent time. The largest ship you can make consists of:39 structural, 8 propulsion, 8 fuel, 4 habitation, 4 life support, 4 solar panels. This ship will take 11.7 years to arrive. You can build a smaller, lighter ship with fewer people. The fastest ship I have built arrived in 7.4 years. Try to avoid this since you will not have as many people on it and therefore not reap the extra points that a large ship will give you.

    Do not launch your ship until you are one year minus travel time away from 2020. This will allow you to make city improvements and gain population right till the end. During this time, set your cities to autobuild by the domestic adviser.

    Once your ship is built, change your taxes to maximum luxury. This will cause your population to grow faster as you get “We love the Priest” days happening.

    Well, that is about it. Using this method has brought me a great deal of success in this game. It does take some time to learn how to use this method - many hours were spent working out the finer details of it. Please note that I have not included times in my phases above. This is deliberate. Each person will find how long each phase takes for him or her. You should attempt to have the world dominated by the year 1985 or earlier. Any later and you will likely not be able to build your spaceship and get it fully populated in time.

    Good luck and may the gods be with you.

    Mike Laplaunte
    Mikhail at

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      Player’s Guide and Strategy Idea
      by Dick Knisely

      With my thanks to Brian Reynolds, Gus Smedstad, M. Philip and the many other Civ2 addicts who contributed ideas and comments.

      Thanks to “Gamelord” for the use of the Civ2 graphic!

      This paper is copyright © R. W. Knisely. Portions of this paper are copyright MicroProse Software, a subsidiary of Spectrum HoloByte, Inc. You are free to distribute, but not sell, this document so long as the entire document is distributed intact and this notice is included. However, it may not be incorporated into a published work in any form, including paper, CD-ROM or other electronic media without the express written permission of its author and Spectrum HoloByte, Inc.


      This paper is a general guide to playing “Sid Meier's Civilization II”. Its based upon my experience with the game and input received from many of my fellow Civ addicts. It does not pretend to be the authoritative and final word on Civ2 strategy. Civ2 is an extraordinarily rich game with many, many potential ways to play. Also, keep in mind that, as I write, the game is still new, so other strategies will no doubt evolve. While the strategies laid out here work for me and for others, they are not the only possible approaches to the game--and that means we will all have a lot of fun for a long time to come!

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      I hope you’ll find this useful. At the very least, I think you’ll find the tables both useful in understanding the game and handy as reference material as you play the game.

      Enjoy! Comments, additions and corrections are welcome.

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      Please, do not link this page directly, but make a link to my Civ2-page in stead.
      You are not allowed to redistribute this material without expressed permission!

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      At the beginning of the game you should build your first city as fast as possible. This implies building on the square where you start out, unless this is an extremely bad terrain square. If any of the squares you can see immidiately is a grassland square or a river square, then move there and settle. If you see a goody house, take the chance and get it. If it contains barbarians you are probably killed, but so early in the game that is not a big tragedy.
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