Originally posted by Frankychan
I won't doubt that Taiwan has made remarkable progress, but if you look at things in a historical sense, Taiwan belongs to China. It would be like one of the US states breaking off of the rest and becoming it's own nation (it's been done ala Civil War) and we've fought to gain back what was lost. I'm not saying that all the motives were the same, but in a way, they share the same reason.
The Confeds broke from the US, and the Union said that THAT wasn't happening. Same thing is going on with the Chinese situation. A part of the whole is missing, and China wants what it lost.
I won't doubt that Taiwan has made remarkable progress, but if you look at things in a historical sense, Taiwan belongs to China. It would be like one of the US states breaking off of the rest and becoming it's own nation (it's been done ala Civil War) and we've fought to gain back what was lost. I'm not saying that all the motives were the same, but in a way, they share the same reason.
The Confeds broke from the US, and the Union said that THAT wasn't happening. Same thing is going on with the Chinese situation. A part of the whole is missing, and China wants what it lost.
Taiwan has never been a part of China in the History of the World.
It was the Dutch that took Chinese Slaves to Taiwan after 1600s.
Only Polynesian lived on the Island prior to the Dutch going there. And they were there for several hundred years.
You should read Taiwan History before giving it to China