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  • Ok, I am ready for the attack tomorrow, I hope you will support me.

    Mistrali Tersicorae #50 and other PWN players
    Lowerpoville #40
    Rabid Lawn Gnomes #55

    There are a few others that will join the attack later.

    This is our chance, otherwise UNHr will just pick us off like they did Laz (Hive #94) today. look at the contempt they show for other players, as per the message I was sent (see 2 posts above).

    Monday 4pm GMT guys - fight to the death (if we loose we can always start again and rebuild in 2 days).

    Laz I need your support for the attack.
    If you need any money (even if starting again) ill let you have it, I now have over 3,000,000,000,


    • I still need to open a time gate, unless they already have on open.

      edit: I still need about another 40,000 mages, possbily even more


      • #86 is asking for it, he is attacking me. any help with him would be much appreciated


        • 86 and 105 are ganging up on me now


          • Hive (#94)
            Athens (#135)
            The Human Union (#126)

            I have sent some units to you all.


            • bah!! I give up, power shifts too easily in this game and it gives me headaches.


              • Ive just done some serious damage to #105 for you.


                • Stay till tomorrow, lets do the attack and see if we can kill them.


                  • Sent this message by email today at noon GMT, to:

                    Hive #94
                    Mistrali Tersicore #50
                    Lowerpoville #40
                    Rabid Lawn Knomes #55

                    Ok the attacks start at 4pm today. We need to concentrate on the week points.

                    Capitalist Human Union (#81) – Future & Nationalist Human Union (#5) – Past. Week point is Stone Bombardment – but we would need about 15,000,000 or more for a successful attack – I am going to Do embezzlement from #81 & #9, I will steel money to buy units, I will also send money to you.

                    A better initial tartget is –

                    Wilde Horde (#9) - Future

                    Wilde Horde (#9)
                    Turns 500 (max 500) Era Future
                    Turns Stored 300 (max 300) Race Dark Elf
                    Rank #3 Health 54%
                    Drones 1,350,888 Tax Rate 10%
                    Land Acres 34,637 Cyborgs 894,675
                    Money $7,348,964,327 Juggernauts 1,172,734
                    Batteries 7,460,354 Hovercrafts 6,316,959
                    Bandwidth 15,186,920 Dreadnoughts 1,507,667
                    Networth $45,137,236 Master AIs 307,610

                    Economic Status Agricultural Status Population & Military Status
                    Drones: +9,107
                    Master AIs: 0
                    Income: $8,726,678 Produced: 270,025 Bandwidth: +4,415
                    Expenses: $6,937,170 Consumed: 249,623 Cyborgs: 0
                    War Tax: $0 Net: +20,402 Juggernauts: 0
                    Loan Pay: $0 Hovercrafts: 0
                    Net: +$1,789,508 Dreadnoughts: +80

                    The main emphasis of the assault is to wear them down by continued attacks, I will start at 4pm GMT today, or just before (that’s in 4 hours). I need you to join the assault whenever you are online, try magic attacks and concentrate on using mainly Stone or Aerial (15,000,000+ units) bombardment.

                    The key to success is for us to all work together, after I have started they will be weekend and have low health, you will probably win attacks then with less units than stated above. Obviously Horde #9 is an easy target but we need to concentrate on taking out the strongest one mostly.

                    This is our chance, otherwise UNHr will just pick us off like they have others, fight to the death (if we loose we can always start again and rebuild in 2 days).

                    In the coalition are the following:

                    Hive #94
                    Mistrali Tersicorae #50 and perhaps other PWN players
                    Lowerpoville #40
                    Rabid Lawn Gnomes #55
                    Some of Ranger clan "Lostworld3 (#100) Icari (#115) Landovia (#123 Axeltonia (#125 The Human Union (#126) Athens (#135) flash (#136) Germmania (#138)"

                    Many others are yet to confirm, I will send messages to every other player in the game at 3.45GMT asking them to join in and support us where they can (you could also try messenging other top 40 players to test their support.

                    Good luck, whatever happend it will be fun I hope.

                    Oh finally, check in the ‘News Search’ before you join the attack, if you see I havnt made successful attacks I would’nt even recommend starting your attacks. If I don’t succeed we are all damd.


                    • Ive started the attack, couldnt be bothered to wait. - started at noon gmt


                      • Bloody hell 858 acres left !!! why the hell didnt i get put into protection and people had to wait to attack me ?!
                        Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                        • Lostworld3 (#100)
                          Turns Used: 4,036
                          Money: $5,226,786,927
                          Rank: #6 of
                          Networth: $52,821,188
                          Population: 319,553
                          Race: Human
                          Era: Future
                          Est. Production: 264,750
                          Est. Consumption: 925,328
                          Net: -660,578
                          Member of Clan: Rangers

                          Offensive Actions: 311 (83%)
                          Defenses: 164 (18%)
                          Kills: 0

                          Land Division
                          E-Commerce Sites: 21,782
                          Giliads: 4,033
                          Replicators: 210
                          Storage Bays: 274
                          Supercomputers: 20,058
                          Power Plants: 3,530
                          Laser Turrets: 892
                          Unused Land: 0
                          Est. Income: $8,487,271
                          Est. Expenses: $21,978,825
                          Net: -$13,491,554
                          Loan Payment: $0
                          Per Cap income: $36

                          Savings Balance: $176,440,740 (2.546%)
                          Loan Balance: $0 (6.454%)
                          Cyborgs: 1,678,531
                          Juggernauts: 11,754,009
                          Hovercrafts: 1,228,487
                          Dreadnoughts: 1,081,988
                          Master AIs: 1,800,783

                          Offensive Points: 75,393,414
                          Defensive Points: 38,570,457


                          • This is what we are up against lol

                            Capitalist Human Union (#81)
                            Turns 500 (max 500) Era Future
                            Turns Stored 184 (max 300) Race Dwarf
                            Rank #1 Health 95%
                            Drones 2,475,724 Tax Rate 20%
                            Land Acres 184,392 Cyborgs 30,319,152
                            Money $35,154,000,607 Juggernauts 30,268,208
                            Batteries 112,533,975 Hovercrafts 30,184,582
                            Bandwidth 46,851,519 Dreadnoughts 30,113,816
                            Networth $435,512,111 Master AIs 2,451,473

                            Economic Status Agricultural Status Population & Military Status
                            Drones: +3,534
                            Master AIs: +2,006
                            Income: $8,514,582 Produced: 264,750 Bandwidth: +23,245
                            Expenses: $9,919,280 Consumed: 632,478 Cyborgs: 0
                            War Tax: $0 Net: -367,728 Juggernauts: 0
                            Loan Pay: $0 Hovercrafts: 0
                            Net: -$1,404,698 Dreadnoughts: +136


                            • Well we've kicked through #9 's juggernaught defenses plenty of times if anybody has 800k+ you can continue attacks when he comes out
                              Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                              • I give up, cant even attach #81 & #5.

                                dont bother attacking them

