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  • #76
    As I said, a Clan should be protection.
    Are you in Clan?

    Minas Tirith (#92) $2,516,440 #52 YES
    Lostworld3 (#100) $10,036,964 #17 YES
    Alaska (#107) $510,598 #71 NO
    Icari (#115) $2,360,999 #54 NO
    Landovia (#123) $249,652 #74 NO

    Axeltonia (#125) $975,679 #67 YES
    The Human Union (#126) $1,512,120 #59 YES

    Have until Monday.
    No deadbeats allowed.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


    • #77
      Yes, I'm the Human Union. I'm in your clan.


      • #78
        Jonny, ive just retaliated for you. I took a little back, im saving turns at the moment. I will anailate him later this evening.


        • #79


          • #80
            Barley goto the war centre as usual for an attack, then scroll all the way down and there will be a litle spell panel at the bottom. You use the spell from there, however i think you'll find it rather tough since i fail quite abit and i've got double the amount of wizards you have.
            ow people 4-5 times my NW now eating me
            Last edited by Lazerus; May 3, 2003, 13:40.
            Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


            • #81
              120, and earlier 94, cleaned my clock for me.
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
              "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
              He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


              • #82

                Can you eject the deadbeats (Monday) - dont close the clan please.

                Can we get Laz to join us, he is powerful.

                Re clan defence, I gather 10% of each of the members forces are put into a clan defencive pool! Most of the clan dont have large milatary so for a few days the pool will be qiote small.

                My current contribution is:

                Cyborgs 8,136
                Juggernauts 7,399
                Hovercrafts 31,232
                Dreadnoughts 63,741

                given I have the following military:

                Cyborgs: 81,363
                Juggernauts: 73,989
                Hovercrafts: 312,321
                Dreadnoughts: 637,411


                • #83
                  Thanks Laz, ive got it!

                  I was looking is Magic Centre, I now realise the Offensive type spells are in War Centre.

                  Knew it would be something simple lol


                  • #84
                    Icari, Landovia & Alaska

                    Go to 'Clans' screen and 'Share your forces for clan defence'

                    Also, some tactical tips:

                    1) I find that using a concentrated force of either an Aerial or Hydro assault is best for attacking, use a large force (relevant to the strength of you and your chosen opponent) e.g. I use about 1000000 dreadnaughts for Hydro attacks against opponents with say 25000 land / net worth of 15 mil$.

                    2) I think cash flow is the key, most of my buildings 60% are markets, use this cash to buy large volumes of your units from the black market (forget building them with factories).

                    3) Dont forget wizards, ive just realised that, have about 10-20% of your buildings for wizards (the other buildings should be mainly huts with a few guard towers).

                    4) Dont waste your turns, I suggest doing 5 - 10 attacks, then 50 turns (cash gathering) to rebuild your health.

                    5) Keep a good stash of cash asside (I have 500000) its inevitable that while your not playing youll get attacked, loose land and buildings. If you have the cash stashed away you can then bulk buy units and re begin the attack cash-health rebuilding cycle.

                    These are some of my ideas and things I have found work for me, try them or maybe you come up with some strategies of your own (let us know).

                    Finally, we need to stick together. Some of you that are at the lower ranks are obviously trying to build, in a few days if we are still around we should look at a combined strategy. Maybe try and make an alliance with another clan, or certainly coordinate our attacks so we gang up and attack agressors and target specific empires / clans. Ive seen in the news forum that some of the clans do this to great effect. We are quite week at the moment so are not drawing to much attention, when we are stronger we will have to stick together and plan out actions to survive.

                    Good luck.


                    • #85
                      Minas Tirith (#92) $2,516,440 #52 YES
                      Lostworld3 (#100) $10,036,964 #17 YES
                      Alaska (#107) $510,598 #71 NO
                      Icari (#115) $2,360,999 #54 NO
                      Landovia (#123) $249,652 #74 NO
                      Axeltonia (#125) $975,679 #67 YES
                      The Human Union (#126) $1,512,120 #59 YES
                      I couldnt even get online yesterday
                      But I am sharing now

                      Footmen: 118,718
                      Catapults: 60,835
                      Zeppelins: 81,768
                      Galleons: 21,251
                      Wizards: 9,911

                      Offensive Points: 1,022,356
                      Defensive Points: 1,338,452

                      thats my army, and...

                      Forces Used for Ally Defense
                      Footmen 11,872
                      Catapults 6,084
                      Zeppelins 8,177
                      Galleons 2,125


                      • #86
                        5) Keep a good stash of cash asside (I have 500000) its inevitable that while your not playing youll get attacked, loose land and buildings. If you have the cash stashed away you can then bulk buy units and re begin the attack cash-health rebuilding cycle.
                        add another zero there, 5,000,000 would be a good amount to save. (for larger countries of course)

                        also Im currently working on destroying ;
                        73 Sixth reich (#57) 251 $263,625 Human Past

                        just because I want to say Ive destoryed someone


                        • #87
                          my axeltonia has one turn until its out of protection.


                          • #88
                            Sorry I meant $500,000,000, thats what ive got now, had over $1,000,000,000 (enough to buy 1,800,000 dreadnaughts).

                            Im just saving a few turns and then im on a mega offensive. Gona take out Badgoatville #14 as he's attacked me a lot (hence my spend of $500,000,000 to beef up my defence).


                            • #89

                              whats your empire name, are you in Ranger clan? are you sharing units?


                              • #90

                                Youve done well, youve hardly (if at all) been attacked while you were away.

                                Do you fancy joining Rangers clan? we have 7 members now.

