BM, I never took part in a game with you but I read many of your posts in the last weeks and they have been at the same time entertaining and instructive for me, so thank you !
I wish you all the best and hope you can return to the game soon!
No announcement yet.
The Sweetness and Light Game
Nothing I could write in response could be nearly eloquent enough to do justice to what you wrote, Monk. All I'll say is stick around, when you can, and for a long time.
And to answer your question - SCG is next I believe. I gather that the Brothers Git played one joint, drunken session last time out
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What a magnificent bunch of fellows!!
My eyes are misty over all the kind and generous comments. Your support and encouragement and well wishing is deeply appreciated. Thanks!!
For now, I can't play ( which is worse than the symptoms), but, I can come by to lurk for short periods occassionally. So, let's have "mo betta" logs and commentary, OK??
In the final analysis, I believe Real Life is like a very captivating Civ Succession or Comparison Game or Bridge. No matter how rotten your cards you play the hand. And after the tournament is over and the post mortem is complete, someone (the Greater Than STYOM) will post the .sav for the next game. Life is a game with no endings; just changes. I'll be fine. And I feel blessed to have shared the road for a spell with you guys, and I look forward to my path coming back to this road again soon.
Now, let's play the game. Who's up??
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A VERY productive turnset!!! Time to start prepping for world domination in AD 1850.
A my best wishes to Bloody Monk, a source of great amusement, robustly constructive criticism, and repartee in the few months I've known him here.
Best of luck and all positive thoughts in the coming days, BM. Hoping you can return here, if only on occasion, whether for gameplay or the succor of our comfort.
Hang tough, baby! We're rooting for you...
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Power Democracy!
Gentlemen, herewith our log...
1810 = still perplexed; where are the colosseums, banks, trade routes, SUPERHIGHWAYS. Why is our hardiest rider a bloody horseman - that does rather make howitzers difficult! Nil desperandum (we hope) let us play .... Tax slider to 4.3.3 - much tickling and rushing - vital 6th transport started in Beggarsville
1812 = Overture in Moscow; Marketplace in Weanie Meanie & LandsEnd; Colosseum in BadLeroyBrown & Sticky Meanie; SuperHighway in Mean City; 2 internal routes to BadLeroy - now celebrating, 122g; Slider to 5.3.2
1814 = Refrigeration -> Feudalism! Oilx3 to rome, 510g;
1816 = Superhighways in BLB, Pool of Grace, Heavens Gate;
1818 = Aqueduct in Lands End; Superhighway in Green Meanie; Internal Oil(d), 182g; Dye to Rome, 428g;
1820 = SuperHighways in Maxwell; SuperMarket in Mean City; Feudalism -> Theology; 20M pop; Rush Cruiser to head off incoming Barb landing; Copper(d) to Rome(20), 474g; Oil to Rome, 222g;
1822 = Superhighways in BBB; Theology -> Chivalry; 21M pop; Cruiser takes out Barb Frigate with 5 units on board and becomes Vet! Assorted vans to Rome, 1654g;
1824 = Colosseum in Maxwell; Chivalry -> Leadership; Superhighway in Beggarsville; 22M pop; slider to 2.3.5
1826 = JSB in Lands end; Colosseums in two last cities - Celebration everywhere;
1828 = Leadership -> Tactics; 23M pop; Assorted goodies to rome. 1245g;
1830 = Tactics -> Mobile Warfare; 24M pop; Gold to Rome, 252g;
1832 = Mobile Warfare -> Machine tools; 25M pop; 8 assorted freights to Rome, 1469g;
The pisssssed Gits pass the shoe..... Machine tools next turn - looking good for the boys!!Attached Files
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Monk-It's been good knowing you for the short time I did. My best wishes to you in overcoming your struggles.
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Bloody Monk,
I read your other post. My best for your adversities, and please feel free to visit (and add a +1) when you can.
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BM - with the greatest sadness we bid you adieu and hope that you will eventually triumph over your adversities. It has been grand knowing you.
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With a heavy heart, I must withdraw. It has really been swell spending time and sharing our love for this great game with you. Good luck and happy CIVing.
Please forgive the brevity. There is more at:
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Well you live & learn -- I’ve always had the CH instead of the Col -- maybe the coin extra carrying cost (nulled by AS) was the difference. Well the CH may make a minor difference for the one turn of switch -- otherwise we can get a few coins with the great CH fire sale after the final switch.
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits
Play Order
Bloody Monk
La Fayette
Old n Slow
8 turns each please
Good turns OldnSlow
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We don't need any more happy people.
What we do need are fewer unhappy people. Colosseums are a much better build for the reasons you listed.
Thanks for the screenshots SCG.
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Originally posted by obiwan18
Old n slow:
We have CfC.
Not much benefit from courthouses.
Colosseums on the other hand keep away the discontented people. The reason why the banks do not net us much is because at 40% luxuries, we are near the top of our luxuries barrier. Anything beyond 2 goblets per citizen will not make people happy.
of course we're only going to be in demo for a little while longer, and i haven't spent enough time in fundy to know if a courthouse is a worthless structure or not for that government.
as for colosseums, they'll allow our cities to celebrate in demo, and produce 4 gold in tithes in fundy, so would be a very good investment
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Old n slow:
We have CfC.
Not much benefit from courthouses.
Colosseums on the other hand keep away the discontented people. The reason why the banks do not net us much is because at 40% luxuries, we are near the top of our luxuries barrier. Anything beyond 2 goblets per citizen will not make people happy.
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1790 -- We discover Steel -- & choose Auto. We also see open geen space on the Isle & decide to fill it with Weenie Meanie. pop = 16M. Toggle some faces, do a little IRB & other tweaks. We lose MPE (The Babs start UN, so gee, I wonder who...)
1792 -- Move a Silk truck & exercise the ship chain
1794 -- More IRB & some move
1796 -- Discover Auto & opt for Commy (The Amerks start the UN, no wait, they switch to Hoover what a sucky deal...) Deliver an Oil (n) = 100 +/-, & Silk (d) = 378 to Rome
1798 -- We love starts in Land's End; we rush the factory in Mean City -- because...
1800 -- Mean city builds the Hoover Dam (Amerks switch back to UN.) Hmmmm we're seriously ahead in Science, and the UN would be nice...toggle the numbers back to 5.4.1
1802 -- not much
1804 -- Weenie Meanie starts a We Love; Discover Commy -- opt for Refridge (over AT, Feud, Fun) Pop = 18M
1806 -- Discover that the great Courthouse surge ven with a few Banks don't add much Luv'n. MMaybe they'll add later.
1808 -- Watch a cute movie as we build the UN -- & the Babs & Amerks abandon.
Note to next player -- Land's End has a slot for Silk (demanded by Rome) open.Attached Files
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