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The Sweetness and Light Game

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  • Scouse Gits
    Ho hum - that makes it MEEEEEE

    Will get on it tomorrow guys


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  • Old n Slow
    I went (5/29, followed by Bob_Smurf) & did some cleansing, but if there is more to do I can certainly go again…

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  • Scouse Gits
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    Play Order

    Bloody Monk - temporarily out of play
    La Fayette
    Old n Slow

    5 turns each please
    Have I got this right - or am I up?
    I have been out of the loop with piles of marking, but can now see the light at the end of the tunnel - if it isn't some b*stard with a torch and another pile of scripts


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  • Old n Slow
    Hmmm a week has gone by & the action cools down...

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  • -Jrabbit
    Figures those b*stards would build a 2nd city before our steamer could reach Madrid.

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  • SCG
    Originally posted by obiwan18

    Somewhere in the vicinity of Madrid, I presume.

    Good job wrapping this one up.
    probably, but madrid was an island city, so who knows where Seville lies - those AI unsinkable triremes can stray fairly far sometimes looks like 2 of the more likely sites have been explored without finding the city

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  • Ben Kenobi
    Spanish: 1 city - could be anywhere?
    Somewhere in the vicinity of Madrid, I presume.

    Good job wrapping this one up.

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  • SCG
    looking more and more like its going to end quickly.

    Romans: 2 cities, both in reach, although mostly by spies (we can always poison the water supplies if we don't know what to do with the spies )

    Babylonians: 5 cites, 2 visible and in reach, others likely nearby

    Germans: 2 cities - may need to trade maps as both are hidden, but should be nearby (seems to be someone's city SW of leipzig based on lack of recentering when clicking there)

    then there are the 2 civs likely to be last

    Spanish: 1 city - could be anywhere?

    Indians: 7 cities, only 2 visible, both are isolated and we are still building transports to get to those 2 cities...

    next player can probably finish off the first 3, and with a little luck the other 2 will be gone before my turn comes again.

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  • Bob_Smurf42
    Dehli starts transport
    Engineer takes hut-100g
    spy takes hut-50g
    another spy takes another hut-another 50g
    Vet BB vacates Eridu
    Freight deliveries:
    Dehli(gems)->Pool of Grace(d):732g; Chicago(silver)->Beggarsville(d):605g; Washington(spice)->Mean City:398g; N.Y.(cloth)->Mean City:420g
    Screw up the shipchain
    Indian cap moved to Japiur
    Herodotus calls us happiest
    Bab frigates flee in terror from Ashur
    Germans get Combustion
    Land's End spy->Airport
    Under orders, soldiers continue to brutally slaughter the heathen population of Akkad, Ravenna, Hispalis, and Pisae
    Neapolis barracks->granary
    Atlanta factory->Howie
    Philly factory->howie
    Bombay market->aquaduct
    N.Y. salt freight->howie
    Madrid market->factory
    Washington harbor->aquaduct
    Take Heidelburg(155g)
    Vacate Leipzig, but can't take it yet
    Attempt to fix shipchain
    Take Ellipi(113g)
    Discover Labor Union-take only choice of Combined Arms
    Spy takes hut-100g
    Another spy takes hut-50g
    Howie takes hut-5 barb parisians! Oh well, we have no cities on that continent anyway.
    Take Liepzig
    Take Berlin(301g)(defended by 2 rifles, a phalanx, and a warrior??!!
    Take Konigsberg(81g)
    Babs get Theology
    Akkad, Ravena destroyed to show that the Meanie empire will tolerate no activities contrary to the beliefs of the Super Meanie.
    BigBadBill builds frieght(gems)->transport
    Veii spy->factory
    Take Frankfurt(293g)
    Take Nuremburg(75g)
    Take Nineveh(Pyramids, SoL, 520g)
    Finally get shipchain back in order
    Find Uruk(Bab)
    Take Hamburg(455)

    Well, hopefully I didn't screw up too much...we have a lot of spies exploring b/c I din't know what else to do w/them. We also have many units ready to cross the oceans to Babylonia and India.
    /me prepares for constructive critcism

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  • Ben Kenobi
    Fine by me, Old'n'slow.

    Sorry for the delay.

    I should sit out a session because of my carelessness.

    /me mutters something about religious fundies getting a little too zealous.

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  • Scouse Gits
    Sounds good OnS - I approve of the 'cleansing'.

    Welcome back bob - play now if you wish


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  • Old n Slow
    Obiwan, with your permission, I'll post my save & we can play on. Since we haven't had a ruling, I think that my "corrections" will fit the spirit of the crime in a similar fashion to SG's ruling last time.

    1865 -- The cleansing of the prostitutes. To eliminate the false from the true, we disband all the partisans wherever they are. We also start to take apart Hispalis (size 3), Akkad (size 8), Ravenna (size 7), Pisae (size 8), and Lugdunum (size 3) brick by brick and will shun any of their supported forces – they are all disbanded. We also notice significant pollution & only 1 Barracks. Maybe we should listen to an advisor on this…nah. Discover computers, opt for Robotics.

    1866 – The five nameless towns spout refuges, be we deny their passage into our lands and instead disband them & create more homeless ones. Find Kohapur – demand that the Indians leave our future territory (they whimper something), demand tribute & they declare WAR! A randome tank smacks Kol, and the Germans declare WAR! (We later see a German Cannon west of Kol, & south of the former America, so we may travel further in that direction some day.)

    Deliveries – Gold from BBB to K for 394, Dye from GM to UR for 812, Dye from BLB to Ur for 988. Three small deliveries to Rome (112, 200, & 147). Flush with Cash, we send in a truck & buy SETI. Also but a few barracks & a couple of Mass Trans.

    We take Madrid (380g), Asher (211g), Kol (72), and Calc (202g)

    1867 – Discover Robotics, opt for Recycling (there is some poll, so maybe we’ll want this). The five nameless towns spout more refuges, but we deny them again. They all shrink in size. Build a mix of white stuff & war material.

    Gems from MH to SF = 1280 (perhaps another deliver or two, but the accountants are looking elsewhere – so much good help is on the road nowadays, well, mistakes may happen, but there is other good news.

    We take Delhi (245g – gov’t to Bombay – so what?) and Hyderabad (86g). The Romans walk into an empty Lug (they are welcome to it) and take Tactics – (they are not welcome to THAT). The Babs steal Radio (maybe they’ll build some airports, hey?)

    1868 – Discover Recyc, opt for AF (no other choices). Four nameless towns remain & shrink. Some vet howies come on line.

    Deliver NY Oil to MC for 420, Bos Wine to BLB for 995, & Wash Gems to PG for 1134.

    Take Bang (50g), Bom (57g), and Ur (429g). Found Utah.

    1869 – Discover AF opt for GW (over CA, NF, & Rock) Pop = 38M. Hispalis is vapor, three nameless towns remain.

    Deliver SF Wine to SM for 1178, & Boston Gems to PoG for 1180; found Moonie and & Ugly.

    Take Punjab (14g)

    1870 – Discover GW, opt for Jeeps. The movement remains as does the obligation for further cleansing and purification.
    Attached Files

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  • Ben Kenobi
    Sorry for the delay. I'll try to finish the turn tonight.

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  • Old n Slow
    I have the save & am willing to pass judgment on the sins of my predecessor. If there are no objections, I’ll simply disband all the units in and supported by the five suspect cities, disband all the partisans and then dissolve the five cities in question. The purchased prostitutes will simply be shunned & not accepted in our holy empire.

    Unless I hear otherwise I’ll start tonight & Bob_Smurf42 can finish the cleansing.

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  • Ben Kenobi
    The Institute.

    What will my punishment be, JRabbit?

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