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The Sweetness and Light Game

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  • Ben Kenobi

    Let's rock'n'roll boys.

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  • -Jrabbit
    Time to overrun the world, La Fayette. Let's rock!


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  • Scouse Gits
    Play Order

    Bloody Monk - temporarily out of play
    Bob_Smurf42 - has a life
    La Fayette
    Old n Slow

    5 turns each please

    Bob - when you can get back in the loop we will slot you in again ...


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  • Bob_Smurf42
    I hate to miss out on the beginning of the jihad, but RL is a problem. I won't have the time to put into actually playing a game right now. Pass this turn.

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  • Scouse Gits
    Sounds great SCG - well done


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  • SCG
    first glance - cities are all nearly fully grown without refrigeration, some at food deficits. Lands end can grow 3 more, but needs sewer system. Weenie Meanie can grow 1 more, but needs aquaduct and harbor. we are making discoveries nearly at will (every 2 turns) so i don't actually have to discover fundy on my turn (i finish before 1850 - barely). Also, all rushbuying has already been completed this turn so not many adjustments to do. one more look around for units on goto - none are doh, we have refrigeration, just 1 supermarket. cumae has adam smiths - coastal not not on home roman island... we have 3 factories, probably need more. we have a lot of coastal AI cities, cruisers or battleships would be really handy in getting footholds. heavan's gate has a 30 production - perfect for building spies for sabatoge and investigating cities, only we don't have espionage. Also they are useful for inspiring revolutions too *checks behind him after hearing some quiet shuffling of boots* of barbarian units *hears more shuffling of boots getting louder* for people who claim allegiance to no one??? *boots pause for a moment* I would never even think of denying our great generals of their glorious entrance into each and [/b]every[/b] city and of course all enemies who fly flags of organized infidels are forever tainted and could never be trusted to serve in even the most menial service of our great armies! *boots start moving away* *breathes a sigh of relief*

    1832: anyway. press enter

    1834: Machine Tools choose Miniaturization, not enough transportmovement and Boston has Magellan's, so no deliveries this turn, and may want to delay next turn due to discovery rate. Beggarsville will starve on my watch without supermarket so buy one. move transports for 1 turn delivery and realize as is we can only do 1 turn deliveries every 2 turns - not to shabby all things considered - a few more transports might be needed for a blitzkrieg on the roman homeland though in addition to navy - as we can only get 8 military to Rome on the first turn of Jihad (6 more transports would double 1 turn delivery to 16, a couple cruisers off coast of antium might also do it. Green Meanie is at a food deficit so start moving its cruiser. fiddle with tax rate to try and get discovery this turn. start building a bit of an army in a couple cities.

    1836: Spanish discover Astronomy, we discover Miniaturization, choose Amphibious warfare, start sending freights to Romans (remap island as i drop them off) Oil (xd, 261), Spice (xd, 90), Gems (xd, 222), Oil (xd, 241), Gems (xd, 118), Salt (xd, 252), Silk (xd, 277) all to Rome.

    1838: Babylonians develop Explosives, we discover Amphipious Warfare, choose *looks around carefully* Espionage, we get pollution (clean up), rehome a couple units for more efficient building - too bad i can't rehome the transports easily... we now have 3 cruisers (1 vet) 7 turns from antium (or 1851 AD ). Land's End starts growing again.

    1840: Romans develop Theology, get steel from Americans for Theology, Babylonians revolt, now 3 OSPs, 5 factories, and an extra transport, no discovery this turn

    1842: Babylonians form a Fundy???, we discover Espionage, choose Mass Production, Spice (xd, 277), Gems (xd,189), Spice (xd, 222) to Rome, not enough for discovery this turn so raise taxes

    1844: indian city of Chittagong overrun by uncivilized folk, Americans discover refining, various micromanaging. 1851 is an Oedo year, but to regress *hides from the loud boots outside the door* to fundamentalism, we need to discover fundy in 1850 so we can revolt.

    1846: We discover Mass Production, *takes a big gulp and looks at the heavily armormed guards outside the presidential palace and the chants for jihad coming from outside the palace, watches the news and sees the local priests holding increasingly more demonstrative rallies outside, looks at his science advisor glaring at him intently* choose Fundamentalism and resigns to the fact he won't see incredible calculating machines doing wonderous computations during his reign. raises taxes to delay discovery. Romans demand Tactics, we laugh at them, for spite our generals insist they remove thier troops, they walk out on us, but maintain the peace (for now). Notice Veii is getting pretty big with more sea and fewer available unroaded squares and has colossus, flight not yet discovered, test deliver there - Spice (xd, 249), Silk (xd, 351), Gold (xd, 294) all to Veii. Raise taxes to delay fundy. *starts hearing loud pounding outside his door* *starts fearing a presidential reeducation program*

    1848: arrange transports for attack or delivery to Antium as next players preference. Arrange taxes so that fundy should be discovered in Mean city in 1850, so we can revolt and start jihad in 1851.

    We have 4 armor, 1 marine, and 3 spies in Mean City right now (8 units) and 1 armor to be completed next turn. we have just over 1k gold for tinkering with for completion next turn. We also have 6 factories and 9 off shore platforms now and 5 cities with 30+ capacity. I grew beggarsville some although probably should have built a stock exchange in there at some point. anyway, hopefully we are ready for the conquest portion of the game

    and the save
    Attached Files

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  • Bob_Smurf42
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    Obiwan - which Sxn game?
    The Silly Rules game?

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  • Scouse Gits
    Sorry - wrong game (sloshed)

    The SGs (very sloshed)

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  • Scouse Gits
    Obiwan - which Sxn game?

    We have played for three hours (sloshed) and nearly completed one turn (sloshed) - We shall continue ... (sloshed) asap...

    Have a good day...

    The SGs (emulating panag) (sloshed)

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  • Ben Kenobi
    What you should have done is set him up in that new Sxn game.

    Tell him that this is how the 'real' civ players play.

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  • Scouse Gits


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  • La Fayette
    Originally posted by SCG
    but was nice to him and showed the number pad )

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  • SCG
    just a followup - i hope to finish by saturday.

    and on the domestic front, my GF's son has taken a bit of an interest in Civ II they picked up a used 486 yesterday (given to them) and we set it up last night - and played a little (on chieftan...) I was tempted to let him try and develop the right handed vs left handed unit theory after he moved his settler 6 turns using the arrows, but was nice to him and showed the number pad )

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  • SCG
    just now downloaded the game - and you'd think with a sprained ankle I'd have more time for the computer - will look over the game this afternoon and see what sort of time frame we're looking at

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  • Scouse Gits
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    Play Order

    Bloody Monk - temporarily out of play
    La Fayette
    Old n Slow

    8 turns each until Jihad and then 5 each please

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