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The Sweetness and Light Game

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  • -Jrabbit

    Once we hit jihad and I induced the Romans to declare war whilst remaining of Spotless repute, my only thought was: The gloves are off!

    That island was full of tanks and the partisans were so much dead meat. I really just left 3 to bribe to save a build turn.

    I suggest we disband them toward Fanatics and move forward. But we should wait until the Scousers issue a ruling.

    As for me, I herewith surrender myself to the tender mercies of the Sticky Mouse Institute.

    (Sorry about that, lads.)

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  • Six Thousand Year Old Man
    I will postpone my turns until this transgression by the corrupt infidel dog Jrabbit is suitably punished

    [angry mob] Cut off his mouse! Cut off his mouse! [/angry mob]

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  • SCG
    Re: JIHAD "R" US

    Originally posted by -Jrabbit
    --Bribe surviving Partisans on Roman island @ 122 ea. to act as garrison troops.
    are you sure we can trust those infidels with the defense of our cities, even just as garrisons? Just last turn they were up in arms against us, sworn to fight to the death - and now we are giving them the run of the island???

    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    The Rules as laid down by the Dean of The Academy
    At all times:

    * Spotless Reputation
    * No bribing - except Barb units
    * No nukes

    1 and 3 are in tact, but #2?

    possible solutions:
    1) replay last 2 turns
    2) immediately disband all bribed partisans and consider lost bribes the fine for disobediance
    3) just have the partisans disbanded towards other units, pretending that the gold was spent on rushing units
    4) other?

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  • Scouse Gits
    Thanks Jrabbit ... that must have been done on the fatal third bottle!



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  • Six Thousand Year Old Man
    Downloaded, unzipped, looked at. Nice work!

    I ought to be able to play by the weekend.


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  • -Jrabbit
    Now, a word about our sponsors...

    Before I post the save, I just wanted to take a moment to compliment the Scouse Gits for their efforts.

    I was especially impressed that they went to the trouble to rename all the titles. Looking at my save file, it was cool to see the "Small Meanie" "Large Meanie" and Fundamentalist "Super Large Meanie" titles.

    Very nicely done, you Gits!!
    Attached Files

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  • -Jrabbit
    JIHAD "R" US

    ...and so it was that, late in 1848, the people brought forth a new leader, strong and willing, with tall, handsome ears, and installed him to the presidency with the overwhelming demand that a new, faith-based government be installed, forthwith and post hate, er, haste.

    The Bunny Imam surveys the world as we know it and foresees a great and noble crusade, to bring the world to a new destiny -- unification under the one true religion -- ours.

    1848/adjust -- Incrementally rushed a freighter, a couple tanks, and a battleship. Everything else seems to make sense. (Very nice to run a kingdom of just a few (huge!!) cities, vs. the 50+ city micromanagement that tends to be required in other successions!! )

    --Spending spree leaves only 191 GP left, but our per-turn revenue is a net +993 GP, so no worries!
    --Weenie Meanie celebrates.
    --Pollution seemingly everywhere (well, 5 tiles).
    --As foretold by the great god SCG, FUNDY IS OURS!!
    --We select Flight over Atomic Theory and Recycling.
    --We select Revolution.

    --The religious right takes power and declares JIHAD! against all wrong-thinking civs.
    --Reputation is indeed spotless.
    --Ship chain activated, with a retinue of spies and armor (plus a lone marine division) dispatched to investigate the home island of the Roman republic, taking up posts in several undefended fortresses..
    --Spies report Antium nearly defenseless (cruc, cannon, rifle)
    --Veii (the capital) has walls and 2 riflemen.
    --Rome has walls and 4 riflemen.
    --Romans ask us to leave. We decline, but they spare us their wrath.
    --Banks added to Weenie Meanie and Land's End, plus a Factory in Bad Leroy Brown.
    --Sliders drift to a nifty 80-0-20.
    --We request parley with Livia, who again demands we leave. We decline. She spares us. We demand tribute. Romans declare WAR!
    --Cruisers quickly empty Antium (8), which is summarily entered, netting 102 GP and Atomic Theory. Partisans take to the hills. (Well, all they have is grasslands and plains...).
    --Spy pulls down the city walls in Veii, armored divisions quickly trash the city's two defenders and enter. We gain 189 GP and Colossus. Roman government escapes to Rome.
    --We chat with the Spanish, giving them 2 techs in exhange for their latest maps.
    --Similar parleys with other civs (Germans, Indians, Babylonians) yield demands for Tactics and Mobile Warfare -- not something we Meanies just give away to infidel scoundrels like them.
    --Germans and Indians take it personally. Yeah -- WAR!

    --Factory built in Maxwell's Hammer
    --Americans learn secret of Combustion (submarines).
    --Another loaded Transport enters the ship chain.
    --Hut yields 50 GP
    --Spies target Rome walls and eventually succeed.
    --Rome falls -- the island is ours!! We get 23 GP and a city of 20+ population. Our total pop now at 31.24 MM.
    --Roman civ condition = 66 GP, Republic, with a strange-sounding new capital called "NONE."

    --Hmm, not much damage left to be done in my paltry 5 turns. We decide to target "accessible cities with desirable Wonders." That means Cumae (Adam Smith) and Boston (Magellan's).
    --Indians learn secret of Refining and give it to the Germans. And everyone else.
    --Babylonians change to Republic
    --Bribe surviving Partisans on Roman island @ 122 ea. to act as garrison troops.
    --Slip of the (allegedly...) sticky mouse fouls up the ship chain.

    --Religious icons and artifacts are trashed and/or sold on eBay as remaining Roman island populace is gently encouraged to embrace their new Fundy regime.
    --Troops and ships begin steaming toward our target cities, NNE of old Rome.
    --Two tanks and a spy deploy on large continent NW of Rome, begin exploring.
    --Barbarians develop Bronze Working!!! (I've NEVER seen a Barbarian city develop a tech before...)
    --Before realizing his 5 turns are done, the Super Large Meanie does some rushbuying. Nothing major, just a Battleship and a few other odds''n'ends...
    --The Bunny Imam checks the one metric that he really cares about his reputation. Seeing it remains Spotless, he retires, leaving these notes to his learned and holy successor, STYOM...

    1. Home island basically producing a blend of Armor, Spies, Transports and Cruisers/Battleships, incrementally rushing as much as needed.
    2. The Battleship and pending transport ship on the western part of the home island are intended to sail for Madrid soonest. It's 12 screens away, but they are a pathetic civ (with just the one city), so It seemed like it would be a good base of operations for distant ops.
    3. I totally ignored exploration and techs. We may want to develop Flight and use airports to conquer this huge map. That would mean a return to trade.
    4. Magellan's +2 sea movement would be a huge aid, but please be aware that the evil Americans own both that WoW and have submarines. Approach with due caution!!
    5. The Roman cities due west or us look pretty weak. A single well-chosen expeditionary force could likely take them all.
    6. I think it's time to transition at least part of the home continent's production toward exploration and hut-popping. But that's just one bunny's opinion...
    7. I started our new Roman cities toward unit production. In retrospect, we may want to rushbuy some white goods to turn them into production cities first. Mea culpa.

    Well, I'll be shocked if this comes around to me again, but with only 5 turns/player perhaps I'll get a chance.

    Hey, all-out war is MUCH FUN!!!

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  • Scouse Gits
    Dear lagomorph - I do hope you checked to ensure that your refusal to withdraw did not damage our ever to be spotless reputation ... ?


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  • -Jrabbit
    Refers to city infrastructure -- Marketplaces, Aqueducts, Factories, Harbors, etc.

    Learned the term from Scouse Gits, though it seems to have been in common use among the long-time succession players for some time.

    I play now...

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  • Bob_Smurf42
    What are 'white goods'?

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  • -Jrabbit
    ...and so it begins...

    Found time to open, explore, and play a bit.
    --Spent the 1848 treasury on incremental builds of militia, plus miscellaneous white goods.
    --1850 brought hard Fundy and revolt. Teased the Romans but they decline to declare war. (This could be the sticky bit.) Engaged in more spending in preparation for jihad.
    --1851 brings Fundamentalism and the shipchain moves armor and spies onto the Roman home island. By refusing their demand that we leave and then demanding tribute, they are induced to declare war.

    The gloves are off. The JIHAD! has begun...

    I hope to play out my turns tonight and post tomorrow.

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  • -Jrabbit
    Sorry, I was out for the weekend.

    D/L today. Will play this week -- hoping by Wednesday latest.

    Doubt I can do much more than just set the table in the 5 allotted turns
    ...but will do what I can.

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  • La Fayette
    PLease JRabbit : start the Jihad (sorry, I skip ).

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  • -Jrabbit

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  • La Fayette
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    Play Order

    Bloody Monk - temporarily out of play
    Bob_Smurf42 - has a life
    La Fayette
    Old n Slow

    Well, I have a life tooooooo
    but I shall play tomorrow

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