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The Sweetness and Light Game
I'm back, and better than ever! I'd like to get one more turn in before this is over, as it should be fairly soon, so...I'll go after obiwan replays.
Sounds right. Get that done, and I'll meet you at...
The Institute.
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* No bribing - except Barb units
This is why I should play during the day, and not on little sleep at the end of my day.
Looks like I'll have to replay.
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after the sins of JRabbit were atoned for, I stand quite surprised that yet another of the Acadamy disreguards the Dean so blatantly
Originally posted by obiwan18
Bribe Hispalis
Bribe partisans to fortify Hispalis
Subvert Akkad 2K gold
Spies bribe Ravenna, Pisae.
Partisans capture Lugdunum
Originally posted by Scouse Gits
The Rules as laid down by the Dean of The Academy
At all times:
* Spotless Reputation
* No bribing - except Barb units
* No nukes
does anyone has a suggestion other than completely replaying the turn?
other than all the breaking of the rules, it looks good
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Let's see how the Jihad goes:
Cashflow +1700 gold per turn.
Supreme and Spotless
Techs every 23 turns
All cities celebrating on home continent
Rush engineer in Cumae, transport in Virconium
for canal building.
Rush a few banks
Rush a few tanks.
Hit enter.
Build Errant Archer to complete Canal to Americans
Bribe Hispalis
Bribe partisans to fortify Hispalis
Subvert Akkad 2K gold
Tanks pummel St. Louis, capture city.
Desperate Romans thrust crusaders into the fray
Copper to Veii 165 gold
Oil to Rome 265 gold
Hides to Rome 46 gold
Transports rushed in all front cities.
Rome and Veii declare We love the Super Meanie
Spies gain intelligence on Boston
8 Riflemen behind city wall!
Evil spies toast citywall of Boston!
Spies steal Radio.
Tanks sack Atlanta.
Spies bribe Ravenna, Pisae.
Next turn I'll try for Boston.
Airports rushed in Green Meanie, Beggarsville, Mean City, Rome, Akkad, Atlanta.
Can now ship 2 units/turn directly to Americans.
Boston smashed
We gain Magellans!
Washington taken
We get Women's Suffrage!
New York stormed
We get Eiffel Tower,Oracle,Hanging Gardens
Build 6 airports, 3 home continent, 3 more on American continent.
Now can airlift 6 units/turn!
Squash Detroit
Partisans capture Lugdunum
Spies destroy Philadelphia's Walls
Tanks overrun Philadelphia, 500 gold!
Tanks crush Chicago.
Americans are Toast!
Gems to Pool of Grace 443
Rush 3 more Airports on former American continent,
Airlift oil to home continent.
Meet with Spanish, Demand tribute, we go to war.
Meet with Babylonians, Demand tribute, also get war.
Meet with Indians, Demand tribute, still no war.
Find Roman city of Lutetia
Smash invading Babylonian troops.
Sink Babylonian Caraval with Battleship
Oil to Rome 145 gold
Spice to New York 1070 gold
Meet with Indians, Demand tribute, no war yet.
Notes, one Airport in construction, to deliver gold freight.
We will get computers next turn.
You will get to start two invasions, the Spanish and the Babylonians next turn.
Build a couple of ships to begin an invasion of the Germans.
Shipchain in place to take on Indians.
Shipchain in place for Babylonians as well.
Should be a heap of funAttached Files
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Looks like I'm up.
We shall rid the world of the infidels and their feeble gods constructed by their own hands.
We shall seek to gather their women into our fold.
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Good catch on the canal - I was actually thinking to use some rushed engineers to quickly build a road (later RR) N and then E to the US territories. That'll be faster than ship transport, and less vulnerable to attack. But then, you can go either way on that.
Also, last night it was kind of late when I posted - hopefully my successor will note the transport heading from the former Roman homeland back to our core cities, with Freight aboard.
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Do i hear a canal calling me?
[straybow mode]I notice that Cumae is building an engineer - is that for building railroads? or a canal?? [/straybow mode]
I see a definite possibility that JRabbit was right about not getting a second go round in jihad. If we build a city at the indicated spot, we have easy access to the southern coast of the Americans and Indians without having to loop around to Atlanta or Washington, cutting a lot of travel time off for our ships and the emptying process. That combined with what appears to be rather extensive railroading by the AI for minor cities means we may well be able to have our spies knock out the city walls of the AI in no time flat and be left with mostly mop-up operations.
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Jihad R Us.
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... .d
1854: Grand Meanie emeritus STYOM finds religion. BAD religion Now our ememies will suffer... for you are the government now, quoth the advisors, as they finish brewing their recipe for hate
Some adjustments are made. We'd like to have some toga parties for the extra trade, and we'd like some science too, so a lot of specialists are adjusted and the tax rate changed. 6.4.0 gets almost all our 'core' cities celebrating, and we can tone that back once the celebrations are self sustaining.
A little rushbuying done, nothing major. We may want to get some trade going again, so as to pick up Flight and ultimately radio for airports.
Babylonians discover Feudalism.
1855: Celebrations just about everywhere! Net increase in revenues of about 280 g/turn after luxuries are dropped to 30%, and I expect Freight deliveries will look a lot better now
Cripes, BB's move at 4? Where's Ferdy Magellan when we need him?
Advanced Tribe Frothing at 140, 166.
3 Partisans disbanded in Rome to create one Fanatic.
Invasion fleet sails from Green Meanie.
Roman Frigate vainly attacks Antium
1856: Green Meanie builds Bank and we coax a celebration out of the puritan residents
Gems>Pool of Grace 414g, Oil>MeanCity 322g,210g, Dye>Maxwell 232g,
Riflemen from hut at 142,160.
Romans acquire Combustion. Americans develop Flight.
1857: Oil>BigBadBill 294 g. We're swimming in cash. Next stop, Flight and Radio, which the Americans are researching.
Germans learn Electronics.
1858: Oil>MeanCity 357g, Silk>Rome 206g.
1859: Oil>Beggarsville 92 g, Dye>Maxwell 252 g, Oil>MeanCity 105 g. Cumae captured, with Adam Smith's Trading Company We tell Livia to do something unpleasant when she asks to speak with us, and remain Spotless
We now have a foothold on the Indian/American/Babylonian/Roman inhabited continent. In the words of the immortal Jackie Chiles, "I been wantin a piece of them for years!"
Byzantium destroyed. Viroconium sacked.
Romans move capital to Lugdunum
Germans and Spanish ally against us...
1860: Flight discovered; researching Computers (other choices were Guerrilla, Recycling, and Nuclear Fission).
Dye>Rome 198g, Copper>Rome 171 g.
Neapolis captured. Still Spotless!
STYOM hies off to a nunnery and wishes his successor good luck
Looks good from here on in. We've got lots of cash to rush Airports with as soon as we get the tech. Note the invasion fleet headed to Spain, and the two loaded transports W of Cumae, headed towards Atlanta (and then Boston & Ferd M. )Attached Files
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Originally posted by -Jrabbit
Oh, and that's great beer gif, btw...
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits
Take one thousand lines:
"I must not bribe partisans!"
to be inscribed with a bradawl on the marble floor of The Institute's main corridor prior to repolishing to a mirror like finish using a toothbrush!
Apart from that old lag - good turns ...
(Does the pun survive the Atlantic crossing? In English English an "old lag" is a repeat or long term offender in one of Her Majesty's Penal Institutions)
And sadly, no, the "old lag" pun does not survive the jouney to US shores. But I appreciate the effort and feel mildly enriched.
Oh, and that's great beer gif, btw...
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OK, I'll remember to disband the Partigiano... and I'll play over the next few days...
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now that that is cleared up nice turns I was wondering how long it would take to goad them into war so we could stay spotless And I wouldn't at all be surprised if you get another turn in Jihad - we have 1 player on the injured reserve and another also temporarily out of action, and until we capture boston (at least 2 players away at the earliest), we are going to take a long time just to get to foreign cities.
as for the shipchain, i was thinking - if Beggarsville or Antium builds a transport every turn, we can extend the ship chain so that we can launch units from one of our islands for a same turn attack on a far away island when the first transport gets there. just have the cruisers running in front of the first transport so that we can create a beachhead first
I'm a little green in non-conversion war games so feel free to critique that idea
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Take one thousand lines:
"I must not bribe partisans!"
to be inscribed with a bradawl on the marble floor of The Institute's main corridor prior to repolishing to a mirror like finish using a toothbrush!
Disband all partisans into a single fanatic and continue the mayhem
Apart from that old lag - good turns ...
(Does the pun survive the Atlantic crossing? In English English an "old lag" is a repeat or long term offender in one of Her Majesty's Penal Institutions)
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