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The Sweetness and Light Game
Unless I hear otherwise, I’ll add ten turns to our greatnesss (I saw greatness & I thought that maybe I could add to it).
Originally posted by obiwan18
AD 340
Rush caravan in pool of radiance.
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Now I think I have a hang of all of these rules.
Goal is to get Mike's chapel in the next seven turns.
1. science, currently researching Monotheism.
2. 8 caravans.
we currently have:
4 built,
2 to be built this turn
2 more in the next 7 turns.
Need to finish Pool of grace and Sticky meanie caravans.
Rush sticky meanie.
Xin beggarsville, techs drop to 13 turns.
Hit enter.
AD 300
1 more caravan needed, pool of grace. 6 turns away, 40 gold needed.
AD 320
Mean City must stop Xinning.
AD 340
Rush caravan in pool of radiance.
AD 360
Babylonians repulse barbarian Legion invasion.
All caravans accounted for, and parked near Mean City.
AD 380
We discover Monotheism!
Select Medicine.
Time to grow grow grow!
Plow all caravans into Mean City.
Taxes shift to 30/0/70.
AD 400
An obscure painter by the name of Michealangelo
defaces the largest chapel on our slender isle with near-obscene frescos.
Oddly, the people are amused.
Pop at 0.87 million.
AD 420
Population leaps to 1.2 million
Raise luxuries to 80 percent to continue celebrations.
AD 440
Population to 1.6 million
Not enough money to build Aqueduct in Mean city.
AD 460
Population to 2 million
Green Meenie, Beggersville grow to size 8.
AD 480
Population to 2.2 million
2 cities can still grow, Maxwell's Hammer and
Pool of grace.
The consul calls for my resignation, and I reluctantly step down.
Science with full-xinning goes down to 6 turns/tech.
I've left 100 gold for the use of my sucessor.
Do us proud!
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Off-continent hut-popping prior to Jihad is forbidden!
Now I have to start over...
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I am probably guilty for not having written who built HG when the AI completed it.
I don't feel guilty at all neither for having chosen MPE, nor for having advised that we should build LH (given the map ).
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Re: Wondering About Wonders...
Originally posted by -Jrabbit
In 550 BC (iirc) we discovered Pottery, selected for study by Bob_Smurf42 in 800 BC.
In 350 BC (iirc) we completed Marco Polo's Embassy under leadership of La Fayette.
That was me. When the LH was built, the Gardens were not available. No turnlog notes on who got it, or when.
Clearly, it's our duty to make superior use of the WoWs we have. Does no good to whine about the ones we don't...
So HG was built during La Fayette's reign... or in the reign of someone in the interim.
We should keep turnlog notes on this stuff Not that we can do anything about it... but so that we can know who to criticise with extreme robustness and constructivity
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Wondering About Wonders...
In 550 BC (iirc) we discovered Pottery, selected for study by Bob_Smurf42 in 800 BC.
In 350 BC (iirc) we completed Marco Polo's Embassy under leadership of La Fayette.
100 BC -- We've got our 200 shields and decide to build... the Lighthouse! (natch) Babs build Great pyramid of Ninevah. Others switch reseach to Great Library.
Clearly, it's our duty to make superior use of the WoWs we have. Does no good to whine about the ones we don't...
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits
OK - How did we miss the Holy Flowers? Who goes to the Institute?
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OK - How did we miss the Holy Flowers? Who goes to the Institute?
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Nicely done, STYOM. The table is set!
Now that we're a Republic, it's time to Celebrate. As cities reach their max sizes, they stop growing and convert to xinning. Ready to rock for the Jedi!
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Originally posted by obiwan18
Good turns, STYOM.
I'll play either Sunday or Monday depending on my church obligations.
I'm sure that will fly.
Otherwise, see you in church.
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Good turns, STYOM.
Nice to see the techs for Mikes arrive.
That's an accomplishment in itself!
I'll see if I can't get Mike's chapel and Monotheism during my turn, and it looks like I'm up.
I'll play either Sunday or Monday depending on my church obligations.
Too tired to play tonight.
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The largely ineffectual reign of King STYOM
STYOM takes over the island Kingdom.
40 AD: We are mean, but unfortunately also lean. Lean in science (15 turns/tech), lean in wonders (no HG ), and lean in friends. Few maps will be forthcoming and nobody likes us. Ah, MGE.
So since we can't expand off this little island... I propose to ICS a bit. There are 3 more obvious city sites on our little rock. We'll attempt to sneak some 'vans to decent AI cities, but I want to have some in storage for when we get Mono. Once we have Philosophy, it may be worth trading for Republic, just to boost the science rate. Come to think of it, a little Xinning might get us where we want to go, faster. Xinning Mean City and Beggarsville will get us Philo next turn, or the one after. We don't want to miss that (Babs and Indians are working on Philo).
hits enter...
Babylonians abandon GL. Americans move capital to Boston
60: Un-Xin Beggarsville and MeanCity. We'll get Philo next turn regardless... and I want to see what comes up as an option.
Thinks for a minute. What do we need for Mikes ? - Horse, Poly, and Mono are what we need. Since we'll get a free tech from Philo (if no-one beats us there), perhaps it should not be Horse...
Contact uncooperative Spanish, gift Construction to get them to Neutral, swap Literacy for Horse. Re-Xin MeanCity.
Americans learn Trade! We gasp in awe!
80: Land sighted by Trireme. A tempting hut must remain unpopped.
100: Philosophy>Polytheism; choose Republic hoping to swap it with someone else and get back towards Mono path. Un-Xin MeanCity, that leaves us at 21 turns/tech! Re-Xinning Beggarsville drops that to 14.
Gift 3 techs to Babylonians, and swap another for Republic. Bought dearly, to be sure, but hopefully we will have the chance to research Mono next turn.
120: Start research on Monotheism Un-Xin Beggarsville, re-Xin MeanCity. Science at 20/tech. Finish buying temple in Sticky Meanie, rename BushtheMeanie to Maxwell's Hammer in an effort to avoid OT discussions Change Caravan production to Horsemen in Maxwell to avoid disorder next turn.
Germans are almost done the GL.
140: A year lacking in significance.
Germans learn Republic, and build the GL. I feel better about doing all my tech swapping before GL was built Romans change production to Colossus; Germans revolt.
160: Romans build Colossus, Germans form Republic.
180: Indians (&Germans) learn Philosophy.
200: Xinning is painfully slow. We are by no means well suited to becoming a Republic right now. Nonetheless, I don't see many better options. We need to get to Mono to solve our unhappiness problems, and we need growth as well. Since we can't grow horizontally, we need to grow vertically (bigger cities). Revolution.
Americans learn Literacy, start Great Wall.
220: Republic formed, taxes at 1.3.6. BadLeroyBrown founded. Science improves marginally to 20/tech.
Romans (&Germans) learn Seafaring.
240: Babylonians learn Bridge Building.
260: BigBadBill founded.
280: GreenMeanie hits size 5 - for the hell of it we decide to Xin. I haven't been Xinning MeanCity and Beggarsville because a) the support issues and b) we are sacrificing a bit of production in Republic and I don't want to lose those shields. As more cities hit size 5, Xinning will be an option. We don't want them much bigger without Mikes.
STYOM retires, feeling like not much was accomplished. We could probably trade for Seafaring without too much effort, but I wanted to avoid it until we had Mono. Also, I haven't been doing any gifting to the Indians, and that might be an idea to reduce research costs.Attached Files
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