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The Sweetness and Light Game

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  • Ben Kenobi
    BUT - I am getting married on Saturday so RL may interfere somewhat ...
    Here's a tip... don't try to play on your honeymoon.

    Congratulations, SG [1]!

    How long have you known?

    Good luck and God bless.

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  • Straybow
    [1] -> [1] -> [1] -> [1]
    Harry: There are two types of women. High maintenance and low maintenance.
    Sally: Which one am I?
    Harry: You're the worst kind. You're high maintenance but you think you're low maintenance.
    I assume that the future SWMBO has already been exposed to the family secret/DL Wonder and will not become a MWHC...

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  • Old n Slow
    [1] -- my best as well -- at least I left you a few coins & a couple of days if you want to squeeze in some game time early.

    But take it from someone who’s been married for half a life, good gaming doesn’t interfere with a good relationship/marriage…and of course, a good relationship/marriage doesn’t interfere (much) with good gaming.

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  • Bloody Monk

    Congratulations you Old Dog!!

    This news makes me very happy for you!!

    I pray that you and 'She Who' have a long, happy and fulfilling life together and that all your dreams come to be. Blessings and Best Wishes, all ways.

    Idle querry: Does she know much about your RAR alter??


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  • atomant
    Its the old I'm getting married on Saturday excuse again. If i had a dollar for everytime I heard that I would probably have one dollar.

    Congrats as well..... don't do anything i would at your ahem... stag party.

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  • Scouse Gits
    Thanks, guys - SWMBO is jealous of (2)!!!
    The crooks would have been sweet - but such is life...


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  • Six Thousand Year Old Man
    Congratulations, [1]!!

    Had we but known, we could have left you 2 dozen vet crusaders as a present... oops, dang it, can't leave the island anyway

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  • -Jrabbit
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    BUT - I am getting married on Saturday so RL may interfere somewhat ...


    Hope (2) isn't too jealous...

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  • Scouse Gits
    Thank you - and yes (but I hope not)


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  • Cyrion
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits

    I am getting married on Saturday so RL may interfere somewhat ...

    Did I read it right?

    Congratulations !

    BTW: in that case, "interfere" might seem kind of an understatement...

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  • Scouse Gits
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    Play Order

    Bloody Monk
    La Fayette
    Old n Slow
    Looks good for Friday Night Strategic Drinking, guys!
    BUT - I am getting married on Saturday so RL may interfere somewhat ...


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  • Old n Slow
    Rather quiet on the southern front.

    Opening up the picture we see lots of.....emptiness; no wait we do have a place to call home. Luxeries are high, but growth opportunities are limited -- mainly due to lack of funds. (Three libraries in process??) It looks like 690+ beakers for the next advance. Hmmmm we're ahead a few techs, first in Pop. but are poor in what it takes to get we opt for some questionable gains...$$$

    Toggle back to 4.3.3

    480 -- Big Bad Bill -- complete the temple (they have an opportunitie to supply dye!) (Babs start KRC)

    500 -- Bad Leroy Brown finishes temple (with a little help from extra contributions) do some other 'adjustments'

    520 -- A boat pulls out of Pool of Grace and sees a whale in sight of land (quick move of a citizen). (India starts the GW, now four pursuing that Wonder)

    540 -- Beggarsville completes market (yeah we switched out of a few libraries...) Bad Leroy Brown makes a dye camel (we have plans for you). Unfortunately, BigBadBill no longer produces dye, so we don't speed the camel up (too much)

    560 -- toggle is now at 7.3.0 (could be 8.2.0 but one of our cities lacks a temple -- now on the list) Money is to buy camels and boats, finish some white stuff

    580 -- more of the same

    600 -- Silver (d) from MH to MC = $60 & a couple of arrows each.

    620 -- more partial & RB

    640 -- Gems (n) Pool of Grace to Madrid = $192g Hmmm a fair distance, a somewhat fair return.

    660 -- We leave a few boats in the water -- one spent ten turns sailing sort of towards Babylon with a Gems Camel (demanded by Ur). Two other boats are laden with goods (only dye is demanded so far) hopefully for Roman lands -- maybe by the the boat from Spain will return & some sort of ship chain can be set up. very quiet for us -- all glory & honor are yours, my successor.
    Attached Files

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  • SCG
    Originally posted by obiwan18
    AD 340
    Rush caravan in pool of radiance.
    anyone for calling our elite forces (vet, most techically advanced) the Silver Blades?

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  • Ben Kenobi
    A game older than Civ2!

    That should read pool of grace.

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  • Bloody Monk
    Originally posted by Old n Slow
    Unless I hear otherwise, I’ll add ten turns to our greatnesss (I saw greatness & I thought that maybe I could add to it).
    By all means, fire when ah, well, build when ready. We have to keep our powder dry for a while yet. Good luck!!


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