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Praise for Deus Ex and a question...

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  • If you're lucky, you can fry Simons with the switch on the wall if he steps on the rails. No muss, no fuss.
    "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
    "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


    • Good idea!



      • Or use cloak and run away behind something.


        • Well, I already tried running away (albeit without cloak)...



          • Yeah, cloak is a good way to either run away or kill him. If you're going the killing route, it takes a few seconds for him to react when you start firing on him and you can get in a few shots before he fires a shot. If those few shots are to the head, that may be all you need anyway...

            If it weren't for the enormous power drain, cloak would be game-breaking.


            • That is what I meant. Use Cloak, hide, cloak off, position yourself, cloak on, fire something heavy, hide, cloak off. Repeat as often as necessary.


              • btw. its nice to hear Simons saying: "you cannot hide forever, Denton" while doing this.


                • Simons also chucks grenades form time to time. If you the field enhancement which predatonates grenades (also useful with flamethrowers) you can let him blow himself up. I saw him pull out a grenade and...*POOF*...there went Simons
                  Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                  Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                  • The Aggressive Defense System is handy, as it also nullifies Simon's Plasma Rifle so long as you don't get too close.

                    I replayed through the game more aggressively and choose it over the Spy Drone, and it made the fight with Simons all too easy, even if it was a little hard to see where I was shooting.


                    • JC Denton:

                      "Another Stone Age is hardly the solution"

                      I met Walton Simmons again... He killed me all the time... As I said above, the Plasma Gun's explosions make the game run pretty bumpy...

                      Finally hit him with the Sniper Rifle a couple of times... Which, BTW, seems to be the favourite gun among MP players...



                      • If you have the speed enhancement you can avoid him the second time also.


                        • Feels like I'm closing in...

                          Create a New Dark Age, Reinstate The Illuminati, or merge with some software...

                          Hm... The only option that hasn't been "demanding" or "evil-sounding" is Tracer Tong... So, unless another option appears I guess a New Dark Age is falling on the earth...

                          Well, I'll snoop around some more first and see if there are any clues...

                          Of course, I'll save and do all three... New Dark Age, Helios, The Illuminati... In that order...



                          • Just got a message from Gary Savage... Seems things are under, eh, "control" in Hong Kong due to Helios...

                            Power corrupts... Absolute power corrupts absolutely, though...

                            Tracer Tong and Savage preaches today's economic, capitalistic, system... Under guidance of basic (current) laws ensuring stability... Individual freedom within legal limits... Sounds allright...



                            • I tried all three endings...

                              Doesn't seem to make much difference, but The Illuminati ending felt darkest (end quote was something like "Better to reign in hell, than to serve in heaven"...

                              What a great game! The atmosphere, the story and most of the dialogue... The fact that you don't have to kill everything in sight...

                              Definitely going to replay it!



                              • ... and I can finally check out the spoiler posts!

                                But first, some sleep... Good night.


