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Praise for Deus Ex and a question...

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  • Thief is good enough to get its own thread.


    • Perhaps when I start playing it, then?



      • Had a great session last night!

        Started about 17.30 (that's GMT + 1) and finished ca 03.30; I reckon that's 10 hours nonstop. Well, had to talk to my wife between 22.30 and 23.00, so make that 9 and a half. With that exception, no pause whatsoever...

        Oh, that sounded horrible... What I mean is, we talked on the phone... We live in different countries presently, so I try to take advantage of all the available gaming time that I possibly can... When she's here such behaviour is, I fear, neither possible nor negotiable...

        I was so into the game that I dreamt about it in some vague way... And when the phone rang at 10.00 this morning and woke me up I thought "What the heck?! I'm sure I turned that camera off?"... Scary!

        A few nice quotes...

        JC Denton: "Bravery is not a function of firepower"

        Exchange between a female and Denton:

        - "You are an assasin?"
        - "When necessary"

        MJ12 commando (those scary-looking big guys with machine guns instead of arms!) after I sniped his partner:

        "Body here - IR showing recent death" (with a cold, mechanical voice)

        Last edited by Carolus Rex; June 11, 2005, 17:26.


        • MJ12 commandos are tough. One of the leaps in combat difficulty in the game. I remember once when I was trying to escape down a narrow corridor in Versalife, a commando kept nailing me with rockets. Dangerous from a distance, dangerous up close...


          • True.

            The sniper rifle is very effective against them, though. I aim for the head; it's like cutting butter with a hot knife...

            In Versalife I was a true chicken... Minimal amount of combat... I just run out of there after having completed the goal... I think you encounter them for the first time in there, no?

            They look great; my favourites together with the military bots (the big ones)...



            • I mostly just ran out of there too, but the Commando in the red marble room is the one I was talking about. He would be at the top of the stairs when I reached the foot, so I had to deal with him as the stairwell was too cramped to try running post him. Ended up closing in and taking him out with the Dragon Tooth's Sword. (It took me a while to figure out that the Sniper Rifle could be used to take them out with one shot. At first I'd shoot for the helmetted head and they'd survive. I finally found the right spot around neck-level. I guess the idea is that's where armor segments connect and are weak.)


              • Maybe it depends on difficulty level?

                Not being too used to shooters (although Deus Ex isn't your typical one), I don't play on the hardest level... But when I replay it, I sure will..



                • I was playing on Medium. (I've begun a replay on Hard, though. Definitely is harder.)


                  • Did you pull off one of the secondary goals in Paris? There is one where you're supposed to go and kill 4 genetically engineered animals, then go back to a woman (whose friends were killed by them) and tell her they're dead.

                    On the way to and fro her you have to pass a room with radiation (IIRC)... Even with a toxic suit and speed enhancement the damage was quite severe... Before trying to go back to her I continued with the mission... Found a med bot and could recharge to 100 % health...

                    Then I tried to run back to her (no suit this time)... It was simply impossible to get to her with more than 50% health left... Going back killed me every time... I couldn't pull it off... Perhaps there's a secret way somewhere to accomplish this?



                    • I simply used my Regeneration augmentation.


                      • Oh...

                        Well... Guess I have to check that out (don't think I chose that one)...



                        • With high enough Medical skill, you could also just heal before going back, I'm sure. Regeneration simply uses Bio Energy rather than medkits to heal you.

                          IIRC it's worth several hundred skill points, but nothing more; you could always just skip it if necessary.


                          • There are at least two radiation suits in that part of the building too. But yes, regen is much better.
                            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                            • Originally posted by Carolus Rex
                              ... (don't think I chose that one)...


                              • I didn't the first time I played through either.
                                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

