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Praise for Deus Ex and a question...

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  • Yep, the speed demos are done in segments, but a higher number of is not necessarily better.

    I like the Half-life run through, but somehow I feel that Deus Ex is not really a game you should run through as fast as you can. (Currently, Im in Hong Kong, dancing and chatting at some club...)


    • Originally posted by antus
      I like the Half-life run through, but somehow I feel that Deus Ex is not really a game you should run through as fast as you can.
      Definitely not. That's for racing games and the like. A game like Deus Ex that actually has atmosphere should not be rushed.

      That said, I think I can grok doing a speed run. It is one way to get fresh play out of the game once you've gone through it too many times already.


      • No game is really one you should rush through, even Doom, which started the craze. Still, it is pretty impressive when people do it, and there is a lot of skill involved.


        • It is an impressive feat and is a valid way to play games. It isn't something I would enjoy doing though.
          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

