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Praise for Deus Ex and a question...

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    Which one did you go for first? Dark Age? That's the one I went for the first time. Didn't trust the Illuminati, didn't know if I could trust Helios.

    The Illuminati ending felt the least darkest to me. Everett seemed surprisingly true to his word about benevolent dictatorship, Denton is alive and not part of a machine, and the ruling Illuminati are all quite mortal, offering the hope for another turnover of power should they screw up.

    One of the reasons I decided against the Helios ending was that it seemed quite adamant about protecting itself, and seemed to have the means to do so. Without immortality, it would be ruling for a long long while if not forever, so if the final result of the Daedalus/Icarus/Denton merger did not make a good dictator, there might not be much the world could do about it unless it had the courage to bring about the Dark Age JC didn't.


    • I generally put myself in my characters shoes and do what I'd do in their place. The Illuminati.
      It's the only ending that doesn't have irrevocable consequences.

      Afterall one could always merge with Helios later, after the risks involved had been calculated. After it had been contained such that negative fallout could be controlled.

      Or one could destroy the global commo hub, after the virus had been contained, the vaccine distributed and a semblance of order re-established everywhere.

      Until then though I'd have to go with the mythical city on the hill ...

      [Edit: Darnit. CR beat me. ]


      • Helios for me. Connected to the net 24/7?
        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


        • Originally posted by Carolus Rex
          I tried all three endings...

          Doesn't seem to make much difference, but The Illuminati ending felt darkest (end quote was something like "Better to reign in hell, than to serve in heaven"...

          What a great game! The atmosphere, the story and most of the dialogue... The fact that you don't have to kill everything in sight...

          Definitely going to replay it!

          It's a great feeling to finish the game isn't it?


          • Originally posted by DrSpike

            It's a great feeling to finish the game isn't it?
            Actually, I felt a little sad...

            I've been playing it so much that it became a normal part of life... I know that sounds extremely corny, but hey, we're all gaming geeks here, right?

            I wish it wouldn't end... I loved starting a (or part of a) new mission... When you have to discover the area, the traps and the various ways to go through with the mission... It's the same feeling I have at the start of a Civ II game, when the map is black and everything is up for discovery...



            • Originally posted by ravagon

              I generally put myself in my characters shoes and do what I'd do in their place. The Illuminati.
              It's the only ending that doesn't have irrevocable consequences.

              Afterall one could always merge with Helios later, after the risks involved had been calculated. After it had been contained such that negative fallout could be controlled.

              Or one could destroy the global commo hub, after the virus had been contained, the vaccine distributed and a semblance of order re-established everywhere.

              Until then though I'd have to go with the mythical city on the hill ...
              Hm, good point... I didn't think that far... In this case I was a "gut player" ()... I liked G Savage's character, he seemed to be a reasonable guy...

              I suspected it would be Myst-like in the end, where 2 out of 3 possible endings are bad outcomes...

              BTW, I haven't found any official add-ons or expansion packs... Wasn't this game a giant hit (commercially)? If it was (which it surely must have been?), then why are there no extra missions?

              Edit: it's obvious, isn't it? What is there to expand on after the dust settles? Still, some pockets of resistance in exotic places somewhere wouldn't be that farfetched, would it? I wouldn't mind going to, say, Rio de Janeiro and smoke out rebels against the new world order in the statue of Jesus...

              Last edited by Carolus Rex; July 2, 2005, 05:27.


              • Originally posted by Carolus Rex

                Actually, I felt a little sad...

                I've been playing it so much that it became a normal part of life... I know that sounds extremely corny, but hey, we're all gaming geeks here, right?

                I wish it wouldn't end... I loved starting a (or part of a) new mission... When you have to discover the area, the traps and the various ways to go through with the mission... It's the same feeling I have at the start of a Civ II game, when the map is black and everything is up for discovery...

                I know exactly what you mean.


                • And hopes for a good sequel are also dashed.
                  I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                  • Originally posted by DrSpike

                    It's a testament to the game that I played it 5 years ago and still remember most of the parts you describe.
                    5 years... 5 years of ignorance on my part... What other gold nuggets are there out there, waiting for me?



                    • Originally posted by Skanky Burns

                      Even something for non-violent people.
                      Yes... I'm truly lousy when it comes to shoot-outs... I prefer to sneak in the dark... That's why I have great expectations about Thief!



                      • Originally posted by Carolus Rex

                        5 years... 5 years of ignorance on my part... What other gold nuggets are there out there, waiting for me?

                        Play System Shock 2 next. Second only to Deus Ex in the story heavy RPG flavoured FPS (a small but perfectly formed genre) it is certainly the most atmospheric game I've ever played.


                        • System Shock 2 I played Shock first and Deus Ex second many years later, my old computer couldn't handle the latter.
                          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                          • SS2 is certainly up there with the greats.
                            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                            • SS2 is even better with the graphic updates.
                              Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                              Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                              • Originally posted by DrSpike

                                Play System Shock 2 next. Second only to Deus Ex in the story heavy RPG flavoured FPS (a small but perfectly formed genre) it is certainly the most atmospheric game I've ever played.
                                Yes... Don't remember if it was a thread about Deus Ex that opened my eyes to System Shock II or the other way around (or was it in a MOHAA thread, featuring ravagon?)...

                                But as I understand it, those are two great games (and for long the only ones in the genre?)... I've read some great reviews about System Shock...

                                I'm buying System Shock II as planned from "down under" + Fallout 1 and 2 + Planescape: Torment...

                                Perhaps I should hold it off a little bit, though... Play something different first...


