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[serious] Off Topic Moderation Input - Part 2

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  • And he recently crapped on Jack Layton's memorial thread as well. Apparently he's designated himself the arbiter of who we're allowed to mourn. 9/11 victims: yes. Iraqis: no. Canadian liberals: no.
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    • Isn't hating 9/11 a good thing?
      Hating the commemoration of it, no.
      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


      • If you didn't consistently act like a terrible human being then you might get the benefit of the doubt sometimes. As it stands, only a fool, a newbie, or another terrible human being would assume that your intentions were anything but malicious.
        So, you admit to having double standards? Great.

        Number of dead people Doc has crapped on: zero.
        Uh, he crapped on alot of people yesterday. I just happen to be saying what they believe and kept to themselves.

        He could have stayed out of the thread. He chose to make it something it wasn't. I gave him another thread where he could post to his hearts content, and stay out of the other thread.

        Some people here did in fact lose friends at 9-11. Now, Doc's a doctor, presumably he's had to give the bad news to people. I'm sure he understands their pain. Why he can't do that for 9-11 makes no sense to me.
        Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
        "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


        • And he recently crapped on Jack Layton's memorial thread as well. Apparently he's designated himself the arbiter of who we're allowed to mourn. 9/11 victims: yes. Iraqis: no. Canadian liberals: no.
          Then you should be agreeing with me that Doc's conduct was beyond the pale. Your move, Loin. Double standards are a fun thing.
          Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
          "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


          • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
            Hating the commemoration of it, no.
            Hm. Perhaps you should have said that, then. Must have been another typo on your part. Why is it that all of your arguments need retroactive modifications?
            Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
            "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


            • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
              So, you admit to having double standards? Great.
              Yes, I dislike evil people far more than I dislike ethical people. I suppose you, as the pinnacle of tolerance, love everybody equally, including Muslims, liberals, and homosexuals.
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              • Yes, I dislike evil people far more than I dislike ethical people.
                Just so we have it clear.

                Pissing on 9-11 victims, is ok. Calling an admitted commie 'Jack Lenin' is not.

                I suppose you, as the pinnacle of tolerance, love everybody equally, including Muslims, liberals, and homosexuals.
                Heh, I've lived with all three. I've yet to live with a Christian landlord. Yes, I did love them, even the liberal who used to beat his native gf to a pulp every evening and brought prostitutes home every night. Enough so to drive his ass back and forth to work every day when he got busted for drunk driving.

                Even the satanist who's a good family friend. I can love a person while hating what they do.
                Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


                • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
                  Pissing on 9-11 victims, is ok
                  Where did Doc say that the 9/11 victims deserved to die? I'm unable to find the quote. If you could post and link to it then I would be better able to understand what you're so angry about.

                  If you're angry that he talked about something related to but not explicitly about the 9/11 victims, i.e. if you believe that memorial threads should only contain posts such as "RIP dead person/people," then how can you possibly think that it was appropriate to make your "Jack Lenin" snipe?
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                  • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
                    Respectful? No. Every-man? Hah, no. Integrity? Also no. And certainly not by most. Most Canadians did not like Mssr. Layton. Most Canadians were afraid of him, enough so to vote in Harper of all people.

                    That's the reaction that he got from where I am. Fear. No, Mr. Layton is not well-liked. Sure, by some he is but not by all. So please do not claim to speak for all Canadians as you did previously. Speak for yourself.
                    Doc's "crapping" on the 9/11 victims by mentioning dead people who you don't care about does not even come close to being as distasteful as this.

                    Doc posted in a memorial thread to mourn how the victims' deaths were used for malicious purposes. You posted in a memorial thread to **** on a dead person, and now you have the audacity to lie through the teeth about the extent of your actions ("all I did was call him Jack Lenin that's not so bad"). The thread is on page 5, next time try waiting longer to lie about it.
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                    • Where did Doc say that the 9/11 victims deserved to die?
                      Where did I say Layton deserved to die?

                      I'm unable to find the quote. If you could post and link to it then I would be better able to understand what you're so angry about.
                      You can hack it, tough guy. It's right there.

                      If you're angry that he talked about something related to but not explicitly about the 9/11 victims
                      Basically, tehir deaths are meaningless. That is callous.

                      if you believe that memorial threads should only contain posts such as "RIP dead person/people," then how can you possibly think that it was appropriate to make your "Jack Lenin" snipe?
                      Better question. If you think the Jack Lenin snipe was disrespectful, why are you defending Doc?
                      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                      2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                      • Doc posted in a memorial thread to mourn how the victims' deaths were used for malicious purposes.
                        That's crapping on the thread. Saying all Canadians believe X, is a good way to get someone to speak up and correct that statement.

                        Every year someone takes a dump on the 9-11 thread, it's like a sport. Then the commies get their panties in a twist when someone does that to them. Doubtle standards, like yours aree hilarious.
                        Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                        "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                        2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                        • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
                          Where did I say Layton deserved to die?
                          You didn't - you said he didn't deserve to be mourned.
                          Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
                          You can hack it, tough guy. It's right there.
                          No, it's not - you're lying as usual. Post the link where he said anything remotely malicious about the 9/11 victims.
                          Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
                          Basically, tehir deaths are meaningless. That is callous.
                          Where did he say that they're meaningless? Please post the quote.
                          Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
                          Better question. If you think the Jack Lenin snipe was disrespectful, why are you defending Doc?
                          You insulted a dead person. Doc did not post anything malicious about the 9/11 victims.
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                          • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
                            That's crapping on the thread.
                            Please post The Rules For Memorial Threads. I'm trying to understand how you can keep a straight face when attacking Doc when your own actions are an order of magnitude worse.
                            Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
                            Doubtle standards, like yours aree hilarious.
                            The irony of this statement is painful. You are one of the most (if not the most) unethical people on Apolyton, while at the same time you are one of the most (if not the most) obnoxious and facile moral crusaders on Apolyton.
                            Last edited by loinburger; September 13, 2011, 15:34.
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                            • I'm trying to understand how you can keep a straight face when attacking Doc when your own actions are an order of magnitude worse.
                              I'm trying to keep a straight face on you trying to square the circle. At least now I've got your seal of approval.

                              You are one of the most (if not the most) unethical people on Apolyton, while at the same time you are one of the most (if not the most) obnoxiously moralist people on Apolyton.
                              Ok, cite examples of both, please. Where have I ever said that I'm niot a horrible sinner who needed Christ's redemption?
                              Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                              "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                              2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                              • So, to be clear, mourning that somebody's death was used for malicious purposes is Bad / Crapping On Them. Saying that a dead person was a terrible human being is A-OK.
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