The problem with you, Ben, is that you assume that you have the correct answer to everything,
Obviously, I had to change and reconsider some of the things that I believed in order to convert to Catholicism in the first place. I don't have the correct answer on everything, but I believe that the Church does.
and that you are so certain about it that you deliberately twist facts to support whatever rickety "truths" you've come to, regardless of the truth.
You've done away with the reason and the free will that your deity has imbued you with, relying instead on a text you assume is, for all intents and purposes, immutable and unchanging instead of being very much alive.
1. I've said over and over again, scripture AND tradition. Neither of which is one document or text. Your complaint doesn't apply to me then, or me now. I was expecting something along the lines of you getting your marching orders from the pope, etc.
Yes, I believe scripture is unchanging, but tradition is not. That is why they balance one another. I've even been confronted with a change in the tradition of the Catholic Church that I find rather difficult to accept, but then since none of you really follow the Catholic church, you'd not be able to name the change or when it occurred.
Instead of having the actual integrity to then follow that book, you've done what all of the televangelists and "Christian" conservatives have done, picking and choosing passages you like, and ignoring the rest wholesale: somethings have to be seen through the lens of the era, while others are still valid?
Even more egregiously, instead of actively questioning and seeking the truths behind your beliefs, you've chosen instead to rely on the sophistry that the charlatans in cloth like Ted Haggard, Pat Buchanan, and Jerry Falwell have used so effectively, sanctifying your hate and making a mockery of actual critical thought.
I'm of the Scott Hahn wing of the Church. I think you belong to the Pelosi/Kennedy wing.