Originally posted by Bosh
Perhaps I am trolling a bit, but this is supposed to be THE Book some ultimate font of wisdom and then it goes on and on with obsessions over dick size and infantile revenge fantasies, which makes it hard to take seriously.
Maybe you can make it make sense, I'm willing to listen you're the only person who's ever explained faith in a way that made any sense at all to me...
Perhaps I am trolling a bit, but this is supposed to be THE Book some ultimate font of wisdom and then it goes on and on with obsessions over dick size and infantile revenge fantasies, which makes it hard to take seriously.
Maybe you can make it make sense, I'm willing to listen you're the only person who's ever explained faith in a way that made any sense at all to me...
The bible is many things put together: history book, hymnal, book of law and more. It's "from God" in the sense that it is our canon, but I at least don't think ol' I AM dictated it word-for-word to Moses or Samuel, reminding him to "be sure to include the bit about donkey penis, that's very important!" It's a collection of various records from the past used as the foundation of the faith, compiled as a sort of anthology. None of the things in it were originally written with the anticipation that they would be printed and given to hotels by the Gideons milennia in the future. Naturally, it contains a great variety of information. Also, most of the stuff in it was passed down by an oral tradition before being written. If you read an ancient epic like the Tain or Iliad, you find a similar tangle of ideas resulting from the conflation of many different traditions.
I imagine it's very different for the hardcore protestants, "presuppositionalists" I think they're called, who think of it as a totally monolithic work and believe everything true IRL is true only because the bible mentions it in some obscure way. But I don't believe such rubbish.