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The Most Dominating Aircraft Ever?

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  • Originally posted by paiktis22
    Serb, don't waste your time with Alexander's Horse. He's australian. In a few years indenesia or philipoiness will invade and they weill all be killed.
    No great loss just a bunch of criminals and kangooroos
    How could you say so!!!!!
    Kangooroos are so cool animals.
    And to all others oh how brave you are 100 against 1. When the odds are even you always run away.
    No you are wrong again. As everybody explained to me there, it is a sign of great power to to create a gang of 100 against 1.
    Get one on one you bufoons
    I suggest we are the only people here who are prefer fights of 1 vs. 1. Other guys think that it is much fair and much more entertaining to hit one with gang of many.


    • Originally posted by Serb

      How could you say so!!!!!
      Kangooroos are so cool animals.
      True I propose a "humanitarian" mission to save them when the indonesians arrive

      No you are wrong again. As everybody explained to me there, it is a sign of great power to to create a gang of 100 against 1.
      Well I know Chris62. He's a good guy. Sometimes he gets a bit warmed up in the heat of the battle (he has Greek blood in him )
      You could have a nice discussion with him if 99% of american Apolyton didn;t get in for the "fun".

      I suggest we are the only people here who are prefer fights of 1 vs. 1. Other guys think that it is much fair and much more entertaining to hit one this gung of many.
      It happens everytime there is a controversial issue that goes against what is perceived as the "norm". Remember this forum is largely angloamerican so they have their own misconceptions of things that have nothing to do with what the world thinks.


      • Originally posted by paiktis22
        True I propose a "humanitarian" mission to save them when the indonesians arrive
        But, what we are waiting for? Let's launch a "humanitarian bombardments" for a period of month and then send there an allied Greek/Russian forces to protect Kangooroos from genocide. Ah... and will need an support of mass media to describe as heroes after that.

        Well I know Chris62. He's a good guy. Sometimes he gets a bit warmed up in the heat of the battle (he has Greek blood in him )
        I don't know why he become so angry, I've just asked for more information, but he said that I called him a liar. Strange people those Americans.

        Remember this forum is largely angloamerican so they have their own misconceptions of things that have nothing to do with what the world thinks.
        I'm always remember about this, those guys so funny.


        • Originally posted by Serb

          But, what we are waiting for? Let's launch a "humanitarian bombardments" for a period of month and then send there an allied Greek/Russian forces to protect Kangooroos from genocide. Ah... and will need an support of mass media to describe as heroes after that.
          Nice idea And we can get photographs with the heroes next to the "persecuted" kangooroos

          Humanitarian bombardments yes the biggest joke ever

          We bomb you but we love you we do it for your own good

          I don't know why he become so angry, I've just asked for more information, but he said that I called him a liar. Strange people those Americans.
          Many people, many americans have military experience here. They are/were soldiers. So they are patriotic

          I'm always remember about this, those guys so funny.
          It is another world Serb The British have a better sense of how things are (of how the rest of the world thinks they are anyway).


          • Originally posted by Serb
            All your words absolutely correct, if applied to you.
            Sorry sonny, it's for you.
            The SU felt in 1991 and I'm not sure now that you was in Murmansk in 1991 as you said earlier.
            Murmansk is a navel station, I was at Polynarev, near it.
            You sure are confused, but considering your assinine posts, it's not surprissing in the least.
            It is very, very strange that you was in SU in 1991 and at the same time you believe that this country felt in 1989.
            It's very strange that sometimes your posts are in broken English and in others they are not.
            Conclusion is your a phoney.

            Bullsh!t. None Soviet republic declared independence in 1989. The SU remained as solid country until 1991. Where did you get this?
            The Soviet enpire dissolved in 89, and we both know it.
            Grow up little boy, none of the pact nations controlled their own destiny till that time.
            And tell us, dear Serb, why you think you know more if you claim to be from the slum known as Serbia?

            So, you are agreed that you deny history?
            That wiould be you, pay attention.

            As well as you are.
            No, I know what I'm talking about, unlike you dear boy.
            I bet you run back and forth in your room screaming "I love Russia, it is so great"! while you wait for your mommy to make you lunch.
            Your such a cute boy.

            Argumentivness? You deny all my arguments or pretend that you didn't notice them.
            Pulling comments out of your ass aern't arguments.
            The Russians agree with me, not you.
            You continue to be the only one who thinks the way you do.
            You bury your head in a sand and sound like broken record: "American planes is the best, because everyone knows about that, (because we saying this to eveyone and everywhere)". You have brilliant arguments.
            That is the third time you simply wrote what I did as a reversal, yet further proof you have no original thought.

            Why should I stop to waving a Russian flag? Is allowed only to Americans to wave a national flag. Everybody else has no right for this?
            If you want to continue to look like a fool, be my guest.
            As for me you sounds no less funny- "No, no, you are stuipid, Americans are the greatest, all thing Americans are great, all things Russians are crap, if you deny this you are an idiot."
            The problem with you comments is I didn't say that.
            Go back and look, especialy the long post I wrote that covers WWI through Korea.
            The problem with a fellow like you is you just assume and jump in with silly comments.
            And I laugh everytime I hear-" Russians steal everything from USA and Russians equipment is crap".
            Too bad that also happens to be 100% correct.
            I had a nice laugh at that Russian "experimental plane" you posted, it is a design the USA rejected in 85.
            The "latest" Russian fighter is a carbon copy of the F-15 Eagle with a slightly different nose, and it's avianoics are a joke.
            But Russia never copies anything.

            A sure sign of ignorence is thinking that Mig's are decades behind F-15.
            We would say centuries but the Migs aern't that bad.
            Their combat performance (the Migs) has been abysmal since the 1960s, but I'm sure you will still claim they "sweep the skys!"

            About time I showed sarcasm.
            Yes, considering all you have shown is iggnorence thus far.
            Though it is fun to see that the east still produces deluded people who love to ignore the truth, same as the old days.
            I bet you cried when the Berlin wall fell.

            Really? What about dozens of countries who prefer to buy our planes?
            They have one advantage over Western equipment.
            They are cheap.
            You can buy a lot more, and many petty dictators Russia sells two love numbers, quality never plays a part.
            Big money buyers like Saudi Arabia and Japan but Western planes, hurting fools like Saddam buy Russian equipment.

            Sure, I will.
            Your imagination must know no bounds.
            Why don't you start with types?
            BTW, I'm aware of the "great" raid on Berlin in 41, it was a night attack that was so laughable the Germans didn't know they had been bombed!

            I've never said so, I've said exactly opposite- that Serbians didn't have a single chance to win because you have ten times more planes then they.
            Yes, and we wanted Slobo in a court room, and that is where the murdering scum is now.
            Your little land will do what we want, same as always, but you can dream of a reborn Soviet Union, but remember this:
            We buried the last one, and piss on it's grave, and we will do so again.
            Have a nice day, so nice talking to you.
            I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
            i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


            • Originally posted by Urban Ranger

              What about the Me-109, the Me-190, and the Me-262?
              The ME-262 was a superior fighter, but it did have its own set of disadvantages.

              In steep dives, allied prop planes actually were faster.

              During take off and landing, the Nazi jets were terribly vulnerable. Many allied patrols focused primarily on airfields that housed me-262's.

              The biggest disadvantage was Hitler's fault. He wanted the jets to be bombers instead of fighters and delayed their production by 6 months. Even when it was apparant that he made a mistake, he only allowed every 20th jet to be built as a fighter.

              It's scary because if the ME-262 had been originally built as a fighter. The Nazis would have had air superiority, and would have been able to fight off the invasion at Normandy.


              • In terms of dominating aircraft... the F-14 wins... hands down.

                No other aircraft in the history of flight has had such an advantage over its opponents in every role of an aircraft.

                The F-14 is fast, can carry a huge weapon load, has the most sophisticated radar system, and is one of the most economical jets.

                The F-22 might take the F-14's spot as most dominating, but it remains to be seen if it can dish it out in battle.

                BTW, most of the top brass in the military and aircraft industry agree about the F14.


                • Originally posted by Sava
                  BTW, most of the top brass in the military and aircraft industry agree about the F14.
                  Huh??? I'm an avid reader of Aviation Week... and that's not what the experts say The F/A 18 Super Hornet is far better than the F14 for carrier based service.
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • so much for russian - american reapprochment...


                    • Hot air balloons in the War Between The States were awesome.
                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                      "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                      He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                      • Originally posted by paiktis22
                        so much for russian - american reapprochment...
                        Not until they buy are planes and have lots of McDonalds! We will never relent..


                        • Originally posted by Ming

                          Huh??? I'm an avid reader of Aviation Week... and that's not what the experts say The F/A 18 Super Hornet is far better than the F14 for carrier based service.
                          Maybe in Naval Operations and Air Superiority... but as an all purpose fighter, the F-14 is king.


                          • Originally posted by Sava
                            Maybe in Naval Operations and Air Superiority... but as an all purpose fighter, the F-14 is king.
                            Then how come the FA/18's beat the snot out of F-14's in military exercises
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • Helloooo?

                              All you happy family there?

                              Why don't we all chill like Ming says and not starting to call eachother's names.

                              Just take it from the begginning.

                              Facts against facts. Although I know you tried to do that.

                              If that's just a flame war fine.

                              Not until they buy are planes and have lots of McDonalds! We will never relent..
                              EU has McDonald's and we are as abnoxious as always So that's not a cure faded


                              • Why you not typed 100.5 to 1 or 572.4 to 1?
                                Because 9.6 to 1 is a true figure. I learned that in my Naval History course at the University of Minnesota, and it was reconfirmed during Naval Aicrew Candidate School in Pensacola, FL.

                                F-22 is no less a tech demonstrator then Su-47. With only differnce that SU-47 have far superior desine. The wings you are failed to do.
                                I assume you are talking about the forward sweep of the wings. The Advanced Technology Demonstrator had those as well. 20 years ago.

                                And, how can you call the F-22 a demonstraor when it has alrady been budgeted for the fleet? (or the force, I guess it would be in air force lexicon.)

                                The Mig-25 was build in 1966 and it is not manufactured anymore, since 1985. But it is still the fastest fighter in the world capable to flight at Speed -3000 km/h. None fighter in the world beats its speed record.
                                From 1966 to 1985 the conveyor is busy producing MiG-25 - an aircraft fully composed of steel and titan. It had no analogues in the world by then and the plant is proud to have been the only manufacturer of such a plane. MiG-25 was represented in 3 versions: attack aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft and 2-seater fighter-trainer.
                                Ok, so its fast. Big deal. Can it outrrun a missile. No. Is it maneuverable enough to evade one? Probably not in most cases. Is it just a frame with two big engines on it? Yes.

                                It is more then 1000 miles from place where I live to ocean. I'm glad that I've anger you enough if you ready to start WW3 because of me. Go ahead launch your heavy bombers, I'm waiting. Btw, our heavy bombers can easily reach any place in USA.
                                First of all, it takes a lot more to get me angry. Actually, this is quite a fun discussion. Aviation in general, and naval aviation in particular are kind of a career for me, so I am having fun here.

                                And yes, I realize that your heavy bombers have the range to get anywhere in the world as weell. The problem is, the USN and USAF (and the ANG) are all capable of detecting and shooting down those forces. In any situation that required long range strikes by heavy bombers, both sides would take heavy losses, but I would place my money on the US bomber fleet, just because of the capabilities of the more advanced planes to destroy air defenses and allow other planes in.

                                I'm always remember about this and feel very safe knowing that sky under my head controlled by Russian Air Forces.
                                But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
                                If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
                                He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
                                But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker

